In one of the most widely read discussions on TKC, we talked about the Shake Shake shooting on the Kansas City Country Club Plaza with more insight than any other news outlet in town.

Now that the smoke has cleared, there's still more facets of this scary event to consider . . .


Merchants have complained about increased threats and the focus has been mostly on teens & curfews . . . Now armed adults, workers and threats to new biz are part of the discussion and increased fear that that this crown jewel of KCMO has finally reached the tipping point of its decline.

Check the harrowing news coverage focusing on witness reports:

Fox4KC: Witnesses recount scary moments after shots fired at Plaza and manhunt ensues

KSHB: ‘It's frightening': Bystanders describe chaos after gunshots on Country Club Plaza

KCTV5: Two suspects in custody after police swarm Plaza following report of shooting

You decide . . .


  1. The real question is, is a shooting bad for business?


    There's no question about it. Why go get hamburgers somewhere if there's even the slightest chance you might get shot.

    I understand that this has bigger implications than than but on a very basic level, consumers aren't that complicated or hard to predict.

    1. ^^^^^^^^ I see what you're saying but the plaza has always found a way to survive. Blame this on shake shack for their poor choice of employees.

    2. No one will ever eat a hamburger again?


  2. May go, may not go. I feel safe everywhere. I'm CCW.

    1. We'll call you when they build a Mernards!

  3. Sure...it will scare the geezers and the shut-ins who never go anywhere. Wasn't that your intention Tony?

  4. Notice to all pussies: Stay away from the Plaza, stay away from downtown, stay away from midtown, southtown, northtown, anywhere in KCMO proper -- and STAY OUT OF THE LEFT-HAND LANE, pussies!

  5. Read the articles, watched the videos. No description of the suspects or mention of their race. That means they are black. If they were white, they would have reported it.
    Stick a fork in the Plaza, it is DONE.

  6. ^^^^^^^ 10:19 - Caught you lying!

    ALL of the TV stations showed the mugshots. Even the dreds. Get a grip. That old "conservative" junk doesn't play when it is challenged in the least.

  7. @10:19-you dumb geezer, it's not done. Go watch Matlock. Oh more thing.....you got knocked the fuck out by 10:48!!!!!!!!!

  8. 10:19 is correct in his observation. 10:48 and 10:53 are the same snowflake/cunt--get over yourself and the opinions of adults who understand the insidious habits of the mainstream media."Conservative Junk" = Reality.

  9. You all think it's still a city thing when it's actually been a metro thing the past couple years. Flock farther away. From Lone Jack to Louisburg, the Great White Migration has begun.

  10. The unsettling thing about it was the time of day it happened. usually the coloreds are not out causing trouble at that time of day. They usually sleep until 2:00 pm or so.

  11. Kick ass, I might be able to get to the counter now at Shack Shack, the lines have been so long.

  12. @11:05AM-is that what happens after they give you the BBC?

  13. The question isn't only is the Plaza area out of control, but that the whole damn city is out of control.

    If I was Mayor James I'd hang my head in shame and not be able to face the Mayor of any other city or residents of this city. But we have seen here in about 8 years how the Mayor has no shame. He could care less about Kansas City. Another 100 people could die on the streets before the end of the year and James wouldn't lose a minute of sleep at night over it.

    James is only in this for James and you residents have never been of his concern and face it folks, the proof is all there for you to see.

    1. If he could care less, why doesn't he?

      It's COULDN'T care less, as in "I couldn't care less about what Dave Larson had to say as he is brain-damaged."

      Thank God Chuck died...maybe you're next.

  14. Blame the NRA.

  15. Benefits of diversity

  16. On today's 41news, S'lie James sez it be too many gunz. He illustrates he just doesn't care what Patrick at the Show Me Institute and that Princeton study shows about adequate police force rosters being related to lower crime. The numbers don't matter about the research says BowTie. He's, as usual, asserting "too many guns" is supposed to the numbers that really matter. Yep, he even said so with a frown and deeper tone in his voice.

    Killa City's got the #6 national rank for homocide while there's over 140 popos cut from the ranks during the mayor's tenure. Nevermind numbers.


  17. Look at the conservative cities and look at the democrat cities! I rest my case!

    Sleazeball Plaza just isn't worth the risk!

    How's that for some conservative crap you slimy liberals?

  18. Aren't most cities pretty democrat? I mean, the democrat population tends to reside in the largest cities if you base it on voting results...in general.

    I mean, NY is a really democrat city and they have their crime under control.

  19. 12:50 - so you'd be willing to pony up some more tax $ to expand police or nah, you just want to sit in your basement and piss and moan and slur everyone else who tries to look for solutions?

  20. Super Dipshit, er Dave....it's COULDN'T care less, not COULD. Your post was dog shit before that error, then it just became steamy hot dog shit after.

  21. Slie and the city council is trying to keep this story from making national headlines so it doesn't affect the 25 million anally tourists.

  22. If these criminals had the opportunity to attend the taxpayer subsidized pre-K program then they would not have been shooting at each other.

    They would be in school and getting their lives in order so they could attend an institute of higher learning.

  23. The free Streetcar extension to the Plaza will bring an entirely new crowd of shoppers. The expensive places will end up moving to the suburbs and leaving the Plaza and it will become more low-end shops and fast food places.

    1. That’s already part of the problem. Ever since the Plaza started losing upper-end merchants and restaurants crime has only gotten worse. Today it’s nothing but an Anycity, USA strip mall with nice architecture. Who would have ever predicted going to the Plaza for Old Navy and Shake Shack?

