Tonight we offer a simple Kansas City not-so-fun fact that will only be disputed by the shills on local tourism payrolls . . .
Whilst VisitKC touts 25-million+ tourists every year . . . Our blog community simply looked at local streets and asked a few downtown biz owners for their opinion on the topic in search of more authentic street-level research.
Here's the off-record hot take . . .
"Any bump in business is welcomed but, yeah, we noticed a slight decline compared to last year and a lot more competition from the 'Live Block' to lure people in after the games."
Fair play to the Kansas City beneficiary of MILLIONS worth of subsidy for competing in the zero-sum tourist game . . . But the lesson here is that bad parking, increased crime and more college b-ball post-season options have more influence over this weekend's tourist totals than constant local civic hype.
Check the links and you decide . . .
The Reason For A Bit Less Excitement: Big 12 Sends 90% of Teams to Postseason
Critical Consideration: March Madness is the NCAA's greatest hypocrisy and its best hope of salvation
Because Every Office Space Loves Illegal Gambling: NCAA tournament bracket revealed on Selection Sunday
Hopefully, we'll have more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!
That is not the case.
ReplyDeleteThere were 500,000 basketball attendance and they all donated their money freely to the mayor and his slate of candidates for the next election. they promised to fly in at the new airport next year and then take the streetcar to give kids on the plaza more free money and pizza.
At least that is the OFFICIAL word from City Hall if all of my titters are correct.
I only trust my phone to give me the BESt information.
At least 500,000 people had to have been here visiting. It was a Go4KC.
ReplyDeleteHow is it saw china had 25 million tourist last year. They hope to hit 40 by 2020 but kcmo does the same. I call bs
ReplyDeleteThe reason the tournament was less successful this year is because Iowa State lost on Wednesday. They bring way more fans to Kansas City than any other school. They usually do well and stay in town for the duration of the tournament but not this year.
ReplyDeleteI think I figured out how this number is accumulated. If you live in nkc liberty kck gladstone belton raymore or any place other than kcmo and pay the 1% tax your a visitor for 5 days a week. However many hotel motel rooms we have. I dont know but i bet if they were 100% occupied wouldnt add up to 25 million
ReplyDeleteI want to see the math they use.
ReplyDelete@10:33 I think has it right. KC business needs to root for Iowa, as painful as that might be!
ReplyDeleteWhatever numbers is presented to the general public you can be sure the truth isn't what it will be.
ReplyDeleteTourism is great but it's only one part of job creation and building a great city. The feeling I get from Sly and the family is that they are putting all of their eggs in that basket. Which is a not a viable strategy for KCMO.
ReplyDeleteKilla shitty is toast, it’s run by dummocrats, nuff said
ReplyDeleteWake Up Go4KC ! Time for work. What lie you going to spread this morning? Quick....
ReplyDeleteAnother point, Sure didn't need that big new hotel that's going up for all these people to stay in. Been told lots of current rooms were available all weekend.
ReplyDeleteKansas City as a whole is a bust from years past.
ReplyDeleteThe last seven years especially!
ReplyDeleteDid any of you pants-shitters get out on Saturday night to the P&L? Because if you did, you would have seen the Sprint Center packed-sold out as a matter of fact! at least 5-7 thousand in the P&l, so crowded that you had to wait until people left to get in so, another troll piece written to make the shut-ins feel better about never getting outside. So unless you were there, (stupid dave) please don't comment
ReplyDeleteOnly locals and I mean those few in the four-state area are the only ones who come to Kansas City and spend true tourist dollars. Crazy Uncle Bob stopping by for dinner on his way elsewhere isn't the same as a tourist. More people go to Branson than come to Kansas City in a years time. Those idiots wanting you to believe otherwise are the ones who are so delusional you wonder how they can make their way to a keyboard to type up their lies.
ReplyDeleteKansas City outside of Worlds of Fun has no real tourist draw. Now Branson is another story. Lots of fun things to do there while not getting shot at unless you try and breed Bubba's wife.
