More than a few denizens of this blog are actually curious as to what our blog community thinks about the future of the SCOTUS hot mess this scandal continues to unfold.

Even better, a TOP ECHELON KC INSIDER offers a hot take to start today's predictions.


"Already (Prez) Trump has put the Democratic Party on its heels by switching course and ordering an FBI investigation. The final step is to simply withdraw the pick and try again. This time with an even more conservative candidate now that the opposition and the public has been fatigued by the controversy . . . Even if the GOP moves forward, Kavanaugh and not (Prez) Trump is the bad guy. The President has played the media along with his opposition and used the beer drinking Irishman as a decoy to win more Midterm support. 

One more thing, notice that all of this has distracted most of the public from asking any questions about that wall that's never getting built. Whatec, give the guy credit where it's due . . . For him, this is business and not personal. He was able to make a calculated move that took advantage of all this hysteria and turned it into a midterm reminder for Conservatives to get out and vote given the heightened stakes."

Background on the lady waiting in the wings who would be harder for Democratic Party top brass to derail . . .

Amy Coney Barrett is the favorite of social conservatives, but Democrats are already taking aim

Quick links . . .

CNBC: Trump orders FBI to reopen background investigation into Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh in light of sex assault claim

Mediate: FBI Has Reportedly Reached Out to Kavanaugh Accuser Deborah Ramirez

CNN: How the FBI will investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh

And so . . .


Developing . . .


  1. Here is what will happen:

    Kavanaugh will get it, it will be close but he's got it.

    There will be a lot of protest, and maybe we'll see even more pink pussy hats.

    Then nothing.

  2. Here's what will happen. Activist in 50 cities will have taken to the streets by next week and Brett will lose his credibility and more charges will follow like accessory to torture during the Bush Administration. During these investigations more crimes leading back to Iran Contra will be uncovered. Guillotines will ensue.

  3. 3d chess indeed.

    I hope Kavanaugh gets it, it would be a shame to see him go down because of this old, old case.

  4. ^^^^^Remember when Clinton was impeached? Conservatives said it wasn't because he had sex with "that woman," oh, no! It was because he lied. Well, many sources are reporting Kavanaugh lied about his drinking in high school.

    Payback is a bitch.

    1. Not a comparison at all. Lying about drinking in high school the same as lying to all of the American people while president about an important character issue?

      No wonder you guys lose so much. :)

  5. No matter who trump picks the democrats will do the same thing kavanagh is clean but I would bet ford gets some dirt found out about her she was all over herself lied and lied and lied she is also making big money on this lie with Obama's law firm a d Hillary's sugar daddy George Soros

  6. The Republicans need to nominate a woman because the Dems will accuse every male candidate of sexual assault or harassment.

  7. thanks for comment, tkc.

    you're right, for trump it's just business. he doesn't care if it's jack or jill smith.

    so, he's set up a win-win.

    as an aside, one can speculate whether trump isn't miffed to learn about the milieu of his nominee while a student and obnoxious yearbook comments playing to that peer group. trump went to military school, after all, and is a tee-totaler.

  8. I'm a Democrat and this is a hatchet job not seen since the Salem witch trials. Trial by ordeal

  9. Byron Funkhouser9/29/18, 4:18 PM

    Your tipster is full of shit. Trump isn't intellectually capable of making such a calculation. The Dems aren't doing anything. There is no conspiracy, or deep machinations, just a woman who reached out to people she thought might have empathy, & a sense of civic duty to keep this predator off the bench.

    If you think a woman with a Ph.D. in Psychology, with 65 peer reviewed published papers in her field would be part of any such machinations or conspiracy, then you need to see a psychologist about that tin foil hat you're wearing.

    He will not be confirmed. He should be impeached from the bench he's sitting on now.

    1. You’re such a retard

    2. A Ph.D in phonology........blah blah blah.
      Those who can do, those who can't teach.

  10. Trump will be holding one of his rallies next Saturday in Topeka. This matter will undoubtedly yield new red meat.

  11. First, Kavanaugh was selected because he was one of the main people who questioned Bill Clinton. Questions like: "Did you put your penis in her mouth." You know, really interesting stuff like that.

    The Democrats, despite mostly being in their 80's, have a decent memory. Trump getting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court was too much for them to take, so they took the bait and are self-immolating as we speak.

    Trump is saving his female SC pick for Ginsburg's seat. Kavanaugh is definitely going to make his way onto the Supreme Court AND Democrats get played as fools.

    Like taking candy from a baby.

  12. FBI comes up with a nothing burger. Crap comes up about Ford's dysfunctional family. Like why they didn't sign her support letter.

    Kavanaugh is on Supreme Court.

    Claire loses and so do two other Dem Senators.

  13. one thing here is that nobody's willing to say what they really think, for a variety of reasons.

