Today a small subset of Kansas City residents will make life a lot more expensive for everyone.

Today's sales tax increase vote is expect to pass without much resistance and very little voter turnout . . . Remember last year around this time the GO BONDS passed easily with a strange uptick in the number of voters that was either due to highly motivated weed advocates or just a classically rigged vote.

Nevertheless . . .

Critics of the 12th & Oak fiscal policy cite a 10.6% sales tax in some parts of KCMO and 12.6% for the nicer restaurants in town.

And the last part of Mayor Sly's tax and spend tenure hasn't even started.

To wit . . .


A sneak peek at the pitch . . .

- One More Water Tax Coming Soon - After all these year a $5-BILLION waste water sewer bill still confronts KCMO and local repairs haven't come close to meeting requirements. Even worse, water rates continue to rise and po'folk struggling to stay afloat are sinking the Water Dept. in debt. The upcoming ballot tax increase effort will balance concerns about infrastructure improvements with "social justice" efforts to make the middle-class pick up the tab to keep the local working-poor afloat.

- KC Transit Tax - An upcoming chance for motorists, broke-ass bus denizens and even streetcar supporters to get together in order to provide City Hall more cash to literally "move Kansas City" forward. Ugh.

- A Lesson In Tax Overload - KCPS & Charter Schools are in need of a cash influx. KCPS hasn't issued new bonds or gone to voters for a tax increase in five decades. This new KCMO education tax has been in the works for the two years, Superintendent Mark Bedell said the district is looking at an increase in the property tax rate and issuing bonds to help repair or replace crumbling schools. An upcoming education ask directed toward taxpayers is on the way and Charter School "progress" will be the main selling point.

Accordingly . . .


You decide . . .


  1. Like kids in a candy store, they can't get to our money fast enough

    1. I guess affordability isn't a concern for KC leaders any longer. They're taking one of the best things about this city and ruining it.

      Despite the crime and the politics and the midwest overall. KC has always managed to stay competitive because at least it was cheap to live here. Now Sly has taken that away.

      Not much left after that.

    2. It would be more decent of some of these people if they just used a gun to rob KC. At least with that kind of robbery there wouldn't be any doubt about where the money was going.

  2. gotta have that citywide streetcar tax! Actually, TKC, you're friends at smartkc laid the groundwork at this.

  3. It is important to provide some balance here because this take on the subject of support for KC is very biased.

    Water taxes: It is much better to for residents to consider a small fee then have water rates spiral out of control. Water is our most essential resource and making sure everyone has access is vital to our success as a city.

    Transit taxes: You and a lot of your readers say that you love the bus. The chance to prove it is coming up very soon. The fact is our transit system is interconnected and buses often support the street car and vice versa.

    Education: You said it yourself, KC hasn't asked for more money for schools in far too long. The charter schools are doing great things and improving the quality of education throughout KC. I think you'll find that most people want to support that.

    So, the negativity is easily outweighed by the facts. KC is moving forward and so many people want to help to make our town best.

    1. ^^^ Team Sly has spoken, now we are all required to go out and do their bidding. I guess you could call that democracy but it's not.

  4. PARDON ME, which way to the nearest U-Haul rental office?

  5. $5 Billion into the pockets of the Burns & Mac Leawood residents!!

  6. Bend over Kansas City. You idiots are gonna pay pay pay. Taxes, levies and Go Bonds oh my!

  7. Tunnel Vision Progressive4/3/18, 9:00 AM

    How is getting the water mains and sewers replaced in KCMO as required by the EPA coming along? According to Tony's ;ink very little if any progress has been made.

    Typical incompetence at City Hall with mayor Bullhorn leading the cavalry.

    Will the city use the additional water tax for this? Highly unlikely. Just look how the go bond funds has been misdirected.

    The water department needs to be audited.

  8. "Transit taxes: You and a lot of your readers say that you love the bus. The chance to prove it is coming up very soon. The fact is our transit system is interconnected and buses often support the street car and vice versa."

    The transit system is not interconnected. The streetcar duplicates bus routes and is a massive waste of money.

  9. "The charter schools are doing great things" are you sure? It seems they are doing the same exact thing. The school district does not need more money, they need less schools. It still operates like there are 40K kids when there are only 26K. That goes for the district and the charters

  10. I was the only person voting at my polling place. There was only one issue plus a vote on a junior college board member. It costs something like $80,000 to hold an election. What a waste.

  11. Go4kc, you failed to mention the billions of dollars that the Feds gave us for the sewer system repairs starting with car wash cleaver and all the way up to funkyshit that used that money for everything but the sewers. By the way it’s not the water rates it’s the sewer add ons that you are killing us with. I can’t wait for this current crop of idiot mayor and council morons to get out of our city

  12. Commiecrats win again!!!

  13. 10:40, same here. It is in the city's interest, and against ours, to schedule the election on a day when few citizens will bother to vote.

