Of All The Columns Comparing Disgraced Greitens to Prez Trump: This One Is Best

One of many money lines in this think piece:

"Missouri’s Republicans deserve praise for doing what politicians at all times and places ought to do: When one of their own behaves in an abominable way, make it impossible for him to remain in public office or to seek it.

The name of Donald Trump lurks beneath this topic. It isn’t necessary to draw specious comparisons between Trump’s personal behavior and that of Greitens. The latter’s guilt is unique and uniquely disgusting. But no serious observer denies that Trump has engaged in behavior that would have destroyed any other Republican candidate or officeholder. How to make sense of the inconsistency?"

Read more:

Missouri's Non-Compromise

After a grinding four-month scandal, the political career of Eric Greitens has come to a richly deserved end. On May 29, he announced his decision to step down as Missouri's governor, effective June 1. In 2016, many Republican insiders saw in Greitens the perfect candidate: a Rhodes scholar and former Navy SEAL, articulate and well connected, conservative and politically astute.


  1. That article stated Martin Luther King was a serial adulterer. That can’t possibly be true. How dare they?

  2. How does it compare to billy Clinton?

    And people love him so.........

  3. Nobody cares about last centuries misdeeds.

    The current question is about Josh Hawley and he has 3 months to try to answer.

    Hawley opened an investigation into Greitens in his official capacity as AG and is being praised for his actions.

    Would Josh go after Trump for the same issues as US Senator? Not an affair, but for campaign finance violations. Is impeachment on or off the table?

    I'm sure there are several GOP primary candidates that will back Trump against his enemies. Josh has a proven track record - he favors witch hunts. He needs to debate and answer for this in the GOP primary.

  4. 6:14 is asleep at the wheel.
    Josh knocked it out of the park and is not done.
    Greitens is gone and more coming the ex-Gov’s way... slammer time! Thank Josh and he did great given a 2nd chance.. he cleaned up Missouri’s albatross leader...Mission accomplished!
    ..and to think Old ducktape said Josh is good at giving speeches. Old Ducktape gave locker room ammo to Josh and Josh looked Presidential while feeding those in need to bury Ductapes’ political ambitions once and for all.
    Hawley for President!

  5. "But what about ...."

    We saw what you did there. The current go to play for conservatives.


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