The Kansas City Weekly Power Rankings

Tonight for the most loyal denizens of our blog community we offer tribute to one of the strongest hotties on Instagram along with a glimpse at the prime movers at work in our Kansas City discourse this week.


KCFD Fam Stays Strong During Deadly Arson Court Proceedings

More than any other local outlet, The Northeast News has offered COMPREHENSIVE coverage of this week's deadly arson trial -- One of the notable details: The families of John Mesh and Larry Leggio along with KCFD colleagues turned out en masse to witness court proceedings. This public display might be more important than a more traditional power move in that it demonstrates that strength isn't always about flexing on opposition but sometimes involves offering support during harsh times.

Steven Miller Stays Winning Critical Kansas City Mayoral Cash Game

After the latest Kansas City Mayoral campaign finance reports were released for July . . . Mr. Miller outpaced the competition with $222K in his war chest and raised a stunning total of $125,738.20 during this cycle. His big money show of strength shouldn't be overlooked and will CERTAINLY buy him a lot of goodwill among local political circles.

Clay Chastain Earns Surprising Consideration For Top KCMO Job

Like it or not, right meow Clay Chastain is the only real "opposition" candidate for Mayor. He's one of the few participants in the local discourse to speak out against outrageous TIF abuse and the dearth of real transit options. There's no denying his name recognition and in a crowded field anything can happen.

And So . . .

This list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people, trends and our times.


  1. Miller should be at the top here, he's definitely the prime mover and probably the real underdog of the election.

    Clay makes some good points and he doesn't get the credit that he deserves when it comes to calling out city hall. But he might have too many negatives to make it into the primary. Miller mostly has a clean slate which will be important.

    1. Sorry, bro but his week belongs to Brent Welder and Bernie Sanders.

    2. Most of the candidates for mayor are just looking to advance Sly's agenda. They're all mini-Sly-James but without the funny clothes and catch phrases. It's a race of image and personality. What I notice is so many people looking for a candidate that just comes close to being a conservative, if anybody fits the bill, they might pick up more support than the rest.

  2. Governor Colyer should get a mention for outgunning Kobach with an important NRA endorsement.

  3. 11:43 socialists like them have ruined dozens of countries. Don't be such a fool.

  4. @ 5:11,of the twelve Countries that have a higher Standard of Living than the US does, eleven have Socialist Governments.

    So something about the concept that the welfare of the populace is the primary purpose of Government is working.

    1. But they dont have the economy so your point is mute.

  5. Can you tell us the unemployment rate of those countries? And can you tell us about the ability of the poor in those countries to move up out of poverty?
    How about basic civil rights that we have and the rest of the world doesnt

  6. Miller has a lot of grassroots support.

  7. Mr. Chastain, If you want to run for mayor of Kansas City then you need to live in Kansas City. I urge the City Council to change the ordinance to require a full year of residency to stop this nonsense. Of course it is too late for next years election but it could stop this in the future.

    1. If he meets the legal residency then I say no problem. He has reasons for living in other communities that have to do with the nefarious objective of ... earning a living. Perhaps he's a bit too idealistic for the reality that the mayor is just one vote on the council and we have a city manager with all real power, but the fact that Clay can call out the silly streetcar as a waste and not anything but transit theater means he is a clearer thinker than most of the candidates who are TIF junkies and toadies for tax-subsidized developers.

      Also, that girl is too muscle-y and has a very mannish, plain (if not homely) face. Please give us pretty girl pictures not gross cage-fighting amazons.


  8. 6:01, in which of those supposedly socialist countries does the government own the means of production? None, I'd bet, but that is the sine qua non of socialism.

  9. @8:38 why doesn't your residence requirement apply to Sylvester James?
    Or does renting an apartment that you never set foot in qualify for residency in Sly's case and I must be a "Racist Pig" for even asking such a question?


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