Hey Everybody, This Rich White Lady Is The Future Of Kansas City Journalism

Kudos to the gringa who is bringing back upscale reporting in order to chase ad money from the last remaining retailers in Kansas City. It's a tough bet but she's got enough money that it doesn't matter much if she wins or loses.

Accordingly, here's an article on entertaining that may or may not be advocating suicide for the holidays:

Our Diva of Dinner Parties Addresses the Tricky Art of Feeding the Multitudes - In Kansas City

On a wintry night a long time ago, my husband and I went to a dinner party to honor a newly engaged friend and her fiancé. Somehow, I had inferred from the invitation that it was to be a seated dinner and when we arrived, my heart sank.


  1. I'm sure all the parties along MLK Blvd...I mean Paseo Blvd...requires knives and the guests bring their own of various lengths.

  2. On the Paseo, knives aren’t required for dinner parties. They eat fried chicken with there hands. Just ask the fat fake revruns.

  3. She didn’t say why the couple at the engagement party had a marriage that didn’t work out. Was the bride getting fucked on the side?

    1. Well, it certainly is possible that the bride was a slut. There are quite a few hot married sluts in Prairie Village that are easy to fuck, no strings attached.

    2. Yes, on the side, on top, from behind, and on the bottom...

  4. It's snotty JoCo WASPs like this bitch is why my wife and I enjoy staying in and entertaining ourselves anymore.

    Pretty sure the host won't be inviting this old hag back.

  5. whites of "old money"

  6. Hope they put some section ape housing near her.


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