The Kansas City Morning News Soak

As we cope with a deluge of news , here's a quick look at one of our favorite hotties and her latest stage of life, take a look:

Harper's: It will also be the first Victoria's Secret show in 17 years without Alessandra Ambrosio, who retired from the runway last year.

Vox: The fall of “anti-aging” skin care

Racked: Aging, but Make It Fashion

Closer to home here are the news links that are important for right now . . .

Kansas City Internets Chatter
Countdown is on for Techweek festivities + LaunchKC competition
Meth Town Snail Mail Stoppage And People Actually Noticed

Mail delivery suddenly stops in Independence neighborhood

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. - A group of Independence neighbors remained frustrated on Friday after the United States Postal Service cut off delivery to their neighborhood due to a dangerous dog. Thomas Lloyd Barden, who has lived on East 1st Street Court South for the past several years, said he first noticed the issue two weeks ago.

Golden Ghetto Tome Redux

One left with life-threatening injuries after wreck involving 2 semi-trucks

KANSAS CITY, MO. (KCTV) -- One person has critical injuries following a multi-vehicle wreck that involved two semi-trucks. The wreck happened Saturday morning about 7:30 a.m. on Interstate 435 southbound near Front Street in Kansas City. Three vehicles were involved in the wreck. Southbound I-435 has been shutdown in the area.

Golden Ghetto Bed Bug Reopen

Shawnee library expected to reopen on Tuesday

SHAWNEE, KS (KCTV) -- Staff are wrapping up a comprehensive treatment and cleaning for bedbugs at the Shawnee branch of the Johnson County Library. The library will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 9.

Kansas City Wine Review

KC Wineworks produces thousands of bottles of wine each year

KC Wineworks in the Crossroads Districts turns out 38,000 bottles of wine each year.

Kangaroo Life Lesson
Being a startup entrepreneur - UMKC graduates dive into new frontiers
Reporting Kansas City Carbs

Start a Classic Brunch with a Stack of Airy, Tangy Pancakes

A stack of fluffy, golden pancakes is the perfect starting place for a standout brunch, delivering piping hot cakes with distinct sweet tang and an open, airy texture. Buttermilk was a must. It contributed to the pancakes' flavor and, with some leavening help from small amounts of baking powder and baking soda, it also created pancakes with better texture.

Eminem - Venom is the song of the day and this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Re: Mail box install

    "With the possibility of the new mailboxes coming to the neighborhood, Barden said he would continue reaching out to Senators McCaskill and Blunt for assistance on the matter." Good luck with that. They're going to "look into it" and tell you to bend over and take it, there's nothing they can do.

  2. Simon Of Trent10/6/18, 10:25 AM

    There has never been a single microbe of evidence of homicidal gas chambers at any German Concentration Camp during World War Two. The narrative known as The Holocau$t is Jew Bull$hit.

  3. ^^^^^^^That is what real bullshit looks like

  4. Eminem shows he still has it and Venom is proof of that.

  5. Slimewad of Trump - I've seen them, you lying piece of Kobach!

  6. Sure took a long time for the Library in Shawnee to debug their system.

  7. Rabbi Fred Neulander10/6/18, 12:20 PM

    @ 11:54 You've seen mock-ups built by the Soviets.

  8. Yeah, you liar, and I drank in a Bierstube in Hessenthal back in the sixties that was owned by a guy who worked on them early in the War.
    Was he built by the Russians too?

    Go flog your tinfoil hat crap somewhere else, Horst Vessel!

  9. @ 12:29 A bartender told you ! Thanks for clearing that up ! LOL ! Samples of every (so called) gas chamber were tested for cyanide residue---not a trace was found. The Holocau$t = Jew Bullshit.

  10. Byron Funkhouser10/6/18, 1:36 PM

    10:28 how do you know that? Did you read that on the internet? Why do you believe that? Why do you spread your lies? Why do you hate Jews so much?

    I really hate Nazi's.

    I really hate racists, too.

    Interestingly, because of this I'm accused of hating white people.

  11. Ursula Haverbeck10/6/18, 2:35 PM

    @1:36 Have you ever seen a movie about the Holodomor ? No, and likely never will.Have you ever been to a Holodomor Museum ? No, and likely never will. Have you ever even heard of the Holodomor ? Probably not. There is a reason for that. In the 1930s, the (85% Jewish) Bolshevik Communists deliberately starved 10 million Ukrainian Christians in a "purge" now known as the Holodomor. Every microsecond of your television viewing is controlled by Jews. The Holocau$t Narrative is how Jews control every debate. To even question this toxic lie is looked upon as "hate". There's no business like $hoah Bu$ine$$ !

  12. Love the aliases you Neo-Nazis come up with, Simon/Freidrich/Ursula, or more likely Joe-Bob-Wayne, but of course the Kulak Purge killed a lot of Ukrainians, and Russians, and Kazakhs, and a whole damn bunch of Byelorussians. And yes, it's in the History Books (Any idea what those are?), but the crap you're spouting comes right out of the writings of George Lincoln Rockwell.

    In fact, the idea that the Soviet Leadership was predominately Jewish is exactly one of the "Big Lies" he cites in "This Time The World" (Chapter 7 or 8, not sure) as necessary to spread in order to create civil disorder in the US.

    So. following the instructions of dear old (dead) G.L. Rockwell, dress up in your Nazi Uniform with the Confederate Flag on the shoulder (Talk about the ability to pick a winner!) and go have a beer with "seiner Freunden" singing das Horst Wessle Lied with a hillbilly accent!

  13. Rabbi Fred Neulander10/6/18, 6:54 PM

    @6:12 "The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80 to 85 percent Jewish." ---Vladimir Putin speaking at Moscow's Jewish Museum. June 13th, 2013.

  14. Silvia Stolz10/6/18, 6:57 PM

    Holocaust = Jew Bullshit


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