Right now it's our honor to share this COMPREHENSIVE look at FAILING Kansas City finances. Checkit:

Like the waistlines of James and Schulte: KCMO City Management and Political Leadership Always Embrace Budget Expansion With Higher Taxes

City Of Kansas City, Missouri


(MAY 2018 – APRIL 2019)

Adopted final budget = $1,665,694,621

481,400 estimated (2016) KCMO population = $3,460.11 per resident

A 4.4 percent increase in spending over the previous year.

The city remains in violation of its stated goal of maintaining a 2 month operating expenditure in reserve.

Public Safety accounts for over 76 percent of the General Fund operating budget. City leaders apparently have no interest or ability in wresting control of this expansionary growth that threatens the economic viability of the city.

The Police Department budget increases again with more money for wages and benefits. Downtown parking control will be transferred to the Police Department, and estimates are that this will generate nearly $4.5 million in additional parking revenue. (Read: More Tickets Issued)

The Fire Department budget increases as well, with wages, benefits, and projected overtime growth. City leadership is incapable of reigning in Fire Department overtime pay, despite years of highlighted abuses.

Quote from KCMO Budget: "Public Safety is the largest non-enterprise category, and one of the fastest growing activities. A significant shift in spending priorities to public safety in the last 10 years has impacted the City’s ability to address long-term liabilities and other critical non-public safety functions."

The Facilities Management budget includes $785,000 to lease the 4400 Blue Parkway Building for the Department of Neighborhoods and Housing Services. H&R Block vacated the building in 2010, but continues to make lease payments to Swope Neighborhood Builders. KCMO would assume the expensive lease on the building from H&R Block.

Earnings Taxes = $258.9 million

Forecast assumption: 2.5% annual increase.

Individuals pay 84 percent of the total, businesses contribute 16 percent.

KC residents: 1% Non-residents who work in KC: 1% Business net profits earned in the City: 1%

MATH: 258,900,000 X 0.16 = $41,424,000 = 1 percent of reported business net profits earned in the City.

This means that 100 percent of KCMO business net profits earned in the City = $4,142,400,000 = $4.14 Billion.

This is a woefully under-reported figure!

Do you believe that businesses are incentivized to under-report their net profits to avoid paying the 1-percent earnings tax in KCMO?

If they are, how would citizen taxpayers ever discover the truth?

Does the city of KCMO have the legal/finance department to even verify business reporting?

Earnings Tax collections are kept behind a KCMO firewall to prevent the public from viewing the data. Would you be angry to discover that certain businesses are given a pass when it comes to paying their fair share of the Earnings Tax?

Capital Improvements 1.000%
Parks & Recreation 0.500%
Public Mass Transportation 0.500%
Fire 0.250%
Public Safety 0.250%
Central City 0.125%
KCATA 0.375%
Forecast assumption: 1.5% annual increase.

General Purpose $0.6834
Debt Service $0.2707
Health Levy $0.6837
Museum $0.0190
Forecast assumption: 1.5% annual increase.

Utility Residential / Commercial
Electric 6.0% 4.0%
Natural Gas 6.0% 4.0%
Telecom 6.0% 4.0%
Cable 5.0% 5.0%
Steam 2.4% 1.6%
Water 2.0% 2.0%
Forecast assumption: 3.5% annual increase.

Hotel/Motel 7.5%
Restaurant 2.0%
Forecast assumption: 1.5% annual increase.

RESIDENT PRIORITIES based upon an annual Resident Survey response from 4,399 households who completed the survey via mail, over the phone, or online. The two major categories of City services with the highest level of satisfaction were: 1) Quality of fire and ambulance services 2) Quality of airport facilities

Which begs the question, "Why have city leaders been pushing so hard to force a new extremely expensive terminal upon residents?"


Developing . . .


  1. So what are we getting for this money?

    Doesn't look like much, just more twitter updates and taxes.

    1. Not fair. Sly is making KC frosty again.

    2. THIS is how KC goes bankrupt.

  2. Where did this info-data come from?

  3. ^^^ Tony's scientific research team gathered and produced it.

