A scorching week in the Kansas City has not only set the political scene on fire with speculation but also served to remind locals what's really important about local Democracy.

Second to money, of course.

To wit . . .


As always, here at TKC we focus the ALTERNATIVE to local political chatter and start first with residents over careerists. Check this week's list:

Clay County Audit Petitioners Demand Local Government Accountability 

We've highlighted the efforts of these Kansas City Northland freedom fighters along the way and . . . Today, State Auditor Nicole Galloway's office confirmed about 9,100 signatures were delivered by a group called Citizens For A Better Clay County led by Jason Withington. If 5,590 are valid, then state law mandates that Galloway conduct the audit.

This is a remarkable achievement and something that should inspire the entire metro.

Kanders Launch Kansas City Comeback

In a move that sparked national headlines and the embarrassing and effusive ecstasy of local pundits, two of the most successful local politicos this town has ever witnessed make a return trip to Kansas City with lowered career expectations for the moment.

Kansas City Lawyer Feet Confront ICE

The broken dogs of Andrea Martinez are the pinnacle of Kansas City resistance against the Prez Trump immigration crackdown which hopes to help families and youngster refugees amid continued zero tolerance demands to "build that wall" by supporters.

Accordingly . . .

This list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people.

You decide . . .


  1. They're doing the right thing. What a tremendous amount of work they did for no money. These are people who really care about their community.

    1. Shanin said it best. A lot of people have been anointed to the Mayor's office but then didn't end up winning.

    2. Nice going Clay County. It's a welcomed sign that the Northland needs and deserves better representation.

  2. The Two Scots are my choice for Mayors of KC. They got this town covered from left to right.

  3. Chest Rockwell KC6/29/18, 7:49 PM

    The Two Scots are my choice for Mayors of KC. They got this town covered from north to south.

  4. Why do the pictures show Andrea Martinez on crutches with her right foot in a soft cast but in the other one it shows her left leg all scraped up with the right appearing ok?

    More fake news?

  5. What does Jason Withington "the driving force behind the petitions" do for a living besides being a community organizer? Who has funded this effort? Ask Jerry Nolte who his large contributors are. Check the Star archives for background on the large developers. Prior to this Commission taxes had been rapidly increased as the developers received greater tax breaks.

  6. Jason has a successful career with a large medical software company. The audit effort was self funded with a shoestring budget. Jerry Nolte supported the audit. What the heck does his campaign have to do with the Clay County Audit effort. Why are you anonymous - probably because you are talking bs.

  7. Something is rotten in Clay County and Jerry Nolte is the front man for the developers who want to regain control.
    One example was the Clay County special election, August 8, 2017. Youth services tax special election. Proponents comply with Missouri Campaign Financing Laws. No public opposition and no opposition campaign committee appears in evidence. Election day hundreds of voters come to polls with false and misleading opposition talking points.
    Clay children's services tax passes by half a percent.
    Normally, special elections for schools, bond issues, etc., receive little opposition and pass easily. Jackson County, August 2016, election, youth services tax passes with 60% approval. special election, August 8, 2017. Youth services tax special election. Proponents comply with Missouri Campaign Financing Laws. No public opposition and no opposition campaign committee appears in evidence. Election day hundreds of voters come to polls with false and misleading opposition talking points.
    Clay children's services tax passes by half a percent.
    Normally, special elections for schools, bond issues, etc., receive little opposition and pass easily. Jackson County, August 2016, election, youth services tax passes with 60% approval.
    Post election conclusion that thousands of anonymous computer phone calls were made by consulting firms that violated Missouri law by failing to establish a campaign committee and disclose contributions.
    The petition group has continued attacking the Children's Service Board on social media. The developers are not willing to share county taxes. Nolte and Withington are leaders of opposition to services for abused, abandoned an homeless kids.

    1. Dear no name
      Show me one example of the petition group attacking the Childrens Services Board - again your are mixing Nolte and the audit movement. What you are implying about nolte is simply bogus - and unless you unveil yourself nobody will believe a word you say.....chicken sh*t or is it horse sh*t 😂

    2. Could this be about some gladstone property and could you be confusing nolte with another commissioner (intentionally unfairly redirecting blame to Mr. Nolte) when infact you know exactly who stands to gain on this sweetheart deal...and who stands to lose - Clay County taxpayers.