  14. Both sides are to blame for this mess. This circus environment is how it will play out for every Judge selected in the future from either party. The Court has been weaponized to be stronger than any one candidate or party could ever be for just a few terms. Democracy has been dead for quite some time.

  15. The FBI will come up with interesting assertions and observations, but no more facts than are known now.
    And it's amazing that suddenly for some people a "credible performance" supposedly passes as facts.
    But you can watch credible performances in the theater, on TV, or at the movies every day of the week.
    Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
    'Ole What's-Her-Name and her attorney already have generated almost $1 million online, then there'll be the book, and maybe even a movie.
    It's all just a reality television show and the only things that get thrown under the bus are the country and its citizens.

  16. Of course Byron the thief believes the crazy bitch. He is one. He gets in.

    1. They wear the same glasses and the same dress.

  17. Love this crap, with the apologists for "Stumpy McMushroom" trying to spin yet another failure and panicky retreat into a "Master Strategy" by the "Political Genius" infesting 1600 Penn.

    Keep drinking the Koolade Kids!
    Here's a free hint, if you turn your tinfoil hats around backwards, they may cover your eyes better so you won't have to face the ongoing chaos in the Executive Branch, or the fumbling failures of the Legislative!

  18. Why are the Democrats complaining?
    We had to put up with that JFK in the white house screwing everything with a dress.
    JFK is an embarrassment to America.

    1. Atleast JFK tried to keep his dick in some decent mid 60s snatch and not the citizens ass

  19. What was up with that broad's little girl voice during her testimony?

    Sounded like an 8 year old with vocal fry.

    Troubling to say the least.

    1. Google: Russell Ford at ZosanoPharma, or 9/28/18, listing her family's links to the CIA! Wow, her hubby's "Executive Director" of a firm SPECIALIZING IN MIND-ALTERING DRUGS!

    2. Or her trying to pass the day after abortion pill off as an antidepressant

  20. Nice how your insider does not have the balls to let us know who they are. Needs to put up or shut up!

  21. 4:18, he is a very energetic President of the United States. You are an unemployed welfare scammer (if you can post comments on this blog you are able to work in a computer related field). Your opinion is worth nothing.

  22. My prediction Kavanaugh gets confirmed. Libs go full retard with pussy hats cock hats (don't judge) and violence in the streets. When they calm down they cry Chinese collusion. Trump's next appointee is a female gay conservative which leves the libs stumped. Pop the corn now!

  23. If you bought Blasey-Ford's story you have a penchant for B.S.

    "Event" happened when she was 15, but she kept it to herself for decades?
    She "thought" Brett was going to rape her, and "thought" he might accidentally kill her?
    She testified under oath that "someone" pushed her from behind into the room?
    She "tried" to scream?
    Any teenage girl who is screaming and trying to get away would require the attacker to use 2 hands to restrain her. If 1 hand was covering her mouth, that means he only had 1 hand to restrain both of her arms, and no hands left to remove her clothing. She testified he was very inebriated as well.
    She testified that Mark Judge was the 2nd person in the room, but that he wasn't participating beyond laughing and jumping on the bed.
    She testified that her academic performance in undergraduate (UNC) was very bad due to her anxiety and PTSD. But she had no problem completing her last 2 years of high school, was a cheerleader, and frequent party-goer?
    Speaking in public provokes her anxiety, but she lectures to college students routinely?
    Air travel provokes her PTSD, yet leisure travel is a hobby and she flies routinely for her work?
    She failed to produce a single person to corroborate her story?
    She voluntarily allowed Senator Feinstein, Liberal activists, and Democratic Party attorney operatives to hijack her allegation for partisan political motives?
    If Judge Kavanaugh had not been nominated to the Supreme Court would she have remained silent to her grave?
    Blasey-Ford was acting out a scripted role during her testimony, and there are so many holes in her story it's called the Swiss Cheese Attack Against Kavanaugh.

    Kavanaugh gets confirmed because not 1 person can place him at the scene of the imaginary crime.

    1. Excellent summation. Everything about her performance was absurd from her baby doll voice and her crocodile tears to her giggling and asking for a Coke because she “needed the caffeine.” I also found it odd when her atty asked for her to be excused because she was “tired” after a couple hours (minus breaks) of sitting in a chair answering questions. This makes the average college professor who stands and lectures for hours per day seem like superheroes.

  24. Ursula Haverbeck9/30/18, 8:37 AM

    (((Feinstein))), (((Schumer))), (((Blumenthal))), (((Bromwich))), (((Debra Katz))), and now (((Swetnick))). A Jewish, anti-white shitshow. No wonder Jews have been kicked out of 109 different countries. Had enough yet, White Man ?

  25. ^^Nur Nazi sprechen, "Juden!".

  26. Perjury = Disbarment

    Bye bye Kavanot.

  27. From talking to folks who don't normally take sides, this one isn't going to go the Democrat's way in November and this shitshow the Dems are genning up with Kavenaugh is one of many reasons.


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