Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill Talk With Kansas City 'Raise The Wage' Activists

As part of her GOTV efforts and looking to garner support with local labors . . . Here's a look at how the incumbent Senator spent her day -- Talking with KCMO fair wage fighters . . .

Rally to Raise the Wage

"After Missourians strongly rejected Prop A, Claire is meeting with supporters about workers’ rights and raising the minimum wage, and to remind folks how out-of-step Josh Hawley is with Missouri’s working families."

Related to the labor debate and a not-so-fun fact that's sure to confuse both progressives & conservatives alike:

National Border Patrol Council endorses Claire McCaskill for U.S. Senate

Developing . . .


  1. Trump's own people are jumping ship. You can't buy loyalty.

    1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Get a grip. She is still behind in the polling.

  2. trump's policies have led to higher wages across the board, including for lower-wage workers of all types and races.

    a strong economy is the best medicine for raising wages and getting more jobs, too.

    claire doesn't understand how free enterprise economics works at its best. she resisted tax cuts and eliminating over-regulation.

    she wants to legislate wages up which won't work except in a good economy. a higher minimum wage is already happening because of the good economy.

  3. After Claire loses in a couple weeks, she'll have plenty of time to mingle with "activists" of every stripe and persuasion and to participate in as many pointless and ineffectual rallies as she wants.
    You'll never see much of her in public again.

  4. Claires husband doesn't pay living wages at the old folks/ disabled homes they own. Ask her about that.

    1. ^^^^^^^^ EXACTLY ^^^^^^^^^^

  5. One time in high school, Claire and a girlfriend were drunk, pushed me into a bedroom and sexually assaulted me while laughing it up and jumping on the bed.

    The worst part was their laughter. Even back then, Claire had that Valley-girl lilt to her voice and could really fire off the cackles of laughter. Despite my repeated cries of "No" and "Stop It", I remember her clearly claiming that it was a "legitimate rape."

    ---- Victim of McAssKill (identity withheld for fear of retribution)

  6. Most of the people pushing for $15/hr are gonna be replaced by machines in the near future anyway.

  7. No worries, Republicans...Hawley and crew will come up with some additional bullshit that you true believers all buy into, so that you can 'rally', too...still, it may not be enough :-) Whatever the case, the House is lost...scorched-earth POTUS has made that a near certainty...

  8. I wonder if McCaskill pays her maids and pool boy $15 an hour?


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