Peregrine Honig is one of the most prolific, widely acclaimed and nationally recognized artists working in Kansas City today.
However . . .
In the language backing up the work, she qualifies her experiment. However . . .
To be fair, Apollo and Daphne portrays a mythical booty slap and is on display at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art right now . . . However, I've always imagined the work by Gian Lorenzo Bernini as consensual, playful and fun. But I digress . . .
Here's the latest preview with the important passage highlighted. After the presser there's a tease of the controversial work . . .
Opening Reception and Artist’s Talk, Thursday, November 1, 6-9 pm
Find My Fear and Unfold Me is Peregrine Honig’s exhibition of new work. Consisting of over thirty paintings, portraits, and sculpture using materials that include, gouache, acrylic on hot press, silverpoint, ink, rabbit skin glue, pigment, graphite, and enamel. This work presents contemporary thought questioning maledominated visualization in art history using comparisons of sexuality and mythology.
This exhibition’s central painting, The Rape of Zeus, is consistent with Honig’s oeuvre. Zeus, the most potent character in Greek mythology, is seen as a typical and hormonal male. The Swan is viewed as a comparable figure, performing fellatio on Zeus. Symbols of the God Zeus, including his wearing of horns and carved oak leaves in the painting’s frame, does not confirm his dominance here and the viewer is unsure whether he is receiving pleasure or pain from the Swan. This imagery is not about gender dominance but exploring the gray areas of sexuality.
Included in this exhibition are a series of twelve studies providing a further exploration into these sexual dynamics where one sees the most striking feature throughout is Honig’s highly refined skills as an anatomist. The curvature of the Swan’s body to Zeus’ buttocks are seen as lush and arresting. All the show’s works feature Honig’s fluid painting style as rich in historical context. Her use of color and movement calls back to both the Art Nouveau style and musical concert and protest posters of the 1960’s.
Find My Fear and Unfold Me is a visually stimulating exhibition that brings together Honig’s talents as an artist and provocateur.
Accordingly . . .

Sorry for the bit of censorship. Locals will have to check her exhibit for a look at the full monty.
Is it art??? You decide . . .
Of course it's art. Don't be a prude like the Fox news talk shows. We are luck in Kansas City to have artists who challenge our conceptions.
ReplyDeleteRight before the midterm elections. You can criticize Peregrine for a lot of things but she does know her audience.
DeleteA streetcar supporter and beneficiary of crossroads tax breaks. Kansas City is paying for her "work" in a lot of ways so I guess that her exploring bestiality is on the public dime. Thanks alot 1% for the arts.
DeleteArt? If you say so. But radish asks: is it beautiful? Radish doesn't think so. Is it important or meaningful in some way? Doesn't seem to be to radish. Is it technically impressive? Radish finds it average at best bordering on jejune. Maybe it is stylish. But radish finds the highest and best use for it in a dumpster.
At least her drawing is getting better.
ReplyDeleteTypical for our untalented unskilled art community.
ReplyDeleteThey’re talented at waiting tables. Just not art.
Delete^^^^^^^^^^ @10:21 writes a typical lame comment for a geezer with no imagination.
ReplyDeleteHere's something to think about losers:
ReplyDeleteShe'll probably sell some of these rape paintings for more than you make in a year!
ReplyDeleteWell of course we shouldn't be prudes like some liberals say on here. We should all become beasts like them, unless it pertains to skanks like Dr Ford, then it's O.K. to make a false rape claim.
So go ahead and spread the STD's and lower yourself the their level, after all you don't want to be labeled a nice person, you want to be labeled a whore and a beast. JUST LIKE THEM........NOT
Hahahaha! 10:21AM Got knocked the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHohohoho! 10:34 AM is delusional!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree. 10:21 got knocked the fuck out!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTwisted feminist Jew bullshit. Much Ado.
ReplyDeleteOh look, some silver spoon, pretentious "artist" painting something controversial so thirsty Tony can make a post of it. God, I kind of miss Toni Bones now since we now got this trust fund, man-hating dyke.
ReplyDelete^^Oh look, some worthless, geriatric, pants-shitting, fucktard without a creative bone in his body has the nerve to make fun of somebody with talent. God why are old people such losers?
ReplyDeleteSpotted one of her misandric sycophants, or it could be Pergoneine or however the fuck you spell her opulent name.
Delete11:25 That is not talent.
ReplyDeleteIt’s too bad TKC community is comprised primarily of geriatric, alcoholic, pants-shitters. Maybe it’s because they have no family, or friends who want anything to do with them.
ReplyDeleteIf the Chiefs were as untalented as our art community, they would be 0-16 every year and Kansas City would be in an uproar. Nobody really cares about the collective failure of our art community. Our art community sucks, we expect and accept it.