  4. Not a single word about repairing the failed infrastructure.

  5. Kansas City #5 most murderous city in the country. How charming.

    Any other questions?

  6. ^^^Yes, how many times a day do you change your diaper? Also, what do you watch besides Matlock? And, how do you get groceries and other necessities being such a cowardly piece of shit?

  7. My guess is the airport (construction jobs) is the only thing that would stall this city a while longer from plunging into insolvency as the financial crisis unfolds.

  8. ^^^ @8:20 and that doesn't include all the other crime in this recent "college grad", hipster, and kidult shit hole of the northern hemisphere.

  9. From City of Fountains to City of Shit Holes

    Thank you SLie for the fine work you and your crew have done.

  10. You're welcome! KC rules! We have to many geezers with low IQ's, but don't worry..they aren't getting any younger! Am I right? Up top! Yeaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

  11. Younger dumber


  12. Why do the city leaders push expensive terminal upon residents????

    Because idiots like 8:22 keep putting up with it, and have no clue other than to talk about diapers. That's so intelligent right? NOT!

    Live in K.C. and you get nothing for your money, it is high crime and becoming a blighted city. But hey, I guess we can all go BM in the new terminal!

  13. City minions out if full force today on TKC trying to defend city.


    click on the link to review the document

  15. Geriatric fucktards out in full force on TKC today. Complaining about everything.

  16. 8:22 8:32 9:00
    Butt boi up early. Mama rubbed the Vicks and told him how cute he is. Now he goes to his list of buzz words like diaper and Matlock and geezer. The adults can have fun with him.

  17. ^^^Help! We've got a geezer stroking out!!! He's mumbling gibberish!

  18. The Bitter Truth11/15/18, 9:36 AM

    That's how a democratic society works for you. More taxes and more taxes so more and more can sit at home on their butts playing on TKC as the likes of 9:25 does all day.

    What he fails to understand is that the geezers he hates make it possible for him to be a fucking loser all day.

  19. At least the wrist bending hipsters have their scooters to frolick around on while taking insta and snap selfies. I should have just gone straight to the kcmo fire department after high school to make six figures more easily. Maybe I could have been a cultural diversity director or something along those lines to hold “the arts” events in KC and make another easy six figures. Paid for by you.

    Do you notice the trend in KC when it comes to initial tax payer costs and actual costs? All the shiny new things they show you at a certain price point, and then down the road the true costs are revealed? No accountability for the misleading or errors. You never hear leadership in kcmo talking about being fiscally conservative or trying to save money.

    And to the angry queer who talks about matlock and diapers I’m in my 30s. Unlike you I’ve been around the world and have experienced so much, and still have so much more to see and accomplish. You, are just a pathetic man child who probably has a man purse. I can’t even imagine the emotional meltdowns you display in front of people for attention.

  20. ^^^^If you're only in your 30's, you should go ahead and kill yourself now. You're boring as fuck.

  21. @9:36-TL/DR. Agree with 9:36-BORING! Less is more.

  22. 8:22: What time is Matlock on? Inquiring minds want to know!

  23. ^^Maude, you know that shit...get real.

  24. Wow 76% of operating budget is a Huge Freaking Slice of the Pie for police fire (and ambulance in the post MAST era). The city council should have a list of every police & fire employee who earns over seventy thousand dollars and keep a steady eye on it to stop overtime abuse. Are we allowed to call foul or is this not supporting our "first responders"? By the way I never heard the phrase "first responder" until about five years ago. It is a weird value-loaded phrase that is more syllables than just saying"policemen" or "firefighter". And is it even true? It ascribes a fact about something that is not necessarily true. Up until about 2011 we just called them 'the authorities' right?

  25. ^^No, we didn't. What a horrid post. Do better, be better.

  26. That photo would lead you to believe that the restaurants downtown are being kept in business by Sly and Troy eating in ALL of them every single day.
    Standby for a serious increase in health insurance premiums!

  27. ^^No it didn't. You seem jealous.

  28. im glad the planet is dying


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