Kansas City Southwest Trafficway Resistance

Quick Kansas City slice of life . . . This local Vet seemed in good spirits as he earned plenty of honks in support as he took to the streets against Prez Trump.

You decide . . .


  1. Get a real job.

  2. One asshole with a sign ? Not exactly a local uprising.

  3. Who ways he's a Vet?????

  4. He's a Vet. Look at the hat. Vietnam. He's about the right age for it. Looks like mid-60s. He's actually got a great story and I'll take the word of somebody who fought for this country over a bunch of Russian bots.

    Not everybody is aboard the Trump train.

  5. ^^^^^^^^

    Yep Russian bots like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama! Bill Clinton looks like a vet too and is a draft dodger.

    Can you say Uranium one?

    I have a fisherman hat, doesn't make me a fisherman!

  6. ^^^^^ Draft dodger?

    What about Trump's bone spur that got him out of Vietnam? You could rub it but he doesn't remember which foot it was on.

  7. HerpesHillary2/8/18, 7:12 PM

    What a waste of time. His dumb ass probably does not even now how trump fixed some things at the VA that makes it better for him.

    These resist and never trumpers are like mindless zombies. Real life version of the walking dead.

  8. He might as well add "Homeless - Need Help" to the sign and maybe make a few bucks for his trouble.

    The city, the country, the world are full of borderline loonies like him.

  9. He was being paid I'm sure.

  10. Maybe, he's just a veteran, like me, who thinks Donald Trump is a piece of shit!

  11. The way he’s standing there he looks like he’s drunk

  12. He'll be in prison. He's a traitor.

  13. He isnt going to prison. There is no crime. What did he do? He won the presidency and now he just did all this stuff. Give me a break.

  14. Hey Geezers, this is what an American hero looks like. Why do you hate the military?

    He's still answering the call of duty. You make me proud to be an American.

    Thank you for your service sir. Again.

  15. I bet 95 % of Vets voted for him. If I stood in disgrace on a corner all day I would look like a drunk also

  16. Better hurry and reply before Mom tuck's you in. Hero's don't wear fake awards. You can buy that hat any wear. He is not old enough to have been deployed.

  17. Who vetted the vet ?

  18. The guy is taking it to the streets.

    He's standing his ground.

    May not agree with him 100% but I admire the man's swagger.

    I like the cut of his jib!

  19. Back the flag, back the president. MAGA

  20. MAGA = Back the dictator and UnAmerican.

    "I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing”

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


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