Atlantic Recalls Olathe Hate Crime & Some D-bag Told TKC To Get Out Of The Country

I wasn't gonna bother mentioning this but, in passing, this seems like the right place since this movie isn't really "news" but rather even more lamenting our divisive discourse.

Quick version: TKC made the mistake of walking near Brookside/Waldo over the weekend in order to preserve this svelte physique and turning the corner some drunken rube yells: "Go back to your country!" I wasn't wearing my sombrero that day so I totes thought he was talking to somebody else and turned around to see that I was nearly alone with only a white lady in her 70s wearing headphones and wrist weights about to pass me. 20 seconds later I thought of a comeback but the mid-sized imported sedan was already too far away to hear my brilliant retort. Took the guy's advice and headed back to the county of my birth - Westside Kansas City - Where I do most of the yelling . . . In all caps with much better jokes, lots of typos and far more clever one-liners . . . In time.

But I digress . . .

Check the far more upbeat and saccharine reporting about a shooting incident where the gunman pleaded guilty to hate crime charges and is spending life in jail partly because of shoddy ethnic profiling.

Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. Post script on this one. Decided to share the sordid tale briefly but DO NOT want to encourage white guilt - Which I find totally cringe-y. Totally expect somebody to claim a "race hoax" of which there are many but usually preformed to garner some benefit - My mini-run-in made for a nice anecdote and a decent intro to a post of which I literally have thousands upon thousands to share . . .

  2. I had a towelhead friend who was fearful after 9/11 and began pretending like he was a Mexican.

  3. Tony: When going out leave the mariachi band at home.


  4. Tony go out just as you are or just as you want to, wearing anything you want to. They did this to my Italian grandma back in the 30's.

  5. Tony- I'm a white gay dude. I can much more easily hide what makes me different from everyone else, but choose not to. I just live life as I am and say f*** off to everyone who thinks they know how to live my life for me. You do you my friend.

    I enjoy your blog. Seldom comment. Some of the trolls in the comment section are vile and brainless.

  6. Welcome to Trump's America! Rest assured Tony, it was one of your kick-ass TKC insiders who did the yelling! You cultivate that kind of audience.

  7. Just reply, "Are you out of jail again?"

  8. Funny anecdote!

    Maybe they were yelling at the old white lady? Wrist weights are a dead giveaway for those Swiss bastards!

  9. Byron Funkhouser5/31/18, 11:27 AM

    No one can tell by looking at you that you consider yourself an honorary white man who hates immigrants, especially Mexicans.

  10. ^^^^^^Shut the fuck up you jackass.

  11. I'd hate to think how many times I have been called a white bitch over on the darker side of town. I don't go there to bother them but I get yelled at all the same. Least so far not shot at me.

  12. ^^Huh? That mess of shit is unreadable. Are you really, really old, or a retard?

  13. ^^^ Actually I can relate to what 12:36 said as having been called that as well. So 12:40 how about you just shutting the hell up since it appears you're completely ignorant of anything factual.

  14. Anybody who does that fuckery to anyone is an ignorant asshole. I could care less what your damn color is, orientation etc.

    I judge people based on the way they act.

    If I would have heard that nonsense, I would have stepped in. I am serious. That kinda of crap needs to stop.

  15. ^^MAGA! It all starts at the top. He's the tone setter for the country. Direct your anger there.

  16. Well at least the Indians didn't burn down the neighborhood.


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