Mostly men read this blog but this advice is for everybody who wants to keep their loved ones safe.
An open discussion to avoid any stupid and potentially deadly stigma.
A Survivor story . . .
KMBZ: Twice diagnosed with testicular cancer, life moves on for Kansas City man
"It was really difficult dealing with the loss of both testicles at the young age of 24. "A lot to process, especially for a kid who just graduated college," he said. Being diagnosed with testicular cancer is not the end of the world, Roush said. He encourages all men to check themselves on a regular basis. "(Testicular cancer is) easy to detect in most cases," Roush said. "It's something you can feel and that you can catch early; I think it's why I was lucky, something I didn't ignore."
Democrats and liberals are immune from testicular cancer because they don't have no balls. They are a bunch of cunts.
ReplyDeleteThis post is SOOO transphobic !!
ReplyDeleteI self-identify as a girl with balls. Don't tell me that I don't have balls. I say that I do. But tomorrow I might not feel like having them.
You figure it out. I am headed off to my safe space now.
^^^ Hey look, a pair of Republican jerkoffs!
ReplyDeleteIf you're a Democrat and you get testicular cancer, no problem. Just come out as a transgender and everything is fine. It is all about which gender you identify with, right? Happy faggotry, Democrats!
ReplyDeleteI like how Republicans use logic to persuade people to vote Republican.
ReplyDeleteTell us how your ball exam goes, Tony.
ReplyDeleteI mean, let us know if you've grown any.
At least TKC signs his work. Talk about no balls.