While local media both social and mainstream is focused mostly on a litany of pious statements on the latest scandal to rock the Catholic Church, our blog community believes it's important to offer a glimpse at both sides of the issue and we notice that equal time has been lacking . . . And so, as an alternative to massive attacks against The Church . . . We share and highlight a recent comment from a local Catholic insider . . .

Here is the conclusion of a statement from Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann regarding the grand jury report on the handling of sexual abuse allegations by six Pennsylvania dioceses over the past 70 years.

"I want to apologize on behalf of myself and my brother bishops for our collective failure in the past to protect innocent victims from unspeakable misconduct. And I ask for your prayers as the U.S. bishops’ conference tries to implement systemic changes that will ensure greater accountability of bishops so that crimes like these can never be perpetrated — much less, ignored — again."

Read the statement in full . . .

You decide . . .


  1. the bishop is taking this thing head on and that's good to see. What's unfortunate to see is so many people willing to outright condemn every catholic for indictments and not convictions.

    There are real reforms that need to take place but this seems like just another money grab.

  2. The Catholic Church should be closed down and deemed an enemy to humanity, due to it's present heinous scenarios, but also, due to it's historical abuses, ever since it's inception.

  3. Lets all snort coke and Hitler.

  4. The catholic church was trying to cover it up with multiple people knowing about it and they finally got caught. the pope and Bishops will of course say the right things to try an appease their members.

    This has gone on time and time again and is inexcusable. Catholics need to leave that church in droves and find another denomination.

  5. You'd have to be crazy to leave a child in the care of anything Catholic. Very sad, but true.


    Hey, isn't Sly Catholic, a Rockhurst U alumnus, and has many besties that are both of those? The Archbishop's promise might be an inspiration for Mayor James to commit to changes for the better in KC's crime problems, especially harm done to children.

    Seems the first step would be apologies for robbing the schools,libraries, and city services, of funds that went to eco-devo cronies. The second would be apologies for rhetoric of gun blaming instead of advocating the enforcement of existing laws to get guns from those forbidden to have them.

    And, he would back up those acts of contrition with removing the TIFs and unnecessary largesse that went to wealthy schemers, and put those returned millions to the neglected infrastructure, and some of the schools. He'd push for Rudy's proven plan of ACTUAL POLICING with warrant sweeps, stop-and-frisk, and sensible NO PLEA prosecutions!

  7. This problem is not exclusive to the Catholic church. There have been many cases of "youth pastors" caught molesting their young charges. It's proximity and opportunity for these predators. They work to gain the trust of both parents and kids while selecting a victim or victims. I'm glad the leaders of the Church are finally addressing the issue.


  8. And if you believe this...

  9. The Catholic Church, as opposed to what I was taught in Catholic School, is a man made, man sponsored, organization, that is fraught with the expected mistakes, sins, mortal and venial, that are concomitant in ANY man made organization.

    That means, that encompassed within the Catholic Church are all of the human foibles associated with other organizations, or, companies, created for one purpose or another.

    The important caveat, in my opinion, is celibacy. This is an unnatural, man made, unnecessary encumbrance, foisted like a Sisyphean crucible onto the backs of would be holy men, who forgo a vocation dedicated to their god, in view of the knowledge of their own weaknesses.

    The resulting separation of healthy wheat from the mentally deficient chaff who appear in wolves clothing/vestments on the altars of churches all over America has resulted in monsters who abuse, and, like Dracula's Renfield, monsters who are complicit in those same heinous crimes.

    These 'priests' must be indicted, prosecuted and incarcerated for their crimes.

    11:10's comment is in line, with what many, formerly devout Catholics must be thinking today.

    This has gone of for decades and for decades and probably even now, is being covered up.

  10. The Catholic basher Billy Tammy is having an ecstatic experience over this! But look Bill, it was after all your pastor who had carnal knowledge of your wife.

  11. 10:11 sounds like what they are saying at the KANSAS CITY ATHEIST CLUB...but they don't want to consider the massive perversions that Offically atheistic governments engage in. Not to mention their support for an underage tyranny boy switching over.

  12. Ain't religion just great!!! Muslims cut off heads and stone women. Catholics like little boys. Pastors and youth counselors like everybody. Baptists don't like anybody.

    However, if you don't sign on to one of these, or a similar fairy-tale, you're certainly going down to hell (or is it up?).

    God works in mysterious ways. For fucking sure!

  13. Sister Severa8/18/18, 11:12 PM

    Catholicism is a putrid, false religion predicated on the proposition that humanity is damned for the imaginary crime of two people who never existed, that can only be saved by worshipping a man who never rose from the dead and whose whore mother was no virgin, in order to enrich a group of predatory pedophiles. Witness the poverty of all countries where Catholicism predominates, and the rate at which their excess brood tries to jump borders into Protestant or post-religious countries. Filth of Jesus, filth of the church. Shame on breederscum parents who perpetrate this fetid criminal organization.

  14. 11:12 is spouting KANSAS CITY ATHEIST CLUB statements and lies. Those biased clowns pretend like officially atheistic governments have not persecuted and killed Millions! But we know. And keep track.

  15. The Catholic Church has been a racket since its inception. The pedophilia just goes along with a laundry list of other dirty practices. It’s why WASPs have never wanted to get too cozy with them.

  16. Let’s get a count of sexual assaults by priests and compare them to the recently vilified transgender population. Folks are worried trans people are going to use the wrong bathroom and behave inappropriately. Can someone give me a count of how many times that has happened? Loudmouths get up in arms about the wrong things these days.

  17. The Catholic Church must purge all homosexual priests, now.

  18. The KCAC has plenty of homosexuals.


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