8:09 it was no way as crowded as you would like to say it was. Your post stinks of a Glazer promo type rant. Then again maybe you're just another idiot who thinks nobody besides you was there to dispute what you say. At one brief monument in time after the KU game was over, there may have been a rush but that crowd was gone about as fast as it showed up then it was business as usual good people trying to get the hell out of downtown before dark. You never know when one of Glazer's friends will go on a shooting spree again.
ReplyDelete^^^I was there-were you? It sounds like you weren't, because if you were, you would have seen how crowded it was.
ReplyDeleteA nog and her spawn.
^^Pro tip: Don't post links. Nobody reads them.
ReplyDeleteIt would be kind of funny if it weren't so sad when folks like you talk about how successful, or crowded, or whatever all these taxpayer-subsidized venues are.
The P&L District costs the KCMO taxpayer around $15 million/year and will through about 2030.
The "free" streetcar took millions for "planning" out of the PIAC funds, which are actually supposed to be used for neighborhood infrastructure maintenance and repair.
Cordish continues to be subsidies for its apartments even though the rental rates are such that the young people who they are supposed to attract can't afford them.
The 18th and Vine "project" has made well over $100 million simply disappear and still can't make a financial go of it.
It's a fantasy to think you're talking seriously of a "business" and pay attention whatsoever to its financial ability too support itself.
Downtown KCMO is a taxpayer-subsidized amusement park based on the latest fads, which sadly, are quickly being replaced with "the next BIG THING.
Nothing left but the debt and the Sly James memories.
9:19, I doubt that you even know a pro, and if you did he wouldn't clue you in on his pro tips.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize people like 8:09 and 8:54 think 100 to 200 people is a crowd. They are probably some of the same fools that think 500K watch the Plaza lights come on every year. I have been at P&L when there was for sure about 600 people in the whole area that was the total count of our group that was at the Sprint Center for a private function. Not everyone went across the street to party but it looked like a crowd that did but in the whole scheme of things I doubt that half bought anything most just looked around already knowing that prices were high and food not that great so I'd say at least 50% of the group went to other locations to eat and drink. The P&L is a joke to real people who like to go out that spend the real money.
ReplyDeleteWe'll, though Sprint and P&L didn't have anything to do with it, and its been a hot minute, Mizzou shouldn't have left the Big 12 (actually it shouldn't have been permitted by the State). It was a money-for-Mike-Alden move that decimated local interest in MU sports, specifically bball and foosball. They left a conference where they were a perennial middling team with a good chance to do okayish in the various tourneys. You take various MU fans out of the equation in the Big 12 conference, attendance was bound to go down. A 20%-30% drop I think would be a reasonable expectation. I'm one who dropped off the map when years previous we always made a big event out of the MU-KU football games and were usually watching at P&L. I've become a geezer nowadays, but have to think the younger versions of me probably don't care to go watch a conference tourney that has nothing to do with their alma mater.
ReplyDeleteQuick question for the pants-shitter @10:08 were you there? If not, shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you're talking about.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^ and you're what, an expert on crowds? I was there and don't agree with you either ya jackass. Was busy, but packed it wasn't!
ReplyDelete^^I was there dufus, and it was fucking packed.
ReplyDelete@ 11:40 is right, there were at least 500,000 people in the P&L Courtyard!
ReplyDelete^^^ Damn right, 12:08, and they even spilled over into @ 11:40 Mom's Basement, where he types from!
ReplyDeleteI have yet to see anything factual posting anywhere that said what the crowd size was and what games were sold out. Not seen any posting of how many tickets were sold for Saturday night game. If the P&L is doing that much business then why are the taxpayers having to kick millions into the kitty to keep it open? It's a failure and IMHO the biggest failure in KC just moved their business back down there. Oops, sorry I forgot he doesn't own it anymore.