Here's just a bit of campaign finance transcription we snagged and highlighted because the bland reporting that has been mostly ignored.
Don't get it twisted, we appreciate the hard work others did by compiling it, now we wanna put it to BETTER use among our community of politico experts!!! Gracias.
Highlights . . .
- Councilman Quinton Lucas is the odds on favorite now with a solid fundraising period, a growing war chest and the only candidate in the contest who has the support of a proven voting bloc.
- TKC Confirmed: Jason Kander raised more cash than any Mayoral candidate in KCMO history in a single quarter before he dropped out because of depression and PTSD symptoms. (Hint, he has more committed donations than that . . . And still does.)
- Scott Taylor is still the man but not by much.
- Fugazi Phil Glynn is wasting all his money on Facebook love and has less cash than Council Dude Jermaine Reed, who had a paltry and embarrassing showing -- Both of these dudes are in this contest for the wrong reasons.
- Lawyer and Missouri power player Stephen Miller has the most camapign money momentum. He's getting big bucks from corporate honchos along with the legal community and continues to rack up cash one impressive reporting period after the next. His greatest advantage -- He's got less baggage than incumbents or elected officials.
- Council Lady Jolie is a fundraising thud. Her kick-off didn't inspire much excitement and her mayoral campaign looks like damaged goods because of her flip flopping.
- All of this cash is coming from local power player construction, developer and corporate d-bags. Please tell your granny, auntie and uncle to put away their wallets and not to sacrifice any of their hard earned cash in this corrupt pay for play system to find the next rigged bought & paid for glorified grocery store clerk.
Here's the money list . . .

Ranked by bank - Donated this period -- $ On Hand
Councilman Scott Taylor: $12,775 -- $264,000
Stephen Miller: $62,850 -- $252,000
Councilman Quinton Lucas: $33,300 -- $212,000
Council Member Jolie Justus: $5,900 -- $102,316
Councilman Jermaine Reed: $233 -- $76,000
Phil Glynn: $21,435 -- $62,653
Councilwoman Alissia Canady: $9,872 -- $32,491
Councilman Scott Wagner: $38,000 -- $20,000
Rita Berry: $294 -- $89
Clay Chastain: Not Accepting Donations.
Dropped Out Of Race, Says He's Giving Money Back:
Jason Kander: Raised $514,000 -- On Hand: $418,000
You decide . . .
Good list. Quick and easy access. Just like most elected officials.
ReplyDeleteWhy so many damn candidates for Mayor. 10? Really? Why do we need 10 people running for Mayor. TKC has already said there is going to be even more. This is nuts. There almost needs to be two primaries so we can get rid of the nuisance candidates who dilute our vote.
DeleteAll of this money, all of this wasted effort and I bet the voting is going to be less than 9% turnout. Sad.
good news on the money, bad news on who is getting it.
ReplyDeleteKC politics = Cray
Whoever can afford the most dishonest ads wins.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^^^ Truth.
ReplyDeleteBrookside Bob - we need ranked voting.
ReplyDeleteLet’s vote for universal background check on gun purchases for illegals who don’t have a US background. Vote Democrat! If you do a background check on a Honduran then you are a racist nazi translphobe nazi trump supporter! We believe survivors! Bill Clinton is a feminist and you are all Nazis! Westport is safe and so is the plaza! Trans lives matter!
ReplyDeleteI think Diana Kander should run. She is way more intelligent than a derelict like Quinton or Jermaine. Neither one of them is smart enough and we would end up in a bad place just like with Sly and Cleaver. Something about the four of them that makes them really stupid.
ReplyDeleteA huge waste of time and money which will only go to prove that once any of these folks are bought by their campaign contributors, they stay bought.
ReplyDeleteWhoever "wins" and becomes mayor, and from this list it appears some of the candidates who have been most complicit in shoveling money out the door to developers, consultants, and the usual grifters are ahead, will report the morning after the election to the boardroom of the Chamber where they will receive their marching orders for the next four years.
Hint: Those priorities won't involve you.
Thanks for playing.
Fudging hell. This is a lot of money for a midsized town. What's scary is that you know these people don't give away cash out of the goodness of their heart. They know they're getting something in return for their money.
ReplyDeleteWe can’t survive another black mayor.
ReplyDeleteYou got one thing right. Jolie is the biggest flip-flop in KC history. She would hurt KC the most.
ReplyDeleteYet another demonstration of why I'm voting for Chastain.
ReplyDeleteFor all our sakes, let's hope Phil Glynn makes it. At least he has some level of history of not signing off on every TIF project that comes down the pipe. It got him kicked off the TIF commission but at least he understands that TIF is being abused in a major way.
ReplyDeleteVegas favors Lucas.