An Orwellian customer service instruction program is undertaken by a coffee giant. Meanwhile, getting a decent cappuccino at this place is pretty much a 50/50 proposition.

Here's the follow-up from today's post

CNBC: Starbucks to close all company-owned stores on the afternoon of May 29 for racial-bias education day

USA: Hear Starbucks' 911 call that led to arrests of two African Americans

WaPo: Starbucks is turning to a type of workplace training that ‘really took off after Ferguson’

As promised, the world according to Kansas City's top ranking columnist social justice advocate . . .

You decide . . .


  1. I almost wish I was stupid enough to work at Starbucks for some racial bias training. I mean, I already hate black people but if I could be better at it I am willing to learn.

  2. The newest and cheapest franchise to quick riches; Race Card ! Call your local activist lawyer for all the details.

  3. Once we get all of the racists out of Starbucks (or whatever) THEN we can all heal racially and life will be amazing for all races.

  4. This is really so sad. People like her are weakening this country. They don't see it, too arrogant to consider it, but they are. And this is a Harvard smarty for ya! So go figure what'll happen next... mo' of da same, motherfuckers!

  5. Blackness is not a crime.

    Blackness is a crime waiting to happen, however.

  6. Hoopz? Who is he?

  7. 1- whiteness is not a crime.

    White guilt is over Hoopsie, get over it.

  8. Don’t you worry about those two men of color, soros payed them well to stage this fake news.

    Speaking of which, if your a person of color why do you get mad when someone calls you a colored person?

  9. If a white person is alone in the forest and there's no one to hear him speak, is he still a racist, homophobe, bigot, misogynist?

  10. She is absolutely right. I'm glad somebody is out there saying it. The starbucks business model is based on loitering. The situation should not have reached that pitch.

  11. If a black person is alone in the forest and there's no one to hear him speak, is he still a racist, homophobe, bigot, misogynist, rapist, thief and murderer?

  12. If its just a place to loiter then the store owner should be able to tell the lease holder he cant pay because no one buys anything they just hangout. Dumbe st arguement i have ever heard. Sorry its a business order something or dont go


  13. the WaPo article said Starbucks is using the jew ADL as a trainer..

    to show them how to kill Palestinians?

  14. I think it’s funny somebody turned the tables on a liberal business

  15. The Lib Nazis don't care how much good you do -- same-sex health insurance benefits in Starbucks case decades before anyone else was going it -- they'll eventually find something that doesn't meet their standards and attempt to ruin you.

  16. What a ridiculous, overkill solution to a problem with one, ONE! store employee.

  17. Starbucks will go out of business and be replaced by an all black coffee shop. No creamer.

  18. She is beyond racist. She'll eventually advocate militant ethnic cleansing of whites at this rate. First she called rap "our music" yesterday, now this shit. If a white person was this inflamed about blacks, ACLU would be forcing their resignation by morning. Screw Syria, the Race War of 2018 is in full effect. Media incites hate! Scary times.


  19. Well Miss RACIST..... Black has made a crime name for itself now hasn't it?

    Give it up Janee or better yet. MOVE!

  20. TKC should hire Hoopz.

    She triggers the geezer racists into clicks and rants.

    Great for bidness.

  21. Hoopz is a sad bitch. Really, just sad.

  22. As badly as Blacks are being treated in Restaurants and Coffee Shops, everywhere in this Country, I would think they would have sense enough to stop patronizing those places entirely.


  23. J. Jackson say -
    "Don't whine about Coffee Shops, BUY Coffee Shops!"

  24. The Primer Of Miss Jenee Osterizer

    Born to an absent black father and tobacco-addicted lower-class white mother who had a criminal history (was it passing bad checks?) and multiple baby daddies.

    When Mommy was spiraling downward, Jenee's half-sister went to live with the white grandparents, but not Jenee.

    During her formative years, Jenee subconsciously realized that white liberals wanted to feel sorry for her, and she learned how to play the "victim" card. She's been playing it ever since.

    According to Jenee's legend, one day she came home from school to discover her Mommy had abandoned her (is that when she got jailed?).

    Jenee went to an all-black college that had about 2/3 female enrollment. She voluntarily segregated herself based on race and gender. White people who do that are accused of racism and sexism.

    As a student intern, Jenee first came to The KC Star through a McClatchy "diversity/inclusion" program. The white liberal Democrats at the Star thought she was nice enough, posed no threat, and validated themselves as not being racist or discriminatory. They gave her fluff assignments to keep her busy. Jenee made sure to tell everyone about her upbringing and that she was a victim.

    Because this "victim" gig was going so well for her, Jenee decided to start writing about her victimhood for the newspaper. Maybe everyone would feel sorry for her! Are all white people so gullible?

    Jenee had a cute puppy. Who doesn't love puppies?
    Jenee's dog died! Who wouldn't feel sorry for her?
    Jenee had a cute VW Beetle. Who doesn't love cute little cars?
    Jenee likes happy hours, music, socializing. Very controversial stuff!
    Jenee got married to a struggling financially shaky black rap artist with a child from a previous relationship. Can you say stereotype? Jenee's marriage failed! Victimized again!

    White liberals at the Star pulled some strings to get Jenee into a Harvard "diversity/inclusion" fellowship so she might advance beyond cocktails, appetizers, and fashion tips.

    Did she mention that she's a VICTIM?

  25. ^^^^^^^^^FTW

  26. I wonder whether the Starbucks manager on duty that day has a story of his own to tell? Too bad there are no journalists who are honest enough to find out and tell us. It really is a scumbag profession.

  27. I think Starbucks liberal asses should give all black people free coffee for the rest of time

  28. The Diversity Diva hangs at coffee shops and knits, perturbed at the whiteness the whole time she is there. Then writes a KPR article about it. Blacks are the real raciest.

  29. That explains how she ended up at the Star. Politics aside, she's not a very good writer.

  30. 10:21 AM

    You nailed it, great job.


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