Check Out Kansas City Dr. Football

Stellar write-up from the nation's paper of record offers a glimpse at an amazing feat of academic achievement whilst also working as pro-athlete. Double bonus, when the O-Line inevitably crumbles late season, the backfield can feel confident in having trained medical staff nearby. Read more:

Chiefs Lineman Becomes First Active N.F.L. Player to Earn M.D.

MONTREAL - In a black gown and a red tie, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif looked at ease making small talk with fellow graduates here as he waited to be called up to the stage to receive his degree.


  1. Too bad they don’t teach blocking in med school. This guy sucks and gets lots of holding calls.

  2. ^^^ Thank you. Nobody mentions this and how bad the offensive line has sucked these past few years. Glad the guy is an M.D., now maybe he'll move on so we can start building a better team.

  3. If this guy is as bad at doctoring as he is at football lots of people are going to die. He isn’t worth a fuck.

  4. ^^^^ I gotta say, sounds like jealousy; and I couldn't care less about overpaid sports ball player.

  5. I thought this was going to be about Marcus Peters.


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