  24. Miller Nichols shit himself in his casket that his beloved Plaza has a common Shake Shack. What's next, Dress Barn?

    1. KKK FROM RAYTOWN10/17/18, 7:21 PM

      I herd them negroes are getting a Burlington Coat Store.


  25. Bottom line one feels much safer young or old in NYC loads of cops standing on corners all over Manhattan, Times Square, etc. Not here no cops visible except the Off Duty ones Plaza hires. City needs to get their shit together before its to late. ( and it almost is ) No cops walking or being seen downtown either during peek times Why Not?????????????

  26. Shootings on the plaza, shootings in Westport, shootings downtown and river market. It’s everywhere and some people think it’s just a normal part of city life. Hipster progressives think moving into the east side is hip cool and culturally rad. What is wrong with these people.

  27. They're not used to living with negroes and mistakenly believe them to be humans.

    That's what's wrong.

  28. ^^^ +25,000,000

  29. @1:12pm is Go4KC.

    1. I’m not sure; he didn’t use the word momentum.

  30. Notice to Johnson County drivers: The far left lane on interstates and highways is FOR PASSING ONLY. You cannot stay in passing lane going 58mph. If you're too scared to go faster than 58mph then you should stay home in Olathe or Gardner or wherever.

    1. The same could said for all the MO jalopies in JoCo. I dread every minute I have to spend on the highway in my Mercedes for fear of being hit by some MO trash with no insurance.

  31. Shake Shack is serving Khashoggi Burgers and fingers.. supplies are limited.

  32. You can't even go the Nelson Museum without being at risk of being mugged or knocked out.

    What a city! Momentum!

  33. Nelson Atkins may have to serve beer and burgers just to stay afloat.

  34. So the news announced the 18 YO was charged today. He used a gun st olen in Lees Summit. How does sly or any other liberal think banning gun sales tomorrow even for everhone with stop thugs from stealing and using guns? Explain that please.............

  35. Welcome to Killa' City Shake Shack

    Now the question "how long till the first shooting" has been answered.

    Only bright spot is not one got hurt.

  36. @10:53 hey dipshit what’s does this mean? “Oh more thing”.....you just got knocked the fuck out dumbass! Hahahahaha!

  37. 9:53 “Sure...it will scare the geezers and the shut-ins who never go anywhere. Wasn't that your intention Tony?”

    No dummy, the blacks murderous thugs did that, stop being a whiny ass biotch gopher boy.

  38. Quinton Tellis10/17/18, 5:46 PM

    I wonder if the "youths" purchased the guns from their local Black, affirmative-action Fire Department Captain. Isn't diversity and inclusion just great ?

  39. 5:35 yeah, you would need to be extra careful because you look like such a pussy that you'd be an easy mark for any hoodlum. They could point their finger-gun at you and you'd shit your pants and pass out. So yeah, good point for you and your fellow pussies to remember when venturing into creepy, oh so scary, big bad Kansas City.

  40. The Bitter Truth10/17/18, 6:06 PM

    Look 1:14 and 3:35 if you're going to open your pie holes at least be correct about what you're saying when trying to call someone else stupid.

    It turns out, there are a number of things about English that conspire to make “I could care less” a less irrational phrase than it might seem.

    People might not have any thought of sarcasm, positive/negative phrase pairs, or implied comparison when they use “I could care less,” but when they use it, it’s as a set idiom, something they’ve heard before and learned as a unit. We have plenty of idioms that serve us perfectly well, despite the gaps in logic that appear if you look at them too closely. Consider “head over heels” (shouldn’t it be heels over head?) or “have your cake and eat it too?” (shouldn’t it be eat your cake and have it too?) or “the exception proves the rule” (shouldn’t it be the exception invalidates the rule?). There are reasons these idioms developed the way they did, but we don’t have to know anything about those reasons, or the original meanings, to use them perfectly sensibly. Same goes for “I could care less,” which people only ever use to mean “I couldn’t care less,” never the opposite. It doesn’t cause legitimate confusion, though it does cause quite a bit of consternation. In any case, it’s here to stay.

    So how about you two STFU and go crawl into what ever hole you crawled out of.

    Nice point Dave, you scored once again no matter what those two asshols said.

    1. So, Mr. Bitter Truth, just because lots of idiots use a phrase incorrectly that makes it correct?

      WRONG. It still makes you look like a moron.

      Also, it's "assholes." Learn to spell.

  41. I think it's more dangerous driving in Johnson County where distracted driving is par for the course. I've had more near accidents in JoCo than anywhere else. Dildos who don't understand right-of-way laws, and other such ridiculousness. Jackasses who kill two people and drives off -- typical JoCo!

    I'd say statistically you're more likely to be harmed in Joco than KCMO.

  42. Quick, someone name the major city run by Republicans? All high crime areas have one common denominator: black people. NYC just had an entire weekend without a single murder!!! The problem is how black people are treated and controlled, or not controlled, like it is here. This city needs to elect a mayor that will do two things: allow the police department to do their jobs and not be afraid to be called a racist by the East side grifters and/or "clergy." Trust me, I can't stand Giuliani because he's done nothing but become a 9/11 profiteer. But before that the guy absolutely cleaned up NYC and the evidence is still proving itself there today. The East side basically needs to become a police state. Known criminals need to be stopped and freaked often. The stolen guns they all carry need to be off the streets. The black-on-white hate crimes of Jonathan Porter and Jeffery McDonald would be top priority in New York. Here, they don't mean a thing to Sly. It is completely unjust our violent, uneducated, unemployed, 13% of population ruins it for the rest of us who just want to be left alone and enjoy ourselves without being the victim of a crime committed by yet another black person.

  43. You 'herd' is about right you fecking retard.


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