Another insightful Kansas City media conversation with morning newsie dude Mark Alford.
Check the description:
"Shawn Edwards is one of a very few Black film critics in the US. A native of Kansas City, Shawn spends a lot of time in LA talking to the biggest names in Hollywood. Shawn gets comfortable with me talking about the #metoo movement, the future of movie industry, how he got started, and whats it like being one of the only prominent black voices in the world of film critics."
Take a listen:
You decide . . .
Really good conversation.
ReplyDeleteWhat I like is that Shawn is very chill about the work that he does and he's not a person who walks around with a chip on his shoulder. Don't always agree with his movie selections but have to admit that I look forward to hearing what he has to say. Didn't know that he has been at it for such a long time.
Movie reviews are fun. If he was really ahead of the game and interested in technology he would start doing youtube reviews. More people watch those then sit through whole movies anymore.
Deleteno necktie and freaked
ReplyDeleteout hair every morning
Mark looks like an old
drunkard on Fox 4 ...
Edwards is racist, he rates black movies higher even when they suck, which is most of them. He’s hard on white movies and gets mad at the other guy when he votes different than him. He got suspended for several weeks one year when he went on a racist rant which I couldnt believe he didn’t get fired for. When he’s out in public he gets mad at people for trying to talk to him, I’ve seen him get pissed at people at sporting kc games, the guy has his head so far up his own azz it’s ridiculous
ReplyDeleteBut when will mark have the mayor, city manager or city council on his show and ask the hard questions? My guess is never. C’mon mark, I saw you ask the tough questions once (when you used to care I guess) and your good at it so get it going! And stop that gawd awful lip smacking on tv, it’s just arrogant
ReplyDeleteWill he ever have any straight men on his show?
ReplyDeleteGuess Lil' Markie's too uncomfortable around anyone not of his own "special" orientation.
^^^Will you ever come out of the closet? Guess you’re to uncomfortable. All this talk of gays puts you every time.
ReplyDeleteMarks a fag, wow who knew !
ReplyDeleteNo big deal really. We have lots of gay friends.
ReplyDeleteIs Mike Thompson gay too, most weather men are.
ReplyDeleteBoth are ass holes
HE'S BLACK!!!!! So, that makes him a celebrity worthy of Alford's pandering.
ReplyDeleteShawn Edwards father was a real man, a construction worker. Despite him trying to set Shawn straight, his efforts failed as Shawn became a gay celebrity-obsessed lightweight.
Could we hear a little bit more about Bill Cosby and Spike Lee? Please!
The Oscars, the Emmys, hip-hop/rap, Netflix, yada yada yada. I totally saw Netflix coming (that's why I bought their stock and made millions....NOT!)
Attendance at public movie theaters continues to dwindle, because people don't want to sit next to degenerates, pay exorbitant prices for tickets and concessions, etc.
SUMMARY: Both Alford and Edwards are unenlightened media "personalities" who've voluntarily chosen to concentrate their life's work on such important topics as television entertainment, Hollywood, celebrity, hair/makeup, and fashion.
Shawn Edwards is a Hollywood whore who agrees to be pimped (sell his brand) in exchange for compensation. He's representative of someone who reads a little about a lot of industry topics, resulting in a man who can semi-pass as competent, while struggling to speak clearly and string together logical points of view.
Mr. Alford, once again, please interview anyone EXCEPT "celebrities", I know this is extremely difficult for you given your own personal inclinations. Interview a teacher, a KCMO police officer, a pilot, a farmer, a TKC blogger, a bus driver, a trash collector, any ordinary person, and ask the questions which bring out their unique qualities. Think about it. Ordinary People With Extraordinary Gifts.
What is beyond me is why anybody even bothers to watch this shit.
ReplyDeleteAmen. The way Alford finds himself clever and funny has always reminded me of the drunken uncle at the family reunion that everyone dreads seeing and tries to avoid.
DeleteShawn Edwards is a racist and a paid hack:
Word has it Alford and the Snitch trade blows.