Jackson County Sheriff Vote Q&A

Quick juxtaposition betwixt the two candidates who will be confronted with Herculean task of trying to clean up a human rights crisis at the Jackson County Jail . . . Check the setup:

"In August, county party leaders nominated Forte, a Democrat, and Republican David Bernal of Lee’s Summit as the candidates for the special election, and the winner will serve the final two years of Sharp’s term. Both candidates have said that, if voters approve the particular County Charter change, they would be willing to take on the challenge of running the county jail."

"The Examiner asked the two candidates a couple questions, here's a look at their responses:

Examiner: Sheriff candidates field questions

You decide . . .


  1. County Mountie11/3/18, 6:11 AM

    "Last week I convened a 5:30 a.m. mandatory sergeants meeting where I shared my expectations and administered a test over written policies and procedures. - Forte

    Interim Sheriff for a few months, decides to gauge his Supervisors' knowledge just last week. Must have been too busy riding a motorcycle around & tweeting for overtime.

  2. Sheriff Forte conducted an emergency drill where all the managers were called out to respond to the office. They were advised that a major disaster had just occurred and they all were quizzed as to how to respond.Needless to say the good ole boys failed at emergency planning and response and all the citizens died. This is the messed up department Sheriff Forte inheriited. One where nobody has been held accountable. I say keep testing.

  3. Never Forte!!!

  4. Forte failed to mention the $500,000 he bilked KCMO out of.

  5. Forte is a clown, he always has been and always will be, every time something comes up he freaks out and rides off on his motorcycle, nobody can get ahold of him for days, leaving staff to deal with the crisis, when it gets handled he rides back in and claims he dealt with it even though he’s not capable, forte is the problem and you can ask sLIE, he’ll tell you so, why do you think forte got pushed out of kcmo? that’s right, he is incompetent and unable to perform his duties, he was only hired because kc thought, yes you heard me, thought they had to hire a black guy, problem was he’s an complete bumbling idiot

  6. All boils down to who is better manager/leader and can make there way thru all the county politics.


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