Kansas City West 18th Crossroads Street Fashion Show Postscript

I feel like our blog community is just a bit tense, and so we share this glimpse of good time local life as a quick respite.

Check the description:

"The West 18th Street Fashion Show here in Kansas City, MO. This is the golden birthday of the show, turning 18 in 2018. In the heart of the Crossroads district, multiple designers gathered together for their "Summer Migration," to tell their stories through fashion. You'll see footage from Paige Beltowski, Nina Littrell, Amani Skalacki, Jennifer Tierney, Tiffani Starr and Phoebe Rain of Rubbish Co, and more. . . .

Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. Did someone shrink that poor ladies head!

  2. Rank your skank !

  3. Looks like something out of a Crumb cartoon.

  4. 10:03 That's no lady, that's my wife.:)

  5. I did get the blocked video to play, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Good for Peregrine and the entire team.

    I especially thought the designer who used antlers as headpieces was FIERCE!!!

    tHANKS, Tony, for posting.


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