McCaskill Hubby Cash Not So Bad???

The commercials targeting the spouse of the Missouri Senator have obviously been pretty effective or else the Washington Post wouldn't be trying to myth-bust Kansas City Star reporting.

Take a look:


  1. The propaganda arm of the Democratic Party is ready to roll. The WaPo kicks things off by misleadingly calling unfavorable news about a Democrat misleading.

  2. So the ad is total bullshit. Has that ever stopped an ad from being run in the past? In politics it seems the ends justify the means.

  3. A liberal publication defending a liberal career politician. Big surprise.

  4. McCaskill owns a private jet, lives in a St.Louis mansion and a multi million dollar condo in DC all paid for with $$$$ from her sugar daddy husband's low income housing business. He gets $$$ for his business through federal grants. He also hides his income in a tax shelter in the Cayman Islands. The owner of the Post is a major contributor to the Democratic party.

  5. this ad is total bs fact check it the nrc is running scared

  6. Great comment by 8:00.

  7. Swamp defending the swamp which is nothing new.

  8. a quintessential swamp creature.

    missouri doesn't need to be sending an old fart swamp creature.

  9. ^^^ What, you want a New Fart Swamp Creature instead?

    Trumptards melting down for the usual reason...


  10. Hawley will be a new Danforth, someone Missourians will be proud of. Moreover, he'll represent their views better.

  11. ^^^ Danforth was a nobody in DC, just another flunky going along with his bosses and doing what he was told.

    Hawley will be the same, only far more invisible.

  12. Claire should work on her tan next time she's at her Caymen Island condo on the beach.

  13. Claire is the real victim in all of this

  14. This is damage control by the left. The polls must be showing that this information is having a real negative impact on her poll numbers. Since the Post is a mouthpiece for the left, they're trying to spin it. As Shakespeare said, "What's done is done and can't be undone."

  15. The Greedy Old Perverts should drop this. An investment in a business that does business with the Government via procurement contracts is not a scandal.

    Maybe, big maybe, you can make the argument they should have divested. Sold it off. The problem is Trump hasn't and the the scandal of conflict of interest in family businesses is apparently dead in DC.

    Compared with what Trump's family is grifting from taxpayers to his golf clubs, hotels, security services, etc., Claire is a piker. If this is a concern, we need to see Trump's business tax returns right now. There needs to be government wide investigations now.

    The entire cabinet is flying around on private jets. House members are stock trading on insider information from their industry connections. The White House is the epicenter for waste, fraud, and abuse.

    1. Nice try Claire, but it won't wash. Your "hardworkin' hometown girl" character is wearing thin.

  16. Hawley is a bad joke. Claire isn't perfect, but she is far better at representing Missouri than Hawley could ever hope to be.

    1. Claire has had more than enough time to prove herself to Missourians yet all she has proven is that she prefers hobnobbing with the coastal elite while MO taxpayers foot the bill. When need be, she puts on her “down home, small town girl” act hoping she can fool someone. Sorry, Claire, time to cash out and sun yourself in the Caymans full time.

  17. Ask yourself - since Hawley didn't do shit as Missouri Attorney General, but spent his whole time in office campaigning for a National Office, what's he going to do if he gets a Senate seat, immediately start trying for a Cabinet post or launch his Presidential run?

    1. This is a lot of posts from you today, Condo Claire! :)


  18. Clair McCaskill's husband made his money on Section 8. Claire McCaskill killed small business in Ferguson MO and stood with Michael Brown's mother to burn it down as she screamed out. Look at the picture that is posted here......she's crazy! Claire will cause people to lose their job to save her face like she did the chief of police in Ferguson!

  19. Sure, let's replace Claire with RINO coastal elite Hawllery.

    Josh's San Francisco Stanford and Ivy League Yale are just full of Missouri values.

    1. Missouri values, just like the kind Claire sees from the window of her private jet on the way to the Caymans Condo!! Paaaarty!

    2. I don’t think getting an out-of-state education is quite the same as flitting around the country on the taxpayers’ dime.

  20. ^^^ You're right. It's not the same.

    Claire flies home frequently to meet Missourians.

    Hawllery moved out of the state for a couple decades to find better places to study and work. That probably how he was educated about impeachments. He brought those backstabbing values with him when he decide to come back to fly over country in Jeff City.


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