Our KICK-ASS TKC BLOG COMMUNITY has been talking trash for years and offering much more specific deets over the past couple of week regarding lackluster local trash pickup  . . . Now a newspaper editorial offers perspective on a longstanding problem . . .

That smell north of the river? It’s Kansas City, failing in its trash collection duty

Northland Council lady Heather Hall has also been talking trash pretty consistently and last week Council Dude Dan Fowler jumped aboard the trash wagon, too .

More importantly . . .

After years of approving and promoting tax subsidy for luxury housing and pet projects aimed at encouraging tourism. Notice a pathetic interest in infrastructure and city services from desperate politicos as elections draw near.

You decide . . .


  1. Too little too late from the politicos. People are fed up with the inept city government and their big ideas and no emphasis on basic services.

  2. Let us remember who and what is important in KC: developers, tourists, sports teams, toy train supporters, entertainment districts, lawyers, and then taxpayers. Basic services are not relevant to any of the important groups.

  3. Nothing will happen until sLIE leaves, his only interest is downtown so everybody else pay twice the taxes as the rest of the country and dont expect anything to get done in your neighborhood.

    sLIE sold everybody out for his own monetary gain, typical boon, consider your “reparations” paid sLIE.

  4. The problem isnt the mayor--the biggest problem is the worthless, lying city manager.

  5. Sorry, but a big Ho Humm from up North!
    Anyone who's lived here for any length of time has become accustomed to the dearth of any City Services in the Northland.

    From delayed trash pickups to half-completed water main repairs to grass growing in the potholes that have remained unfixed for decades, to dangerously slow police, fire and ambulance response times.

    This is why the growing de-annexation movement exists, and will hopefully be the big KCMO story of 2019 or 2020. These political "Representatives of the People" are pathetic in their attempts to stifle the rage that the 40+ percent of KCMO's population located North feel toward EVERY member of the current Administration.

    Wait till you see the effect of the threat of Kansas City's loss of half its geographical area, 42% of its population, and 63% of its E-tax and Sales Tax revenues!

    Oh, and please notice that this trash issue is not even being mentioned by Jolie Justice. That is because she does not even realize that one in five of her constituents live north of the River!

  6. Where are Teresa Loar and Scott Wagner on taking out the trash?

    1. 10:08 I just looked up Teresa loar in twitter and she retweets Chelsea clinton and Emanuel there is your answer on why things aren’t getting done.

    2. She’s hungover and just not thinking clearly. When she sobers up she will stop tweeting and start nagging about something new altogether.

  7. The “death of city services” includes the entire city but two places, downtown which is the main focus and the colored neighborhoods in the third district. They’re the only ones with excellent or good services period.

    shithead sLIE don’t care about anything else. The unfortunate problem with the northland is it’s 95% white so that’s what cost you guys your services, both black mayors abandoned three areas while they were in charge, first was the northeast area because of the Italians, blacks hate Italians, second was the west side because blacks hate Mexicans and third was the northland because blacks hate whitey. See the pattern here.

  8. I actually think it would be a good thing if the northland deannexed from the city, killa shitty would collapse without the taxes from up north.

  9. Yes, @ 10:16, the Kansas City Metro Area is nothing more than a big Donut, and it sure as hell ain't "Jelly filled"!

  10. Dump your trash in Argentine east of 18th street, plenty of spots as you enter Rosedale.

  11. Oh man Argentine and Rosedale....It’s hispanics and white trash over there. Plenty on people in the area don’t know how to speak English, and the white trash im talking about is truly bottom of the barrel. As for KCMO trash problems I’m so glad I don’t live in the city limits anymore. Why the hell should I pay an earnings tax to live there?

    Seriously, kcmo takes a cut of your salary to pay for basic services and basic services aren’t being delivered. Hey, take some of my take home pay so I can have bums scorch tires and make me drive an alternative route while it takes you a year to figure out how to fix the bridge.

  12. @8:00 Do all you can to keep the de-annexation movement front and center in the northland. Nothing would be finer to see this happen. When this happens watch city hall scramble to find a place for the proposed new airport.

  13. Teresa Loar could not get the KCI single-terminal issue right or get the convention hotel right. She can’t even get the trash in her district picked up!! What is her effing problem?

  14. City Hall is afraid to say no to the bosses?


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