Show-Me One Last MO Guv Greitens Blast

One last quick run-down of some of our favorite news links on the last full day of work for one the most controversial politicos in Missouri history.

Fave link of the day . . .

Turner Report: Today is Greitens' last full day in office (supporters) insist governor was victim of liberal witch hunt

Money line . . .

"Greitens spent much of his time out of state hobnobbing with wealthy potential contributors to lay the groundwork for a presidential race that will never happen.

"He made few friends on either side of the aisle, instead concentrating on criticizing legislators for their corruption at the same time that the was operating a secretive administration and conducting much of the state's business using apps that destroyed messages so no record would be left of how he was managing or mismanaging taxpayer dollars . . .

"When it comes down to it, Greitens' entire approach to governing was to take the role of the savior who was going to ride in on a white horse and rid this state of all of the corruption that was holding it back.

"Every one else was a problem.

Only Greitens stood for what was right and good . . ."


Gov. Greitens will not receive taxpayer funded pension

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens announced Tuesday that he would resign effective Friday, June 1 at 5 p.m. Because of Greitens' early end to his term, he is not eligible to receive a taxpayer funded pension. Elected officials must serve four years to receive that pension. Gov.

Once full of promise, Greitens becomes tarnished footnote of scandal and missed opportunity

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens entered office in 2017 with the opportunity to become the most impactful Republican governor in Missouri history. Never before had a GOP chief executive had so many Republicans in the General Assembly, giving the former Navy SEAL the opportunity to make a policy mark.

Gov. Eric Greitens of Missouri Resigns: Top Takeaways

After more than four months of spiraling political scandal, criminal charges and the threat of impeachment, Gov. Eric Greitens of Missouri made a surprise announcement: He would resign his office by the end of the week. It was a sudden switch for a governor who for months had defiantly rejected a chorus of calls to quit and who said he had done nothing illegal.

Messenger: On the day after Greitens resigns, attorney goes after his phones in Confide lawsuit

On Wednesday, Judge Jon Beetem ordered pizza. It was the morning after. After the sudden resignation of Gov. Eric Greitens. After the Cole County Circuit Court judge had ordered the soon-to-be former governor's campaign and dark-money committee to produce documents sought by the Missouri House committee investigating Greitens' various misdeeds.

Roseanne, Eric Greitens offer us a leadership lesson (no, seriously)

My dad used to tell my brother and me that life is too short to make all the mistakes, so you have to be sure to learn from other people's. Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens and ABC sitcom star Roseanne Barr offered a master class Tuesday.

5 Things to Know About Mike Parson, Missouri's Boring New Governor

click to enlarge On Friday, Missourians will bid a final farewell to Eric Greitens, who has an exciting post-gubernatorial life waiting for him in various courtrooms. Replacing the former political wunderkind is Lt. Governor Mike Parson, a fellow Republican, but one cast in a far different mold.

Eric Greitens Proves It Again: Politics Attracts Sociopaths

Whether it's the election of Donald Trump as president, or the recent political scandals involving Missouri GOP Governor Eric Greitens, or former New York Democratic attorney general Eric Schneiderman, our system of elected politics has a problem baked into it: It attracts jerks.

Developing . . .


  1. Yeah, sure. The NYT, The Chicago Tribune, Stl Louis Public Radio, the Daily Beast.

    No bias there, so, we can all assume he was guilty of the He Said She Said crimes.

    Thanks 'journalists', for the objective, non agenda driven opinions of sober minded, circumspect and "perspicacious" thought leaders.

    Now, back to the monomaniacal quest for justice in the Russian Collusion Delusion.

  2. ^^^Just as you easily dismiss the aforementioned news sources, we can easily dismiss you and your worthless opinions. Thank you for your "objective non-agenda driven opinion. You certainly are everything you rail against. Your every bit the partisan hack you poke fun of. Now go back to burying your head in the sand and regurgitating Fox News talking points.

  3. Thanks 8:24. Don't worry, we will get him!!!!!

    A spy is a "Good Thing"!!!

  4. No, actually a spy is NOT a "Good Thing", unless you are a criminal, Democrat, unelected bureaucrat on a "Witch Hunt".

    I did the time, for crimes that go without mention and prosecution by the Deep State and the 4th Estate.

  5. Greitens destroyed himself.

  6. He said she liked it.

    She said she didn't.

    He was white and Republican.

    He had to resign.

  7. Morons, you think he's resigning because of the sex thing still? He's resigning because a judge ordered him to turn over his books. His money is filthy and he was about to be exposed. But sure, keep looking over there at the sex thing.

  8. Trump & the right call it a "spy." The FBI and Justice Department call it an undercover agent. 29 indictments, 4 plea bargains, lots of co-operating witnesses. The most corrupt campaign in American history. Thank God for that spy.

  9. ^^^^^ Bernie Sanders disagrees^^^^^

  10. ^^So? Justice cannot be denied.

  11. Look for Fox News to add "Rosanne" to Hannity, Carlson, and all the rest of the comedy shows in its evening lineup.

    Starring Rosanne Barr as the Nasty fat bitch, Steve Bannon as an overweight John Goodman, and Eric Greitens as their daughter Diane.

  12. Poor Tracy she won't have anything to rant and rave about anymore. Maybe Greitens will sue her for slander.

  13. Ha!@12:21PM-That's a good one!

  14. 11:28 Are you really that ignorant? Don't bother answering.

  15. He chose to resign.

    8:34, Mueller is a Republican, & a war hero.

  16. I bet Eric Prince gave Lol Eric Sancho a desk job in Saudi Arabia.

  17. Who the hell has been running things ?

  18. Tracy is right.
    Greitens is going down (pardon the sex pun) and this is just the beginning.
    Confide will be very very very big and cast many many lies and very very troubling details.
    Many think I ncarceration is not a question of if, but when and how long.
    When the far away dark dark dark money sources are revealed and the foreign contributions are known- the key to any turnstiles that keep Gretens imprisoned behind bars aka Blagojevich- will be thrown away for the years that his kids grow up and move far far far away from the messy messy messy affair their cuckhold cuckoo daddy made.
    Investigators continue to investigate the investigations and will follow all the facts to see how this man operates and operated so they can hold him accountable and insure this never ever happens again.
    Good bye Eric- but not until prosecutors humiliate you the way you humiliated Missourians.

  19. When political "rising stars" are supported by nothing but hot air, lies about their past, and no accomplishments to speak of, it usually doesn't take very long before the gravity of reality works its magic.
    And folks like this are pretty much everywhere you look.
    Both political parties.
    And at every level of government.
    Local exhibits A and B?
    Jackson County and KCMO.


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