Kansas City Lawyer Demands Local Crackdown Against Catholic Church

While some reformers got into a bit of trouble for alleged KICKBACKS in advocacy against The Church . . . Their demands still merit consideration amid global outcry. Checkit:

Attorney: MO and KS officials must investigate priest abuse | The Kansas City Star

Missouri and Kansas authorities need to launch grand jury-style investigations into clergy sexual abuse crimes and cover-ups in the Catholic church similar to the one conducted in Pennsylvania that released its shocking findings last week, a local attorney and abuse victims said Monday.


  1. I hear that lawyer makes a damn good living off of pursuing these accusations.

    But does that libtard still believe in constitutional rights for Catholics?

    A plain YES or NO answer would be sufficient.

    Prediction...she will not answer the question.

  2. Isn't Judy Thomas a member of that 20,000 people Methodist Church, the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in south Leawood?

    I am sure she has no bias against Cstholics.

    1. Fuck church of the Resurrection. The See and Be Seen church of fake Jesus freak motherfuckers and whores.


  3. Democrat greedy weasel trial lawyers looking to scam $millions suing the Church for anybody who claims "abuse" -- hoping the MO people will go after Catholics like the Penn AG Shapiro (oy vey!) did.

    ..even if it was 70 years ago, and the priest long dead.

  4. I see the dynamic duo is back at the trough. If they really cared about abuse victims, they would go after all of them, Catholic, Baptist, Scouts, and especially public schools. But since there are no deep pockets there, they just cast the net at the Catholics every few years in hopes of stirring some more "repressed memories." How much of Randles' 8-10 million in paydays has gone to assisting those victims without a payoff?

  5. I wish all the victims could sue the Vatican. It hoardes untold amounts of money, but go to HyVee on a regular basis and be hit up by Catholic Charities wanting donations. Money, nothing religious, is the priority of the Catholic Church.

  6. Every church is after the money

  7. Jesus is a pretend friend for adults and evidently an alibi for misbehavior.

  8. Can I get money?? Father Tim was a great guy but I can say he molested/abused/ assaulted me for some cash.


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