From the nation's paper of record . . .

"Our poll is a good result for Democrats so far."

Sure it is.

Reality: This thing seems like it's gonna be close and smarter political pundits are going to wait until after it's over to tell us that they were right.

The early weakness for Sharice Davids that our blog community identified FIRST . . . She's hiding from her opponent, reporters and the voting public.

Can a contender take on an incumbent solely through well-lit campaign commercials and an army of middle-class white lady volunteers??? We'll see.

Meanwhile, Congressman Yoder's Achilles heel has always been a charisma void that won't inspire any new voters to the ballot box.

For better or worse, this is a contest fought by way of cheesy TV commercials . . . Soft piano promises vs. scary narrator threats.

You decide . . .


  1. You heard it here first10/16/18, 7:45 AM

    NEVER underestimate the power of middle class white women to change the world.

    Sharice wins.

  2. "Polls show that Hillary Clinton has an 80% chance winning the Presidency in 2016".


  3. The New York Times?????? Ha Ha

    The polls also had Dewey as our President when Truman had already won!

  4. NYT's is about as credible as the Star anymore

  5. Steve West Knows10/16/18, 8:16 AM

    The New York Times = Jew Bullshit.

  6. Has Davids had her brain checked for MMA damage? If not she should.

  7. No, there is no enthusiasm for Yoder. He burned his own base. We WANT to see him fail. This is one race Conservatives are willing to lose to a socialist because we prefer a known quantity to a traitor like Yoder.

  8. @ 8:40 - Well you're wrong. Sharice Davids is not a "known quantity". This race is going to negatively impact everyone in the third district should she win. I think people know Yoder isn't perfect but he is rock steady for K-03.
    I encourage all people to vote and vote Yoder. All of the recent registered voters in the district may or may not vote in the election but if they do they will only vote once. Why? Because they are plants from the democrat party, voter fraud. To "buy" Davids is a pig in a poke. Buyer BEWARE!

  9. Media polls in the modern era - especially over the past 10 years or so - have not been remotely concerned with reflecting public opinion. They're purpose is an attempt to shape public opinion, and convince people to behave accordingly.

    Fiddling with weighted statistics and publicizing them widely - or so the thinking goes - can sometimes negatively motivate people to become disheartened and not bother to vote. Conversely, it can give fence-straddlers a dose of enthusiasm and get them to join "the winning team" of the underdog.

    It just social psychology bullshit . . . but on occasion it does work (and when pushed too far - like in 2016 - it backfires miserably).

    Davids isn't going to win. That's a sucker's bet

  10. Brookside Bob10/16/18, 8:59 AM

    ^^^^^^^^^^ big +1 on that common. The media is now actively lying to us, trying to trick the public instead of report the facts.

  11. The voters should make her go get a real job. Her affirmative action life is over.


  12. I wonder what the KC Star headline will be when Yoder wins. I'm guessing something like "With strong support of straight white men, Yoder prevails". What's the inference? That Yoder is not supported by any other demographic and is a racist, misogynist, and xenophobic guy - why else wouldn't these other demographics support him? Oops, forgot to mention that he also carried a majority of woman, recent citizens, and there was a split among racial lines. But since 90% of white men voted for him - forget that other stuff.

  13. At least she isn’t a negro.

  14. Security Guard Cameron Wright10/16/18, 10:28 AM

    "Every time I see a bald White kid, I secretly hope he has leukemia and do my own little private "end-zone" dance." --- Sarah Jeong, (((New York Times))) Editorial Board.

  15. Why is JOCO so willing to destroy itself and everything that has made it good?

  16. Keep living in the dark TKC. You're in an echo chamber here and on Faux News. You have no idea what's going on in the country. You likely think Cadet Bonespur is doing a good job and is very popular. Hahahahaha!

  17. I doubt it no one i know in JC is voting for her

  18. Use this map to decide your vote :

  19. NYT more fake news!

  20. Sharice Davids. An unemployed lawyer, no legal practice will take her, who at 37 lives with her Mom. Pathetic yo-yo child of a very decent Mom who keeps enabling her daughter. Sweet Sharice: cursed with galloping ambition.

    This will not end well for Joco families and taxpayers.

    Sharice Davids: Still owes investors $20,000 for her failed coffee shop. Yet claims she coaches others, from a barista's bar stool, about economic development. Claims she supports education, yet never once voted in 12 years in a school board election. Never worked in a local campaign. Skipped the basics of law-making and coalition building. She just wants to start at the top. The only primary she voted in was this August--because she's all about herself.

    Sharice is bought and paid for, MILLIONS of outsider dollars, yet accuses Yoder for taking health care money? That's how this game works, babe.

    Can't keep her facts straight. Afraid to debate --her handlers won't let her, because she stammers and giggles (see her podcasts), and does not tell the truth about how she will vote. (Abolish ICE, pro-impeachment, and for Nancy Pelosi's HB676)...

    Wake up, Joco voters. Read that bill. It OUTLAWS your private insurance. It will be one line for all, one very slow line, months long, to see a doctor. European socialist medicine. And not YOUR doctor anymore. They will retire in droves. And 20% of the hospitals will close their doors. Socialist rescue is not the Johnson County way. Take care of YOUR FAMILY first. Or move back to KCMO and their crime and crummy streets and sewers and schools.

    You can't jam in 15 million illegals into our health care system for free...and not have it ruin everything you worked for.

    Sadly, more and more people want socialism. Not me. People want free nursing home beds, free hearing aids, free eyeglasses, free tuition, and no taxes. $15 minimum wage or income supplement. It doesn't work that way. Kevin Yoder is the adult in the room. Great with budgets. On the powerful House Appropriations Committee.

