Kansas City TV News Discovers Twitch

Streaming and donation site for 20-somethings with very understanding parents . . . Here's a look at Kansas City's "gamers" enjoying the Fortnite cottage industry:

Gaming industry taking Kansas City metro by storm

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The online gaming industry is growing at an exponential rate, creating new opportunities and innovative revenue streams for gamers. The impact is being felt in the metro. "I love making people laugh, entertaining people," said Anthony Kongphan. "I think that's what I really love about it and also gaming.


  1. Pong anyone?

  2. What are these games? I have no idea what you're talking about. Video games? Who has time for that? There is not enough time in the day to play. There are blogs we have to complain on all day, and there is Matlock on the TV. Who has time for this? Video games?!?.....

  3. ^^ I thought that's what you did all day in mommy's basement?

  4. ^^paw paw...get off the interwebs and get back to the day room! We are watching Matlock now! You can complain tomorrow!


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