Here's a trend that should resonate across the nation as thousands of hacks for national sites like Salon, Slate, Vox and other MSM will opine about the history of women changing the political fortunes in the Heartland. Here's the lead up:

4th Kansas lawmaker switches to Democratic Party


TOPEKA, KS (AP) - A Kansas state senator has switched to the Democratic Party to become the fourth moderate suburban Kansas City lawmaker to leave the Republican Party in a week.

Republican moderates state Sen. Dinah Sykes and state Rep. Stephanie Clayton announced they are changing parties. They followed the path of a moderate Republican state Sen. Barbara Bollier, who earlier this month became a Democrat.

State Sen. Dinah Sykes of Lenexa said Wednesday that she could either fight to change the GOP or fight for her constituents. She won her seat in 2016.

We'll probably follow-up on this one so be sure to leave halfway usable comments for some blog community quotes.

Developing . . .


  1. She's likely not going to be reelected and will be virtually powerless in her office now given the majority in Kansas. She's not fighting for her constituents, she's leaving them with very little representation and taking the spotlight for herself!

  2. Better title: B*tches leave!

  3. She's actually doing the right thing. What have the Republicans done for women? They want to take away healthcare, lower our wages and then silence our voices. There is no self respecting woman who could be a Republican in Kansas. This is just the beginning. Glad to see she is making the right change!

    1. TrAngela K for the....loss.

  4. This is not news. I think these ladies were always Democrats who found it easier and more opportune to run as Republicans. Actually, we have quite a few in Kansas, including Kevin Yoder, who was Chairman of the Collegiate Young Democrats at KU before he decided to run for office. They just have found it easier to be Democrats now, so they have revealed their true colors.

  5. if Republicans lose Kansas. it's over.

    Blame Trump.

  6. Johnson County is now Democratic Party country.

    The Republicans are done here.

  7. Of course she's leaving the Grand O'l Pervert party. I mean who identifies as a Republican these days? Old geezers and young perverts? That's it. Nobody with any common sense or smarts supports the Republikkkns anymore.

  8. Donald Trump was a liberal Democrat before he became a "Republican".

  9. 11:28 is completely wrong. Republicans have the Presidency, the Senate,
    the majority of governorships and the majority of state legislatures.

  10. ^^^ For now.

    Looks like women are changing their minds about Republican rule. If you lose women and young people start voting, you're finished!

  11. If there was any real, non-cosmetic, difference between the two parties, this might matter.

  12. Those ladies need a lot of cosmetics.

  13. Steve Rose is next, which will make it 5 KS women; that’s not just a blue wave, it’s a blue tidal wave! And any woman or tranny that is at all like Angela K deserves to have their voice silenced.

  14. Angela K

    There is no self respecting women in the united states who could be a democrat.
    Republicans did not take health care away from women it's a plain fact that we do not want to pay for abortions from whores like you!!!!!! Get your damn facts straight.

    From a women who thinks you're a scum bag idiot!

  15. ^^well since you're a woman, what you think doesn't count. Now get your ass back into the kitchen and make me a sandwich!! That's all GOP wives are good for. Play the good wife role and shut your hole!

  16. Women like free stuff, the pinko Demoncrats represent the Free Shit Army and white women want in on it. The Republicans will figure out how to pay for it later.

  17. All I can say about Sykes is she lost at least one vote for sure. Didn't really accomplish anything anyway.

  18. @ 158 - How about a tax on tampons and bladder leak underpanties.

  19. I notice that these women who are switching to the Democratic Party are sexually unattractive. They wait until age or weight gain has made them no longer useful to the Republicans. Nobody is lining up to get on these old or fat women.

  20. This has nothing to do with women's health care.
    It is about them wanting to continue to kill their babies.

  21. These wannabe power pussies are hoping that with Granny Kelly in the governor’s mansion they might be tapped for bigger and better things than their current roles. Like most politicians, they’d sell their mothers to the devil if it meant any sort of advancement.

  22. Good riddance. Next man up.

  23. seems a bit fraudulent to switch parties right after and election...need to be thrown out at next one.

  24. All you anti-abortion zealots ponder this: you've elected Republicans for decades yet it is still legal, why is that? You had the majority during all the Reagan, Clinton, Obama, and both years of Trump and nothing has been done about abortion. Why is that? Think maybe you have been played all these years for your vote? They talk about abortion in their campaigns and once elected do nothing about it yet you keep voting for the same people. You're like Charlie Brown always missing the football. A whole lot of Trump voters and yourselves need to know when you're being conned. You are being conned right now. Doesn't it get old playing the fool?

  25. The mask is off these people: all of them admit they only ran as Republicans in order to "change" the GOP. They never believed in the party that supported them, they were only there to destroy it.

    Clayton's nothing but an attention whoring loser whose cried wolf so many times with her phony accusations the only thing she could do now to get in the news is changes parties.


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