Because our bloggy goodness inspires us to be more Democratic than all of the local rigged elections OR the fake news lists that dominate end of year news coverage . . . We're giving our KICK-ASS TKC BLOG COMMUNITY a vote in supporting their favorites from this year.

Accordingly . . .

Winners in a "TKC Best Kansas City People" category earn tribute in a marquee post which will be dedicated  to documenting achievement this year.  A fair and open voting process by way of comments, background e-mail and advice from longtime members of our bloggy alliance will determine victory.

Accordingly, here are some choices Kansas City should consider . . .

Kansas City Politico Of The Year 2017

Councilman Quinton Lucas worked to reform the TIF process and champion urban core development whilst Council Lady Jolie Justus focused on a citizen anti-violence task force and the airport. Both of these politicos represent diverse agendas in Kansas City and it's up to you to pick a favorite.

Kansas City Journalist Of The Year 2017

Steve Vockrodt said that The Pitch was committed to serious journalism and had a bright economic future and then he almost immediately jumped ship to The Star. Now he's touting the influence and solid foundation of the newspaper in a manner that's eerily familiar to his promotion of a mostly failed alt. weekly. Meanwhile, Barbara Shelly has always been a champion of progressive causes and one of the top local liberal ladies of the written word in Kansas City

Kansas City Athlete Of The Year 2017

Fanboys said that Kansas City Chiefs QB Alex Smith should be benched about a month ago. Now they are singing his praises and touting his greatness.

Similarly, CB Marcus Peters has proven to be one of the most important players on the KC Squad and his on-field performance has quieted many of the critics of his controversial and continued national anthem protest.

And so . . .

This is an open competition and, as always, we invite our blog community to be pithy, insightful and unafraid to cheer on their favorites people in 2017.

Developing . . .


  1. Tough choices here, I think I'm going to move to Parkville and think it over for about a half a year.

    1. Tuesday face off or confrontation, I like it. Let's get these folks oiled up and ready to go in a Sprint Center cage match. That's the only way it will be fair.

    2. Know you're a hater against him but Kelce contributed way more to the team than both Peters and Smith.

  2. Vockrodt is journalism at its purest.

    To say Jolie focused on anti crime is generous. That task force didn't even finish it's work. Black lives in KCMO do not matter to Sly & the gang. this murder problem isn't new, just part of A disturbing trend. Sly still is Just skinnin & grinnin for developers.

  3. Not voting until I see some resumes with more objective comparisons. They're all politicians to a certain extent.

  4. The "Person Of The Year" is not a person. It is the personification of this blog and the free exchange of ideas, hatred, love and most importantly, FREE SPEECH.

    All over America and the world, the right to express your opinion and see the free flowing content of divergent ideas is threatened. In England for fuck's sake, you can go to jail for a capricious and arbitrary interpretation of Hate Speech. ENGLAND!!!

    Here in America, affiliation with conservative causes will get you fired, ruin your life and wreck your family's economy. Consigned to the stocks in the public square, you will suffer the animus of your neighbors, the malevolence of the Government and if you wear the wrong MAGA hat, be beatien to death.

    Antifa Fascist Progressives and their sponsors in the Main Stream Media seek to control your thoughts from a Central, Federal Government that condemns any departure from the "Narrative".

    Here in KC, TKC opens the windows in this "dirty little town" and lets the free flow of info continue. Even with all of it's Cromwellian Warts, it is a hell of a better place here, than suffering under the iron fist of Fascist fucks in and out of the Socialist Silo who would see us silent.

    TKC = "Person of the year".

    1. Yeah Chuck let's personify this blog.

      This blogperson is white, hates black people like nobody's business and actively suggests they should all be exterminated, takes half-baked false "tips" and proclaims them to be the gospel truth, detests and objectified women, shits his pants about 70 times a day, is gleeful when someone is murdered, complains about everything yet offers no solutions whatsoever and would do anything to have one iota of influence and not be laughed at constantly in the halls of power.

      Meanwhile the proclamation of free speech? A hollow lie in a life obfuscation and twisting of the truth.

      That's what we all see.

      You must need glasses.