ReplyDeleteBestiality is fun, unless the little fuckers bite or their cat claws scratch your balls while you're boning them.
ReplyDeleteChickens are the best. All that they do is let out a big "squawk". Then you kill them and eat them.
Go, Peregrine.
Weirdo progressives. See, this is why my manhood painting would do well. If she gets attention for rape then I can do my penis painting and get high praises in “”the arts” community.
ReplyDeleteWho knew that in the era of the metoo movement that rape would be front and center in the arts.
The Chiefs are 7-1. That is art, my friends. Any attempt to dispute that would be faggotry.
ReplyDeleteall the geezer hater comments are from Chris Hernandez, notice the common themes of his fake outrage, anything toy train related, anything bow tie the clown related, anything downtown related and the final one is art related. He rears his hate spewing, racist anger st anything that points out the real truth, all the things above suck to no end, just like he does.
ReplyDeleteWrong. You pants-shitting, geriatric fucktard, I’m not Chris Hernandez. But this is typical of the fucktards who populate this waiting room for the nearly-departed, you’re always wrong about everything. Because you’ve been a dumbass, no tapioca and Matlock for you!!!!
DeleteGeezer hater just got knocked the fuck out!
ReplyDeleteThat’s because Geezer Hater is a little cunt.’re stealing somebody else’s stuff. Typical of geriatric fucktards. They’re all boring, unoriginal dullards.
DeleteMy take on this art:
ReplyDeleteShe's fantasizing about blowing you Tony.
I don't see the talent anywhere here.
ReplyDeleteThat’s because you’re a fucking retard with not talent or taste.
DeleteI still can't believe that Peregrine is considered such a great artist. I know her. Her talent lies in self promotion and marketing, not so much art.
ReplyDeleteI have seen her work starting from art school onward, and I actually own a couple of her posters. None of it is especially good, to my eye.
I think her success says volumes about the utter vacuousness of the art scene. It has been this way since the 60's, where somehow the statement that the artist is making is supposed to supersede the actual art itself.
Peregrine loves to shock the bourgeoisie buyers of her art, and they congratulate themselves on their progressiveness.
The Pitch, then the Kansas City Star, and now Tony gives her tons of ink.
It is especially people with only a cursory knowledge of art that cannot see that the Emperor wears no clothes.
ReplyDeleteReview excerpt by famed NYC art critic Chauncey Vanderbilt Swisher:
"Standing before her title work 'The Rape Of Zeus', Honig wears a prison-orange jumpsuit and contrasting turquoise stacked heels while astride a Salvation Army prayer rug."
"Her work depicts a minimalist figure with a maximalist phallus caught in the act of ejaculation. Honig has positioned herself to figuratively represent the female form lying atop a pool of spent masculine fluid."
"Purportedly commenting upon man's struggle to find meaning in an increasingly authoritarian politically-correct world, we ultimately find it to be yet another example of Honig's self-absorption and desperate attempt to be noticed."
So, if I have this correctly, our artists are untalented faggots and the people who don’t appreciate art are geezers and geriatric fucktards? That about it?
ReplyDeleteActually our artists today are more concerned with hearing critical babbling about their work that no one on earth can decypher. And its not that people dont appreciate art, its more like modern art look like someone have a Five year old a canvas and brushes
ReplyDeleteTo honest, Looking at her “art” actually makes me appreciate graffiti
1:37 is having a snowflake meltdown! Take your meds, go to your safe space and don’t forget your teddy bear! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, you are that douche bag Hernandez
Her supposed “artwork” sucks
ReplyDeleteIt's a riff on the myth of the rape of Leta by Zeus . Zeus turned himself into a swan to rape the maiden Leta . Rather clever idea to turn it around ... can't say the execution is that spectacular but ... hey I'm no artist .
ReplyDeleteArt her excuse to goof off and babble, supported by confused champagne liberials.
The reason she is in KC (land of beer and barbecue) is because she wouldn't be taken seriously anywhere else. Be best for the city if she crawled back into the hole she came out of.
ReplyDeleteI am going to take a shit on a Honduran flag and roll around on it and call it art. It will be better art and more meaningful than anything Peregrine believes is art. There's a sucker born every minute.
ReplyDeleteThe modern world is obsessed with deviant sex. Enough already!
ReplyDeleteOn one hand, sex is used as a weapon to bring down public figures
On the other hand, those same people who weaponize sex, scream that there must be no limits on sex, gender or sexuality. And want the "freedom" to do, and act any sexual way to want to.
Can't have it both ways.
It doesn't take much in the way of creativity or intellect to use sex as the subject and inspiration for "art".
Look. She trims well and has above average tits.
ReplyDeleteSo let’s move on until she returns to her horny self-reflective stage.
Gross, just gross.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a man man.