Here is another inevitability that our blog community predicted WEEKS AGO that is news fact tonight . . .

Price tag for new KCI terminal rises to nearly $2 billion


"KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Several Kansas City council members say Edgemoor's price tag for the new terminal at Kansas City International Airport is now $1.9 billion.

This is the second price increase. 

Edgemoor originally quoted $1.02 billion for the project. In June, that was increased to $1.4 billion. Now council members tell us the airlines are reportedly pushing back."


And so this jump in cost is mostly the result of consultant chatter and local workers sitting around and staring at dirt.

Developing . . .


  1. Hey, what is a few hundred million between friends?

    1. Two billion and there hasn't been a shovel turned or much ground moved. Just drawings? Welcome to Kansas City!

  2. So how many surprise price increases will there ultimately be? This city is in some serious need of money for the sewer/water main repairs and the airport. Almost 5 BILLION just from those two.

    How can they be off on estimates by a BILLION? I mean I can get 50-100 million wrong, but a billion?

  3. Shut it down!!!!!

  4. Just be sure to vote for Justus for mayor and she'll promise to get the number to THREE BILLION!
    The Gang Who Counldn't Shoot Straight hits another homer in their "world class" city.
    Third World.
    The laughingstock of the mid-west.

  5. Ripoff city more like it. This thing is going to cost 5 billion dollars before we're finished and it still won't be as convenient as what it's replacing.

  6. The KC gopher10/30/18, 9:09 PM

    Overbudget and late? Thanks Sly! I guess this is what we call momentum!

  7. ready to remodel?

  8. We're talking about some serious risks to the financial health of Kansas City and its taxpayers.

  9. Does anybody else think KCI is too dependent on Southwest?

  10. Show Me Institute request: Could you please do a capex budget for Kansas City over the next five years, including everything?

    KCMO proper might really be over-reaching to a scary point where it would need to change its plans.

    But that's a question to be answered.

  11. Who didn't see this coming? I just hope someone goes to prison before it's all said and done.

  12. This is a shitshow. They should’ve picked AECOM, who are experts in this, or Burns & Mac who had a complete bid to begin with. Sly, Jermaine and Jolie really fucked this one off.

  13. From day one, the bids didn't include enough graft and handouts to local minority interest groups. There had to be so many women working on the project, so many minority-owned businesses supplying construction labor or materials, and a thousand other ways to get a piece of the taxpayer's money while contributing zero to the project. That airport is the finest airport I fly in and out of in the Midwest. Denver, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, and Dallas are all awful airports to get in and out of. Those terminals out there are packed with people, the businesses are packed during the day, people are being dropped off and picked up right outside the terminals, and it's great. Why would KC taxpayers vote for that? What a shit show.

  14. at some price point...the airlines won't want to fly here, much.

  15. The Greater KC Aryan10/30/18, 11:23 PM

    The airport is a rip-off from day one.

    But here's a little fun fact for ya, the only ones who are complaining are those on the outside who haven't got their payoffs.

    Sorry, beetches.

    Keep ragging while the rest of us get paid.

  16. @ The Greater KC Aryan... Yeah, I see you up there emptying the trash whenever I am flying in and out of KCI. I always think to myself, "Man, I wish I was making that bank!"

  17. 8:50p there are no drawings.

  18. There are a few renderings of some perforated bread boxes on a flattened landscape. Just flattening the landscape to match the glories of a couple days of 3d modeling will cost 100s of millions.

  19. how much you want to bet SOM does not even have a topography map.

  20. if you went to one of the edgemore presentations, it was gator board mounted charts and graphs and diagrams and verbage, and the rendering of the bread boxes. I hate gator board. it was like a bad science fair project.

  21. 10:19, you’re comparing KC to real cities with Fortune 500 companies and a population of skilled workers and local governments that work. The reason those airports are packed is because there’s a reason to go to those places.

