More Deets On Kansas City Fire Department Confronting Federal Discrimination Lawsuit

Litigants claim a pattern of bias is practiced by this KCMO organization that struggles to adapt to modern-day labor practices of every kind from overtime to hiring.

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Kansas City Fire Department Sued In Federal Court For Pattern Of Racial Discrimination

A former 23-year veteran employee of the Kansas City Fire Department is suing the department for racial discrimination. In a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday, Travis Yeargans, who is black, says he's not the only one who has been discriminated against.


  1. Shocking. Black people suing the people and companies they work for.

  2. this guy couldn’t pass the test to promote, he’s dumber than a box of rocks, but hey, why not sue, he’s black so we’ll have to give him the money. Just another unwarranted attack on whites and sLIE will back him, you know, so his party can get yes votes for more stupid shiny toys.


  3. Yep kinda like the Hooters case that never happened, a black rookie after the Gov. of Missouri, they know they can get by with it now so why not it's free money.

    Black people are the most hated in the world and they brought it on themselves.

  4. Another lawsuit implying the KCFD should have racial quotas based on % of population of the race. If this argument is going to be perpetuated the the % of blacks need to be DECREASED in college and professional sports, drug dealers, track, hip hop, rap, jazz, and increased in hockey, tennis, golf, country and western music, and winter skiing. The racial quota argument is worn out and does not hold water.

  5. Tax payers keep paying me!

  6. A previous comment on this story late last night I think paints a likely story here.

    "Just because you have been a firefighter for 23 years does not mean you're Captain material. If 10 people all take a Captain test and 75% of them scored higher than you guess what, 23 years won't mean squat. He was a FAO which is a rather cushy position to be in. But maybe him being the Senior Pastor at River Edge Fellowship Church was just cutting into his firefighting duties too much? Or was he trying to convert the wrong fellow firefighters? Don't appear he follows the words of the Holy Bible he preaches from very well with the filing of this lawsuit."

    1. All of you are apparently stuoid yourselves. A man who did not even qualify to apply for fire chief. Is not fire chief. He was JUST a captain. Yet be has the job. Again, a job HE DID NOT AND STILL DOES NOT qualify for. But the black mans playing the race card right??? No ones crying about the white man being placed in a position he didnt qualify for just to keep the most qualified black man out of that seat. You must be a fireman. You guys come on here to rant with no basis, only bias.

  7. I'm going to sue because I'm black now pay up.

  8. This guy is simply counting on: (1) a judge being too lazy or simply not able to analyze his simplistic statistics (blacks are N% of all firefighters but only N-% of captains) and toss the case on the basis that they prove nothing; and (2) then sending the case to a jury who are easily convinced by histrionic arguments and bogus numbers. Happens all the time.

    1. What he's counting on is the fact that the city always settles.

  9. Many more coming!

  10. Make

  11. This isnt the first time KCFD has been sued, If I remember correctly not to many years ago they got sued for millions after failing to pay the consumed ex MAST employees deserved overtime since they were no fire suppression employees, and of course they werent - they were EMS proffessionals that had some of the top 5 repsonse times and Cardiac Arrest Save in the nation....Until FIRE hijacked the service to justify a bogus Medical budget!!. The person who started the class action lawsuit after winning that lawsuit was run out of town. KCFD should learn how be the heros they propagandise the public with claiming to be, and learn somehow to have some kind of good moral turptitude! I would be emarassed to be a KCFD fire employee because the public knows how ghetto they are, and how they are nothing more than self entitled "HUSTLERS" and for sure not HEROS. You can do hero things but if you you steal from the taxpayers, and lie to the tax payers, you are not woven in your morals to ever call or claim to be a hero!!

  12. "Good moral turpitude" I love it


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