    Pelosi will just use young naive Sharice. No key assignments for her. No more Joco clout. Wrong gal for our district. The only reason she didn't run against Cleaver is she could not live in her Mom's basement there. And Pelosi would not have financed her campaign with $2.6 million to buy the seat.

  21. ^^^ Tracy for the win!

  22. Thank you, 853, you beat me to it. Yoder may not be ideal, but what kind of nightmare would Davids be? That's it, we just don't know.

  23. New York Times. HA!
    Since when do intelligent people in Kansas listen to predictions made by a bunch of East Coast Jews.
    To New Yorkers, we are "flyover" country.
    So....a big FUCK YOU to the New York Times.

  24. And cannot wait until Oct. 22 when I can go and cast my early ballot for Kevin Yoder.

  25. So out of over 10,000 people called, so far only 264 responded?
    Sounds like a really reliable poll, and probably designed as a push-pol to get the results the New York Times desperately wants and has been pedaling for months...the famous "blue wave".
    Davids is a fraud created by the Democratic Party swells in DC and funded by pretty much anyone other than the residents of the Kansas 3rd District.
    Common sense will prevail and she will be sent packing back to wherever she came from.
    Yoder by double digits.

  26. Tracy and I don't always agree but she is correct in what she is saying here.

    Davids is a pawn and a poor choice of one at that.

  27. Sharice still owes Jackson County back taxes for when she lived in KCMO.

  28. For all we know, Sharice may not actually be a lesbian. She might like dick.

  29. The low information Yoder voters are in full voice.

    What they forgot, or excuse, is that Yoder is the scared politician that is hiding from constituents. No town halls to meet voters. Only secret pre-arranged meetings with crony businesses and the occasional pre-screened question. Why?

    Well, Yoder has voted dozens of time to stop coverage of pre-existing conditions and gut health care protections.

    Yoder accepts Trump's endorse on 2nd amendment rights, meaning no gun safety laws to protect schools, no banning bump stocks, and voting to approve allowing the mentally disabled to buy guns (Trumps first signed law).

    Yoder backing billions for Trump's wall and telling Fox News about how of Mexicans and drugs are overrunning Overland Park, not exactly a good way to sell businesses to move in and expand.

    Yoder is only for his million dollar donors and is voting for trillions of new debt the help them. After doing their bidding with corporate tax cuts, Yoder's articulated 2019 GOP agenda will include cutting social security and medicare to pay for his big spending.

    He voted against hurricane relief and won't investigate what went wrong in Puerto Rico that caused over 3,000 to die after Maria. In fact he hasn't investigated any of the waste and fraud of Trump's cabinet spending.

    He's not one of the good ones and it's time for Trump's apologist to go.

    1. Nice damage control attempt, but your mama's basement dwelling diversity hire that has no position she can defend on the public stage is going down.

      So to speak.

  30. Dear Mr or Ms @6:30: You are the most idiotic person I have ever seen post on the TKC site. You buy the democrat promise of "Go thru the rest of your life for free". The capitalistic society model is not perfect but world wide it is the best model to live under. Why you ask (probably not)? People who produce products produce wealth. Money may not buy happiness but it sure does eliminate a shit load of misery. Giving stuff for free eventually wears down the producers and the system would fail. Then all there would be is people like you...takers. The only people who profit from your model are the leaders, Schumer, Pelosi, Clintons and Davids (their little puppet) you know, your God's.
    I personally have talked to Kevin Yoder. He never voted to kill 3000 people in Puerto Rico, a hurricane devastated the country and Billions of dollars were sent there in aid. He never has actually voted against preexisting conditions, he has voted against Obamacare, you know, the beginning of socialized medicine. He supports the US Constitution which includes the second amendment. If you have a good, workable idea on gun control you might try telling him about it. But you don't/won't. He has not voted for trillions of dollars in government debt any more than you have. You want Trillions of dollars in debt try the Healthcare Bill that Bernie Sanders and Davids are pushing, 62 Trillion dollars added to the national debt. That is a fact! You watch way too many advertisements by your democrat party Political Action Committee's. Funny I hear democrat candidates decry the republican PAC's ads but they run many more that are truly despicable. As for Kevin Yoder not holding town halls I put the blame on that front and center on you and the movement to be disruptive and disrespectful at republican town halls. You want town halls? Then act like responsible and respectful people, which you don't. And what party does Maxine Waters belong to with inciting hatred because of party affiliation...want to guess? Democrat. You can't have it both ways. It's time to grow up and learn how the world really works.

  31. Go learn something Bob. Nobody estimates Medicare for all costing $62 trillion. It's not a fact.

    We can afford health care for all. Most industrialized countries do it now. Plus, Medicare for all saves money.

    "Obamacare" is what protects those with pre-existing conditions from being denied coverage. By voting to repealing Obamare over 50 times, Yoder has voted to remove those protections 50+ times voting. Period.

    I didn't bring up wanting free stuff or being "takers", but since you did, go check Trump's taxes (and his son-in-law). The freeloader-in-chief and his crony tax cheat takers have paid nothing for decades.

    Speaking of takers, the GOP believes in free defense spending, free corporate tax cuts, and bailouts for farmers. They just keep borrowing and borrowing. The annual deficit rose 17% just this year and is projected to cost us at least $1 trillion annually for the next decade. If you're really worried about debt, go look at Trump's tax scheme and new spending. That's why they are going after social security and Medicare next year, which are not giveaways. Workers paid into those programs and earned those benefits.


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