  8. @ 8:31 and @ 8:44 - FINE!
    Then let the Audit proceed!
    Why are Ridgeway and Owen so afraid of a audit that they, I mean you anonymous posters have to keep flinging allegations that Nolte has been engaged in misfeasance?

    If he has, the Audit will find it an he will be discredited, but if OTHERS have been involved in misfeasance, malfeasance, and outright theft, their fear would be understandable.

    If, on the other hand, these unnamed parties have not been engaged in illegalities, why would they not JOIN NOLTE in requesting this Audit?

    Who are these mysterious "Developers" who "want to regain control"?
    Name Names! Be forthright! Come forward with clear and open statements! Don't hide in the "anonymous bushes" and fling mud!

    The disgusted and ignored residents of Clay County are waiting for your enlightenment! Prove that they are wrong in their suspicions that you and your little group of sneaks are once again practicing the "usual filthy political games" that have been emanating from two leaders of the County Government for these last several years.

  9. Sounds like the Clay County establishment is butthurt. Pam Mason, Jay Lawson, Gene Owen, Luann Rodgeway, Vic Hurlbert are all about self interest. When Pam Mason was thrown out of office in 2006, then lost her city council race in 2007 they asked the Sheriff to give pam a job. When he said he didnt have a civilian job available they threw away a long time friendship with him and ran one of the nastiest campaigns against him in 2008.

  10. Tony, thank you for recognizing the hard work of so many around Clay County.

  11. This audit will go along way to restore the faith and trust in our government. We've had the same problems for 30 years. It's good to see new faces with fresh ideas starting to take the lead in our county government.

  12. What is that birch immigration lawyer smiling so hard about? Her client just had a disastrous outcome but she is smiling gratuitously? And why not? The lawyer is getting national attention and probably a tasty settlement.


      Settlement? Naw, more like a court costs and a crimmie defense bill following some charges from that silly skirmish SHE initiated.

  13. The Kanders are all about...the Kanders.

  14. "Super Dave" and "Chuck" after I re-read your posts and went back to take another look at the photo of Ms. Martinez.

    When I looked it was obvious that the scrape on her left foot, just above the ankle, is visible in both photos, which sort of says your claim that this is "fake news" may not be 100% accurate.

    I realize that I am committing heresy in implying that you two may possible be mistaken, and I respect your opinion that anyone who does not act in the exact way that you want them to is evil, and of course you have the right to claim that the current Political Climate is the highest achievement of which mankind is capable.

    I am posting this to humbly beg your forgiveness, and I realize that I will eventually face my Maker with this stain on my soul, but I must confess that, only for an instant I had the horrible thought that both of you are full of shit!

  15. Doesn't matter whether she broke her foot or her neck or nothing at all. It was her own fault.

  16. Kander... finally a "none of the above" who exists.

  17. I Smell Bullshit6/30/18, 10:43 AM

    8:53 I see something on the left foot but can't get clear enough to see anything. But it is very clear her right foot isn't swollen any either. I believe it's fake news also. That one picture just shows an emergency sign who knows where, could be an animal hospital and the other picture is in what appears to be an office as she has her legs up on a table of some sort. She do have some really ugly feet no doubt. Another thing, pants on the right are blue and pants on the left are black. So she has changed clothes so couldn't have been to big an emergency. BTW 8:53, when your lawyer meets you or shows up to represent you do they wear flip flops?

  18. @ 10:43 thank you for your expert medical opinion regarding the lack of swelling inside the Velcro boot the lady has on her foot.

    To answer your question, I really don't know what a lawyer wears when they are rushing to a person's aid, I don't have any experience needing a lawyer's help, so I'll defer to your expertise in that field too.

  19. The real reason you think it's fake news is because you are a racist.

  20. Kander is one step above a snake in the grass. He is looking for a meal ticket until a "real" job comes along. His buddy Glynn is the one to watch. I think he is smarter than he lets on.

  21. Some "Cop wannabe" ICE Agent whose job performance sucks so badly that he gets assigned to KC rather than the Border gets a chance to push a couple of women around and it's their fault?

    Bet the gutless wonder has never tried pushing a man around.

  22. ICE = brain dead goons.


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