GO Bond cash and the mandate of BILLIONS worth of storm sewer repair hasn't helped local streets.

Even worse, public officials are inventing excuses rather than coping with longstanding problems . . .

Yesterday the Blvd was mostly underwater after rough rains . . .

And the water dept. replied thusly . . . "KC Water employees spent much of the day Saturday investigating and cleaning the area. The company said although more investigation is needed, the flooding along the boulevard near 28th Street may be related to the operations at Turkey Creek Wastewater Pump Station that is currently undergoing construction."

To which we retort . . .


The Westside is plagued by this problem but our friends in Northeast, South KC and on the East Side know that same situation exists in these enclaves as well.

What makes matters worse is that by all indications the weather is going to be tough this winter and KCMO is armed only with clever excuses amid increasing infrastructure FAIL.

Developing . . .


  1. The same flooding occurred in 91, 99, 03, 08 and 13.

    Surprised many of the businesses have stayed intact. It's the price of doing business in KC. Never count on the city to do anything but collect the earnings tax.

    1. Don't think of it as something bad. It's an opportunity. We need to talk about kayaks instead of scooters for our new transit. Get on board!

    2. What a dump. Maybe just pave the place over and make way for some real business instead of coffee and tacos.

    3. Nothing wrong with tacos and coffee, dipsh*t. Pretty much what the world runs on. I'm more concerned with the water department not even trying to come up with a decent line.

  2. There is absolutely no reason to criticize KCMO in this situation. None.

    Again, instead of talking about solutions or pointing out all of the work done for flood control in Kansas City, there is nothing but negativity on this blog. If you bothered to learn the facts, you'd see that our council has approved millions for fighting floods in all parts of the city. Recently, on Wornall the council did a lot to improve flood control in that area.

    It's a problem yes and it might be one that Kc has delt with before but instead of casting blame and creating suspicion. You should encourage people to go to the city hall website and help pick priorities for their representation and get involved in going to neighborhood meetings. I don't see any of that here, just arguing against all of the momentum that KC has achieved in spite of all the naysayers.

    1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ So they make you work on Sunday too?


      A shill never rests.

    2. Neither do idiots.

    3. I knew you couldn’t get through a post without using the word “momentum.” You and Master Slie should take your puppet show on a one-way trip to someplace far away.

  3. Community meetings come on what does that do...absolutely nothing. Again this is the fault of people like sly James and the dysfunctional city hall its a stupid liberal thing and you're seeing it. Can't dispute that

  4. Sly gave all the money to his gay developer friends.

  5. Gopher boy said and I qoute, “If you bothered to learn the facts, you'd see that our council has approved millions for fighting floods in all parts of the city. Recently, on Wornall the council did a lot to improve flood control in that area.

    Approved and repaired are two different things, didn’t wornall just have a huge flood problem that swallowed up two cars? So your wornall comment is worthless,

    You claim we don’t come up with solutions but we have supplied hundreds of them to no avail, you don’t give a shit about problems you only care about spreading lies that a typical liberal democrat would spread.

    We constantly bring up problems with the city and your response is toy train, downtown blah blah blah, you seem to have forgotten there’s the whole rest of a city screaming for help, you disgust me.

  6. I believe we have complained and demanded repairs to this problem for decades now and yet we get toy train, a billion city subsidized apartments, an airport (that was rammed through) in the making for seven years with no drawings or plans that’s still at least four years away from anything, this city has failed it’s citizens for too long now and the tide is turning, shit heads will no longer run this city into the ground for personal profit, (see sLIE) the people are fed up with the lies and no longer willing to turn a blind eye, Hernandez, your days as the cities so called “PR” person is coming to an end. Bye chump!

  7. Wow, by looking at that picture that’s massive improvement, money well spent. kc should be proud of that magnificent work!

  8. Related to the repairs at the Turkey Creek Pumping station.... more likely it's related to the rain.

  9. ^^^ and the incompetence and lies at city hall as usual

  10. Maybe they can build some new taxpayer subsidized apartments down there, they can be the first of their kind, build them on stilts and the hipsters can use boats for taxis, man that would be hip and happening!

  11. Ever notice whenever solutions are mentioned in here Go4KC never says anything about them?
    1.They never say I will forward that idea.
    2.They never say that is a good idea.
    3.They never say yes that's the truth and yes we need to correct that.

    People are not negative in here Go4KC, they are pissed off residents who are sick and tired of shrills such as yourself trying to turn the issues around by blaming the residents as being the cause of the issues.

    Look Einstein, community meets solve nothing and people know what a waste of time they are. Millions upon millions of dollars every year are wasted at these so called meetings that serve up nothing but milk and cookies for those who attend with a huge heaping plate full of lies from the people representing the city if indeed anyone from the city staff above entry level pay grade even shows up for the fluffing of the residents.

    Here ya go Go4KC, you want solutions for the issues, well here let me once again provide you with some.
    1. Stop providing any money and tax breaks on all new construction.
    2. The shuttle is a money pit that will not work park it starting tomorrow.
    3. Stop funding all forms of special interest groups and public functions that in no way don't benefit 100% of the population and in all areas of the city.
    4. The airport operates just fine as it is just fix whats broke and not replace it. So much money has been wasted on this folly now it alone could have probably remodeled what we have into something looking really good.
    5. Attack crime by getting the officers back on the street that are needed and if the county can't get a prosecutor to do the job that needs to be done then go to the state Governor and demand something be done. Don't bother going to Frank White thats just another waste of time.

    There are the solutions Go4KC you say we so call negative people never bother to talk about. So what says you now city jester?

    I know what you will say, the same as you and who you work for will say and always say, A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING!

    1. "People are not negative in here"

      Are you blind? Or really just that dumb?

  12. The problem Go4KC has with solutions provided by the incredibly intelligent posters on TKC is the solutions provided do not fit the city hall narrative. How dare we question the powers to be.

    TKC posters do not get in line and follow in the footsteps of the failed city government. We think outside the box and definitely see what is hype and what is not. TKC readers and commenters are not lemmings who will follow city government over the cliff.

    KCMO will be the next Detroit in about 5 years momentum or no momentum.

  13. The flooding in KCMO will continue in epic proportions until city government steps up to the plate and honors their commitment with the EPA in getting storm sewers fixed instead of asking for postponement and extensions of the time frame.

  14. ^^^ Apparently telling the truth to a liberal is negative, get over it nancy

  15. Super duper Dave shut gopherkc’s B.S. down..... again! Hahahahaha!

  16. So basically the only thing that can stop crime and shooting in that area is rain.

  17. I double dog dare the Red Star to investigate as to who Go4KC is and to reprint what Super Dave said here and ask Sly and the band of clowns to respond.

  18. The Kansas City Water Dept. - HIGH Prices and POOR results.

  19. Gohper: We want a great city. Not just a greatly subsidized downtown.

  20. sLIE won’t say or do shit, gopher boy is sLIE’s mouth piece that can only say these idiotic words even if the city was burning down, street car, downtown, momentum and moving forward. Yup, sounds about right, oh, and any body that dares challenge gopher boy will get the “stop, you’re cyber bullying me” treatment. What a load of sh#t

  21. But the tourists are putting 3 to 5 Billion into the local economy each year!


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