Virtual Schools And Online Learning Touted By Missouri Politicos Offer Another Path Out Of Provisionally Accredited KCPS

We've touted the rise of INTERNETS LEARNING for local scholars who aren't lucky enough to get into a charter school or simply want to participate in the future of education and a growing trend. Here's a glimpse of Jeff City pushing this tech forward:

Public schools would have to pay for private virtual schools under new Missouri plan

Missouri public school students in kindergarten through 12th grade could take online courses for free, with their school district or charter school picking up the tab, under legislation that passed the Missouri House and Senate this month.


  1. Just close KCPS altogether, it’s a giant waste of taxpayer dollars and doesn’t teach the utes anything, they’ve got it dumbed down so much It’s just not worth keeping, private, home schooling and yes, even online classes are better than they can do and just think what we all could do with that extra tax money in our pockets!


  2. There aren't many good public school teachers out there, it's the easiest degree you can get, and they make way too much money because they only work part of the year. When you look at how much money goes to KC schools and what they turn out as students it's a tragedy. I heard many substitute teachers say it's the most degrading job they have ever done and would rather dig ditches, so you know what kind of people are public school teachers. I agree close KCPS down.

  3. Not many good students in KCPS. Lots of illiterate kids

  4. Motorcycle crash on 83rd in west Lenexa... yeah, I’m sure he was being a saintly motorbike rider, obeying all laws, NOT weaving, NOT speeding... The worst part about every motorcycle crash is not the organs that could donate it, the one last moron on the road, it’s the fact that we have to listen to so many people say watch out for motorcycles, when is the motorcyclists fault for riding like a total cocksucker in the first place

  5. The idea of using the internet for coresspondence is long overdue. Colleges have been doing it for years. Time to give KC students a hand up.

  6. These are for profit scam companies that drain the limited dollars available from public schools. Betsy is a big proponent of them cause the put tax payers dollars in the pockets of fat cats with nothing to show for the kids and families.

  7. ^^^ that's a standard line from a teacher who knows their jobs is going to be threatened in the future. It can't be much worse than what they're offering at KCPS.


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