Schlitterbahn Legal Drama Aftermath: Scapegoating Or Willful Corporate Ignorance???

Some of the very best comments on TKC after our EPIC NEWS ROUND-UP offer a glimpse of public pushback on the latest Kansas legal drama.

Here's one of our faves from DeBergerac citing corporate pressure from higher up that "rushed the design and construction of Verruckt to make the airing of a Travel Channel documentary (and) have been heavy donors to the GOP for many years. That should go a long way to explaining why the only indictment has been against a local Manager."

Read more:

Inside Schlitterbahn Indictment: Company Officials Ignored Multitude Of Warning Signs

A grand jury indictment stemming from the death of 10-year-old Caleb Schwab at the Schlitterbahn park alleges designers and park officials ignored minimum industry safety standards in their race to build the world's tallest water slide. The 47-page indictment says that Schlitterbahn's private construction company was co-owned by a high school dropout, Jeffrey Wayne Henry, with no technical or engineering credentials.


  1. please be assured that people of good faith of all political parties want justice here.

  2. Amusement parks offer dangers with an average of 12,782 injuries per year. The ride at Schlitterbahn was tested every morning to insure it was operating properly. Tens of thousands of people went down the ride and there were only 11 injury reports? This would seem to indicate that this extreme thrill ride had an excellent safety record. To charge an individual employee with manslaughter is outrageous and the members of the grand jury should be ashamed of themselves

  3. Oh look! 7:15pm it's either PR chick Winter Prosapio, (whose only jobs before doing PR/coverup for Schlitterbahn were writing a book in Texas about potty jokes--and a column for a rednect Republican newspaper). Oh sorry, I'm repeating myself.

    Or maybe it's one of Schlitterbahn's attorneys. Working on their defense argument. And since it's 7:15pm on a Saturday night, billing the client triple fees!

    Question is--since the Grand Jury dropped the ball and failed to ALSO indict the Gang of Five Design Review Committee for the UG, which INVENTED AND MANDATED the guillotine system of hoops and nets, the system that actually decapitated youn Caleb rather than just breaking his bones or giving him a concussion, like the other victimes, will Schlitterbahn be allowed to raise that as part of their defense??

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very good point 8:26

    I myself never went down the damn thing but I know lots who did. Young Caleb was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But accidents happen and no matter how bad we want to blame something or someone for them it isn't always the answer to what happened. People climbing mountains fall to the death and in fact over 290 have died trying to climb Mount Everest. Nobody has moved to ban mountain climbing. Both are voluntary events and some would say not comparable but anytime you agree to do something that has an element of danger you are agreeing to the undertaking of some risk. Capt Sully landed a plane on the Hudson River after it was struck by a flock of geese. None of those 155 people on board thought that was going to happen but it did. Fly is still a risky way to travel it's not 100% perfect either, accidents do happen. If people had died would it had been proper to charge the pilot with those deaths. Hell No!

    America has become a somebody must pay group of people when ever an accident occurs. Nobody should be held responsible for a simple ass accident. Was the slide dangerous? In my opinion it was very dangerous but many thousands disagree with me on that who went down the thing whereas I didn't. 39 people in winter past died from skiing or snowboarding but the ski resorts are big business and nobody goes to jail over those deaths.

  6. super Dave - nicely said.

  7. NOT an "Expert"3/24/18, 9:48 PM

    Uhhh- Super Dave, if the Designer/Creator of the ski runs at those Resorts had absolutely NO experience or expertise in either skiing or resort management, and they did no prior planning or engineering, plus they ignored or hid all problems that occurred during testing, do you think, in your Expert Opinion, that some questions might have been asked?

  8. 9:48 is right, Super Dave. And the airlines are REGULATED by their safety board.

    The decapitation of Caleb Schwab was not an "accident" that could not have been foreseen and prevented. It was a case of deception, fraud, collusion, negligence and about ten other lawyerly felonies.

    SuperDave, do you remember the Ford Pinto? Due to greed and stubbornness, the Ford Motor Company refused to spend 43 cents more for a part that would have prevented many deaths. My old boyfriend was the CBS News producer who broke that story. Right after he put Watergate on Walter Cronkite, and exposed the Russian Wheat Deal.And before he won the Emmy for 20/20's expose on the Hyatt collapse.

    The Hyatt--was also no "accident", Dave. The public didn't knowingly accept any amount of risk for walking across or standing beneath that improperly installed sky bridge. I'm shocked that you are arguing against using standard trained engineers to save lives. Of course, the UG had no structural engineers on the committee that mandated the hoop and nets, so as to show Schlitterbahn who is boss.

  9. My guess is that crimes were involved by the standards of a normal, honest American. Not sure, just my guess, and the courts will decide.

  10. Remember the Crying Indian?3/24/18, 10:20 PM

    Hey, 10:17--thanks for the laugh--I needed one.

    Normal, honest American!!!

  11. Tracy. Are you saying that this 27 year old kid designed this ride and deserves the charges leveled? Did the engineers at the Hyatt go to jail?
    This is a shit show. The UG committee has plenty of guilt to be indicted also. The young guy is being railroaded.

  12. Well, 10:23 aka Winter Prosapio or Schlitterbahn defense team--
    I am saying:
    a. the Grand Jury and Ks. AG Derek Schmidt blew it by not ALSO indicting the UG
    b. Jeff Henry should ALSO be charged personally and go to prison--the high school dropout son who created the concept and fast tracked it and hired the Ops Mgr. who was personally indicted.
    c. So should the construction mgr. that Jeff Henry hired. They all colluded and broke many laws and rules.
    d. Yes, the Operations Manager should go to prison as well.
    e. Schlitterbahn should be ordered, by the AG, and the UG, to close the entire waterpark and leave the state of Kansas.

    f. NO, none of the engineers at the Hyatt went to jail. Nor did the construction managers who changed the installation on the fly, to save time and money. I could explain the details, but that's not the point here. That was a rigged deal, as well. The City and the Mayor (Berkley) were so ashamed and embarassed and beholden to the good old boy network that they allowed it to be branded as a "learning experience" and they changed the rules for the FUTURE. But some should have gone to prison.

    Just like the financial meltdown in 2007--the guys on Wall Street should have gone to prison.

    Are we starting to see a pattern here???
    Tracy Thomas, publisher of JocoPost.

  13. Hey Tracy I'm on your side. I am not on the defense team.

    I was at the Hyatt that night, after the fact with friends that lost parents and my roommate at the time that parents were FLATTENED from the waste down. They survived. Ever seen balls as big as volleyballs? I have.
    I was in my early 20s after a tour as a paratrooper and held hands as people had their limbs removed. People should have gone to Prison!!!! This kid in KCK is a scapegoat.

    Who the hell is Winter Prosapio?

  14. Ye Who Live in Glass Houses3/25/18, 8:41 AM

    Tracy you have your points and Dave sure as hell has his. But as Dave points out accidents do happen and not every accident should demand someone goes to jail over it. If you are such an expert on the matter Tracy why don't you file civil suit on your own against all the people you think are guilty of wrong doing here since you are trying to make us think you're such an expert on the matter of dealing with accidents. Then we'll look at your past history on the city council and make sure nothing happened while were there as in someone dying in a car accident on a street in Shawnee designed by the city. You get my drift here!

  15. JoCoPost - there is hope. There is no cure for BPD, but symptoms can improve over time. Good luck with your disorder.

  16. How many members of the KCFD went to jail after the JJ’s explosion?


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