  22. A whole gator board of how they plan it to be sustainable, another how they thinking about recycling the concrete of the existing buildings, another the sustainable materials they will use with close of of wood grains or somethin, another how everything will be on one level since they believe that was the foremost outstanding feedback from the citizens, lots of talk of convenience and first class travel experience that we have been denied blah blah blah.

  23. See everyone should have listened to Teresa Loar the advocate of “renovate KCI to the bones.” She was bullseye on the pulse of the community to renovate the terminals that in a post 9/11 world are absolutely obsolete. LOL actually she was NOT at all on bullseye. She went out and after a few glasses of wine convinced her biggest campaign donor, Crawford Architects, to work up renderings and prices for exactly what the public did not want – a patchwork, band aide, renovated KCI. Then the public voted 70 % for a new single terminal. She embarrassed herself, she embarrassed Crawford Architects, she embarrassed her council colleagues, she embarrassed her city and reinforced the cow town label. And she turned off every poor sap who had to listen to her nag on about “renovating the terminals to the bones.” Did she not learn anything about modern and efficient airport design at those countless “airport conferences” she expensed to the city? Teresa Loar was on the wrong side of the biggest public project in a generation. Her colleagues are sick and tired of her patronizing attitude. There is a reason she can’t raise 7 of our votes to do anything. She is the most ineffective Councilmember in the city’s history. The wine swilling ineffective Councilmember Teresa Loar. Stick a fork in her, she’s well marinated and done.

  24. Not Fooled, You Jerk10/31/18, 5:22 AM

    ^^^^ So when will Edgemoor release renderings of that "modern and efficient airport design" you mention, @4:56?

    I ask because the only things we have seen so far are repetitions of the forty year old "plastic boxes" that have been built and are now being discarded and replaced in every other midsized Town across the Country.

    The "single entrance, then run a mile to your Gate" failure has proven itself to be inefficient, incredibly costly, and almost impossible to expand everywhere it was built over the last four decades, so why are we discussing replacing efficiency with "outdatedness" and will be forced to begin the process of replacing the "plastic box" as soon as it is completed.

    Oh, and it isn't Ms. Loar who's embarrassing Kansas City, it's "sour grapes do-nothing bribe harvesters" like you! You made a slight "slip of the keys" when you posted "There is a reason she can’t raise 7 of our votes to do anything"!

    "OUR VOTES"?
    Sort of let the cat out of the bag there didn't you, whichever member of the "James Gang" you are! Anyone NOT ON THE COUNCIL would have typed "other votes" or "Council votes", wouldn't they?

    So trundle down to 12th and Oak and go back to sleep until Massa Sly wakes you up ad tells you ow to vote, and leave the only member of the Council with "balls" enough to stand up to you Bandits alone!

  25. ^^^^^^ BURN TIME!
    Made their day, didn't you, @5:22?

  26. @4:56 was right about being "marinated". Any city hall employee who has ridden the elevator with Council member Teresa Loar knows that is not Elizabeth Taylor's violet colored "Passion" perfume they smell, but its the stale sweet fragrance of cheap Gallo wine diluted by with liver bile that is seeping from her sweat glands. She drinks too much and is the most ineffective politician in the building and in Jackson County.

  27. This just reminds me of how quick we were to spend $120 MILLION on a boutique street car that goes 15 blocks, shuts down in inclimate weather, and will never get expanded because federal funding is not there. What is wrong with citizens here? KC is taxed so high and we don't even have a decent sewer system or infrastructure for 80 percent of our residence.

    This is just sad and only going to get worse because no one will ever vote a different way to end this. Few realize this

  28. Still Not Fooled, You Jerk10/31/18, 11:06 AM

    Finally made it in to work, @4:56and @10:08?
    Nice hours - guess your Boss "Massa James" doesn't need you till this afternoon.

    Don't you know it's bad karma to post in support of your own earlier posts?

    A cess upon thy head, thou poltroon, thou varlet, thou truly stinkard!

  29. Thou wine swilling and irrelevant Teresa Loar (@11:06) doth protests the truth too much me thinks !


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