Kansas City Streetcar Cannibalization?!?!

Read between the lines . . . They're shifting a lot of money around and DESPERATELY need federal funding to keep the civic ponzi scheme afloat . . .

KC Biz Journal: Streetcar wants to borrow $2M from the Downtown TDD for work on Main Street extension


The Kansas City Streetcar Authority has worked out a way to get $2 million in funding to carry the Main Street extension into the project's next phase.

The funds would be transferred from reserve money in the Downtown Transportation Development District (TDD), which was formed with the creation of the streetcar's starter line, with the condition that it will be reimbursed from the newly formed Main Street Rail TDD.

On Thursday, the authority received approval from its board to enter into an agreement with Kansas City and the Downtown TDD. However, both the TDD board and the city must approve the use of the funds.

Developing . . .


  1. It will be approved that's a no brainer they all will do whatever Sly wants done.

  2. I hope Uncle Don doesn’t give them a dime. And Slyme is certainly in no position to go asking him for it after the big snub he got when the Prez was in town.

  3. Quick! Pass Sly's sale tax for pre-K!
    And take a quick scour of any remaining cash in the PIAC accounts!
    Any GO bond money that might be quickly available for "an emergency"?
    Any vacant city-owned buildings or old police cars that might be put on eBay?
    KCMO is so far in the hole even light can't escape.
    And higher interest rates and a recession are on their way.
    Irresponsible cluelessness at its best.

  4. sLIE’s run out of money and he’s desperate now to save his legacy, too late sLIE your goose is cooked! In other good news gopher kc will be out of a job!

  5. Angie Jeffries Vaginal Warts8/23/18, 7:33 PM

    Eat Me!

  6. President Trump wouldn’t take the time to piss on Sly if he was on fire, let alone give him any money for the toy train.

  7. the Trump administration is refusing to giving away federal funds for new transit projects. Sorry!

    1. The trolley is not transit, it's an amusement park ride for drunks and homeless that breaks down in the rain and has no way to pay for its ghastly expense.

  8. Charge the developers for the streetcar. They're supposedly the ones that wanted it. So let them pay for it. Problem solved.

  9. How about making the tourist who ride the streetcar pay? KCMO has the only free trolley ride in the US. The tourist pay $7 to ride SF cable car.

    1. It's worth it so they don't have to step in hobo shit

  10. Now KCMO knows what the vast majority of the pre-K tax money will be used for.

  11. The fair weather toy train is failing badly. If passengers were charged to ride people, including the 25 million anally tourists, would not ride it. The fair weather toy train will never be self supporting the same as the Power and Light isn't. Taxpayers are continually scammed by developers and city government.
    Solution is to vote everything down until city hall realizes they need to be honest.


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