  14. Kcmosd gets more money from the Feds then they deserve especially when they are one of the worst school districts in the country. its more like 17,000 not 26,000 kids. I’d be real curious to see what amount they spend per kid before I’d even think about giving them any more money

  15. I just looked up the enrollment numbers from kcmosd for last year, 14,600 kids, it’s ridiculous that they need more money, they’ve lost 8,000 students over the last ten years, it’s time to shut them down and start over.

  16. Anderson school has 72 students and only one senior, knots has 109 students, shut them down and save us some money

  17. Go figure, the kcmosd spends the most per student, $14,770 with liberty being the cheapest at $9,480 (2015 numbers per kcmosd)

  18. Go ahead you idiots vote all those taxes in place, but remember I won't be over there spending any money for you goofs to tax me on.

  19. Well since you dear, dear President lowered your taxes earlier this year, you bastards can afford to pay more and you will! Just got back from my polling station and voted yes across the line. We are moving forward!

  20. 12:15 Russian bot


  21. 12:15 pm do you not know that you will have to pay too? You say you voted yes across the line, do you see your tax dollars at work? It seems more business is moving out of K.C. and the as you say the "bastards" who can afford it have left huge empty houses on the market that are not selling so fast.

    Moving forward? Maybe you should look around at the projects that have grand plans and are sitting empty like the project at 18th & vine among other areas in the city!

    So yes go ahead and move forward as you call it because it will come out of your pocket too, even if you're on government assistance "and it sounds like you are", the money still comes out of your pocket. You just took food right out of your own mouth!

  22. ^^^+100000

  23. A much too long diatribe I admit, but after 30 years in this city and loving it, we have had enough; the corruption is overwhelming, the unfair tax advantages that some get are just too much to take; the callous contempt that city officials have for law abiding citizens who pay their fair share and more is insulting; the attitude of "if we don't like how you vote, we will just ignore it" is illegal at best and yet NO ONE who has the authority to investigate and do something about it appears to be interested in doing so. My thoughts to you council members and mayor is this - when we and hundreds of others like us leave this city, what are you going to do? How can you raise more taxes on people who don't ever pay their fair share to begin with or pay nothing at all? When we leave you will be left with nothing. You cant bleed a turnip and this turnip has had enough. I will be gone just like my neighbors in this upper middle class neighborhood in the center city very soon and will not look back nor feel any remorse when this city collapses under the weight of its pork barrel. You really don't care about this city, only your power and greed and likely your legacy - which in my opinion wont be good.

  24. Unfortunately the ones that are out voting yes today are blacks on welfare who want someone else to pay for their free shit, you know, so they can

    “feel good about they selves because they live in such a shitty city and all”

    Famous words from Troy Nash when he was spending millions of dollars on prospect

  25. Go4kc and somehow the near 400 million it will cost us for 5.9 miles of toy train makes sense to you? God your an idiot

  26. That breaks down to $65,000,000 per mile by the way, just think, they want to rape us for 23 years on a one percent tax hike to pay for a bridge we don’t own and is the states responsibility.

    How does this make any sense?

    $65,000,000 per mile could do so much good for all of us outside the downtown loop or as it’s really known as, sLIE’s kingdom

  27. I generally vote no on all KC tax grabs. When I kept getting flyers in the mail with that fat slob mayor and Freedom Inc all over them it made it that much more satisfying. Sad to say, it will pass.

  28. We vote no, they do it anyway. Certainly motivation to vote.

  29. The city council gave $50 million dollars of taxpayer money to fund the convention hotel. In addition all property and sales taxes were waived for 99-years. That is tens of millions of dollars DIVERTED FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

    I have read all the posts, but must have missed the gracious THANK YOU from MIKE BURKE and his development team to the citizens of our city for picking up the slack created by these waived taxes. The public schools will be funded by increases to your water bills or not. They just won't be funded.

    MIKE BURKE certainly appreciates the public's help though. He must be very busy spending his $5 million cash buy-out from the development team for steering this corrupt give away through city hall and the city council.

  30. Jed Clampett4/3/18, 4:01 PM

    Pitiful... Just pitiful.

  31. Be nice? Fuck you Sly James and all you dumbass democrats. We are getting sick of this shit.

    1. ^^^^Then move the fuck on goon!

  32. "Unfortunately the ones that are out voting yes today are blacks on welfare who want someone else to pay for their free shit, you know, so they can"

    You mean these people are the ones pushing for luxury apartments downtown and a streetcar?

  33. Exactly, 746p. YT is always trying to deflect blame to black people. 2520s are the reason our taxes are high. They are sly James supporters not black people.


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