Given that most Internets content is really just telling jerks what they want to hear for the sake of views, shares and other Pavlovian Internets prizes that newsies cash in for real coin . . . We offer this bit of "good news" with a great deal of skepticism given that it reads a lot like City Hall talking points as "listicles" remain a solid strategy to lure desperate biz people willing to pay for uninspiring sponsored content.


Forbes: The Cities Creating The Most White-Collar Jobs, 2018

"Perhaps the biggest surprise on our list is No. 3 Kansas City, which has seen 25.3% growth since 2012 and a healthy 4.6% last year. The Missouri city has been attracting a lot of corporate expansions, with employment in corporate and enterprise management growing by 57% since 2010, according to analyst Mark Schill. Among the companies adding jobs in the area have been stalwarts in tech (Garmin and Cerner), logistics (CVS, Amazon, Jet.com), manufacturing (GM, Ford, Honeywell, Kubota); headquarters expansions include firms such as Auto Alert, Littler Mendelson, and In Touch Solutions.

"Kansas City’s appeal is that it offers inexpensive housing and office space. Kansas City has a low cost of living (93.7, where 100.0 is average), according to the latest (2015) Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Price Parities. It’s the 11th least expensive out of the 53 major U.S. metropolitan areas. It also has a large, historic downtown -- and is among the easiest American cities to get around. Kansas City tied with Indianapolis for the least all-day traffic congestion among the approximately 175 metropolitan areas in the world with populations over 1 million that are rated by the Tom Tom Traffic Index."

You decide . . .


  1. Affordable housing doesn't seem to matter, we still get no respect. I saw an article yesterday about a 2500 sq ft home in Sunnyvale CA that sold for $3.17. This is 17X the retail value of my 1200 sq ft home in KCMO.

  2. Meet Sophia the ROBOT5/30/18, 5:41 AM

    Times have changed in the last 10 to 20 years

    With current Technology theres less mechanical jobs needed than there was in years before.

    Example I got a job making $300,000 a year making ROBOTS that look like real people, and we program them to take out all the Dumb Asses who don't wanna work and are on Drugs & dope and are Clueless mindless dipshits !!

    Its a great job, Monday thru Friday with an hour for lunch and only actually work about 6 hours of the 8 hour work day.

    Employees get 3 weeks paid vacation after the 1st year and all insurance paid for plus employees get 5% profit sharing.

    Double time if required to work on a holiday, which is rare.

    Meet Sophia : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0_DPi0PmF0

  3. Mark "Schill"


  4. How much was Kotkin bribed for this piece of hype?

  5. "Kansas City, which has seen 25.3% growth since 2012 and a healthy 4.6% last year."

    I would be interesting to see the methodology used to come up with these numbers. Are they generated by the same people who claim 25 million tourists?

  6. Go4KC will be all over this article and using it as another reason for KCMO moving forward and great things happening in KCMO.
    Would love to see the answer to @7:22's question.

  7. "historic downtown"

    Where is that located at? All they do in this town is tear down the old and build new.

  8. These numbers are accurate I’m telling you people because we have 25 million tourists every year, mark my words Go4kc will tell you it’s all true! Bwahahahaha!

  9. ^^^Only the mentally deranged. or elderly, out-of touch losers with no social lives laugh at their own insipid posts. Which are you?

  10. ^^^^Don't you have some diapers to pick up?

  11. ^^^^Apparently you are mentally deranged. That answers that question.

  12. Tony Botello is right, how dare anyone move out of their mom's basement and get a real job.


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