Kansas City Newspaper Week In Review

In this episode, Kansas City Dead Tree hacks discuss events this week that everybody learned of via the Internets.

Check the description:

"Nick Haines, Bryan Lowry, Barbara Shelly, Dave Helling & Steve Kraske discuss Kevin Yoder's stances on immigration and guns, the impact of recent police shootings in the metro, the streetcar election results, delays and cost increases for new KCI terminal, Kobach and the ruling on the voter ID law, Mike Parson's pick to fill the Lt. Governor position & Jason Kander considering a KCMO mayoral run."

Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. Poor panel to be discussing these topics. This is like asking Pelosi to discuss enforcement of immigration laws.

  2. ^^ very accurate!

  3. Some of these folks are desperate to try to make people think that Yoder will have trouble being re-elected.
    Which is coming straight from the Dems in Washington, most of who haven't been west of the Potomac River and have no idea at all of a Congressional District in Kansas.
    But it's "data driven"!
    It will be fun to see what people like Kraske and Shelly have to say after Yoder wins by 8+ points in November.

  4. Really don't like the way the Star takes over this show. There are a lot more reports who uncovered better stories, they shouldn't be neglected to let the talking heads have free press at the expense of taxpayers.

  5. Well said, @9:39!
    Or maybe asking Trump's advice on how to avoid Bankruptcy, or maintain a stable marriage.

  6. Can't we get Nick Haines and Barbara Shelly on the Star's Editorial Board too?
    Then we can drop all credibility and pretense to relevancy.

    Of course it is a counterbalance to the right-wingers on Ruckus.


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