Kansas City, Kansas Schlitterbahn Stays Losing Amid More Verrückt Decapitation Indictments And Failed Braking System Deets

Today's big news tells us what most of us already knew . . .

- Authorities seem to believe the water park was grossly negligent and involved in a cover-up.

- Kansas politicos aren't gonna stop until they put the place out of biz.

- There's more than enough blame to go around.

Today's charge go all the way down the totem pole and crackdown on low level maintenance workers.

Check the links:

Fox4KC: Two more Schlitterbahn employees indicted in connection to 2016 deadly water slide incident

KC Biz Journal: Indictment targets two Schlitterbahn workers for lying about failed braking system

KMBC: 2 more charged in Schlitterbahn case

KCTV5: 2 maintenance workers charged in Schlitterbahn water park death

KCUR: Five Men Now Face Criminal Charges In Child's Death On Kansas City Water Slide

Developing . . .


  1. So why hasn’t the city, county or state been held accountable for letting the slide be designed, built or opened by someone other than an engineer? Ask any one in Wyco - you can’t build a shed on your property without the city being up your ass about anything and everything. The slide wasn’t only profitable to the owners, but to the county, city and state as well.... someone signing off on this place should be sitting right there indicted with the others. Where is the Wyco DA when it comes to that? And why hasn’t there been an outcry for someone at that level to be held accountable?

  2. Fox4 wins today's report, because they pointed out that the Ks. AG's office, under Derek Schmidt, (the lookalike for the actor in the National car rental ads) has still not refiled the one case against Schlitterbahn corporate. They filed against the wrong corporate name. Fine, shit happens. But why haven't they refiled???

    Instead they filed two new individual suits, against the maintenance men. The guy on the right looks like Steve Bannon's degenerate cousin.

    Was Schmidt stalling on correcting his first mistake out of the gate? Waiting to see if he drew any opponents to his re-election? The filing for that is June 1. Maybe he thought nobody would pay attention if he poked along, whereas a REFILING reminds voters that he and his staff got it wrong.

    Good catch, Fox 4. One of their top reporters went to high school with the decapitated boy's father, Scott Schwab. They were in band together, life long friends.

    And yes, I think it's important to call it what it was. Caleb Schwab didn't just die--he was decapitated. And his head was trapped in the net for several hours, until they cut the net and hoop decapitation "instrument of death" down, and reunited his head with Caleb's body on the ground. Meanwhile the UG cops were questioning everyone and keeping the grieving, uninformed mother away.

    So today, two more employees were added to the list. But not Schlitterbahn corporate.

    Come on, Derek Schmidt. You're moving slower than Sly James' toy train.

    And of course, Winter Prosapio, the novice PR maven and author of a book about toilet jokes, today once again played the role of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, issued a gosh by golly statement, that she had NO inkling of any maintenance issues.

    Seriously? That defies incredulity. Will she be #6?

  3. let justice be done!

  4. 7:17, re the Wyco DA--he's new to the job, but smart enough to have figgered out not to go after his co-workers! In fact, some of those, the Gang of Five Design review Committee, actually designed the hoops and nets, also without benefit of engineering review, and MANDATED that Schlitterbahn install it, which they did at the last minute.

    The Wyco DA claimed he was "too busy" to manage such a case, and turned it over to Derek Schmidt, Ks. Attorney General. So even tho they held the grand jury in the Dot, the lawyers all came from Topeka, the Ks. State AG's office. Which to most recent research, has never prosecuted a major murder 2 trial ever in the history of the state. This is all new to them.

    Schmidt, whose Wikipedia page calls himself "American Politician", runs for re-election in the Aug. primary, and the Nov. general election.

  5. Yes lets pick on the working man who just follows orders hoping by just doing what he is told won't get him fired and blacklisted.

    I'm sure Tracy is jumping up and down with joy that two more people have been charged not giving a damn she is so on a pay back agenda that affects her family in no way whatsoever but wanting to see probably decent workers who were just following orders families now being torn apart and having to suffer from such charges.

