Skip Kansas City Holiday Craft Beer???

There's a big world out there and whilst Kansas City beers are nice, they're over-represented locally because of service industry biz bullying and oppressive branding.

To be fair, Nutcracker Winter Warmer Ale from Blvd is rated rather favorably by most beer snobs.

But that might be the exception that makes the rule.

Sadly, seasonal brews in Kansas City often seem rushed, overpriced and contrived.

The following promo video is kinda cute but also offers a glimpse at this season of drinking and the desperate attempt to push local loyalty as part of a home town selling proposition whilst many savvy brew drinkers look beyond the confines of KCMO and everybody else gets buzzed off domestic swill or something just north of rubbing alcohol.

Take a look:

Related: One in eight American adults is an alcoholic, study says

You decide . . .


  1. Agree the this year Blvd has a good batch.

  2. Anything is better than Bud Light.

  3. One of modern marketing and advertising's great accomplishments is convincing the mass public that consuming poison is actually good for you.

  4. Lots of fags drink craft beer so they will appear to have some type of sophistication

  5. Only non drunks show up at LGBT/Women/Minority protest. They should lighten up and have a beer we all good.


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