    Silver Dollar City and Worlds of Fun both have had a death due to their rides. The SDC ride Fire in the Hole same as ripped a guys head off and was caused by human error but but 38 years later it's still in even operation right now as I speak. In fact that ride also was a homemade ride so to speak totally built right there in Branson.

    In each of these incidents nobody faced any charges nor was there any public screaming for either place to be shut down and closed for good. Why now is folks running around with their panties in a twist seeking redemption by charging everyone. The guy who sweeps the floor over there better get an attorney, they will probably arrest him next.

  6. Hey, Dave--
    No I'm not jumping for joy. I am, however, a crusader for justice. Even tho I don't go to Schlitterbahn. I take your point about the little guy, doing what he is told--including lying.

    Have you considered this, Super Dave? Today's two new indictments can be viewed as a form of Water Torture against the Water Park? Drip drip drip. String out the indictments, every week. First the inspections for opening weekend. Now this. The bad new--reported on all the TV stations, (this crowd does not subscribe to the STAR) will surely cut into Schlitterbahn's profitability this season.

    So if they go broke, and leave the state, who will really care? Scott Schwab's family already got their $20 million settlement. Can't be clawed back.

    This all might just be the only thing, a simple strategy of bureaucratic and legal niggling-- that Schwab's friends in state government can think of or execute at the present time. The public does not know how strong their case is. They rigged the grand jury so as not to reveal the documents.

    We do know that Jeff Henry has a far more experienced legal team.
    By a factor of 100--successful criminal defense vs rubes from Washburn in Topeka.

    So perhaps it's just Optics, Dave. Gitmo has come to Kansas! Ironic, huh? Because for a long time, the Obama administration was trying to move the Gitmo detainees to Kansas. Turns out our little band of elected officials already knows how to inflict water torture...

  7. Good Lord Tracy chill the fuck out. Why don't you learn and understand that people like Dave make good points while you just hate and make no points at all. I bet you really are jumping for joy.
    Hey Dave ya goof, how is the injury doing? Heard you got fucked up, get well soon dude the dump ain't the same without you. Good point about WOF and The Branson tourist trap. Hate the young man lost his life but so did a young girl at WOF and a valid point you do make.

  8. Shitterbomb we have a floater.

  9. 7:17 that's exactly what I want to know. When I saw these two charged the first thing I thought was they found their fall guys. Someone has to go to prison so make it two guys who can't afford good lawyers. I can't remember how many states it was that turned down the water slide, at least 10? They built it there because they knew there was no regulations (go Kansas!) And hoped nothing bad would happen. Well it did and now they're going to blame a couple of park employees that don't have the means to defend themselves.

  10. I am pleased to report that I worked at Schlitterbahn the summer of 2016 and I am one of the few that have not been charged yet.

  11. ^^^^^I wouldn't be doing too much bragging yet. Tracy and the and the so called do gooders are not done blaming people yet. Just so lame that those idiots are not blaming the ones that really need to be blamed. But they are politicians and all above the law.

  12. All because the city of Wyandotte begged them to put a park there so they could reap the benefits of the taxes, I garauntee if this was a normal human being none of this would be happening but since it’s an “elected officials” son all hell breaks loose.

    When do the elected officials that didn’t want safety inspections go to court?

  13. I'm certain that TT will not be satisfied until she sees the Owner's and managers of Schlitterban at the guillotine. Literally watching breathlessly as their collective heads roll.

    Dude, 10:00PM, you outed yourself and likely TT is blowing up the AG's office to subpoena TKC for your IP and other identifying information. Remember all who worked at Shlitterban before, during and after that tragic incident are culpable in the eyes of a SJW crusader.

  14. Gonna need a source that he was decapitated and his head was stuck in the net for hours

  15. 11:16--
    the source was a Wyco cop who was threatened with losing their job if their name was published. But it's confirmed.


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