  5. Anybody but Sly. We need more REAL elected leaders, not just spokesman and salesmen.

  6. Chuck really has a good idea and I like it.

  7. Jolie ate more pussy than any of them

  8. No Frank White?

  9. Beth for Mayor!

  10. Like England,TKC looks to imprison you for hate speech...oops i mean delete you

  11. My "Person of the Year" is Tony for putting up with and tolerating all our bullshit.

  12. Barb Shelly is an angry, intolerant shill for the Democratic Party.

  13. My person of the year are all of the commentators on here who don't have an orgasm over every murder, post racist bullshit, and actually have something to say. Granted that's not many of you. It certainly excludes the bottom-the- barrel riff-raff like chuck, stupid dave, and the multitude of pants-shitters. There are however many, many, more who don't take the bait and actually offer substance.

  14. Yeah if only Tony didn't delete comments he disagrees with, then Chuckles would really be on to something.

    Until then the search for Tony's lost credibility will continue.

  15. Trump for President of the year and the next seven.

  16. I nominate Cum Guy - wherever he is - for his unwavering dedication to consistent commentary.

  17. Whoever pulls the trigger for murder 153. Since there is no way he will bee caught, he will remain anonymous

  18. To hell with you haters Super Dave is far from stupid and if you think he is then you're the one who is stupid and ignorant.

    Chuck is what he is if the truth is more than you can handle go watch CNN then.

    If you don't like Tony then again go play on CNN's website see how long they like you.

  19. alex smith looked really good saturday. his passing was excellent, even if the receiving was not. one pass bounced off a receiver's stomach and he still didn't catch it.

  20. Hi Stupid mean 10:15AM. Truth hurts don't it?

  21. Jolie Justus hasn't accomplished anything. Crime is rampant, her airport project is the laughing stock of the nation. Barb Shellly is a joke, Vockrodt has a chance. Peters is a loser, just watch how many tackles he misses. Alex Smith should be in the pro bowl.

    Why don't you have someone like Sherry DeJanes on your list? Or Phil Klein. They are truly fighting the criminals who are trying to ruin our great City. You promote the enablers why not the real heroes in the trenches fighting for the taxpayers rights everyday?

  22. I nominate the pile of dog shit someone left in our yard this morning.

    Sums up KCMO in one steaming pile of the year.

  23. Happy Kwanza everybody. Kwanza lasts until Jan. 2nd 2018.

  24. 9:02: If Tony deletes comments he disagrees with, why is yours undeleted an hour and a half after you posted it?

  25. I vote for the citizens who have suffered through the worst mayor and city council one could ever imagine. We will continue to suffer for the absolute abuse of power that we will and our children’s children will have to pay for.

  26. James Howard Kunstler is the person of the year and if you rubes aren't reading his Clusterfuck Nation blog then you're just being willfully ignorant.

  27. Kwanzaa is racist

  28. It is kinda the shitz when there is just no person out there that qualifies. Welcome to KC.

  29. !!NOBODY!!
    For favorite local Politician...
    For favorite Journalist...
    For favorite Athuhleet...

    Gotta be close to the truth!

  30. I am entering the vine-swinging competition for Kwanzaa. I will do anything to win that lion tooth necklace.

  31. All of you haters need to sit on Big Sonia's leopard-print sofa and let Sonia Warshawskie's other-worldly goodness envelope you...and caress your nipples.

  32. Frankly, I don't give a damn.

  33. KinI vote fer EWA fer Mayer?

  34. Get a hobby 2:000PM. You bore us.

    1. You think the destruction of your race is boring, 2:57? Boy do you have a lot to learn. The blacks and the Jews are in position to accomplish their goals, you know.

      Better learn to fight back, or get, just lie back, relax, ignore the truth, and watch your life be destroyed.

  35. Justus / Lucas = Neither. Voctrodt/Shelly = Neither. Smith/Peters = Smith. How about some realistic choices?

  36. Kansas City Politico Of The Year 2017
    = Councilmembers Hall, Loar, and Shields

    Kansas City Journalist Of The Year 2017
    = Steve Vockrodt and Mike Hendricks
    (assuming that we're not including TKC in this category)

    Kansas City Athlete Of The Year 2017
    = Bishop Miege football team, who won their 4th consecutive state title

  37. 2:00p is black or they watch a lot of old school BET. Either way, just a fake troll. Busted!

  38. KCMO police must receive this award as they continue to witness senseless killing while their collective hands are tied by Slyppery Sly.

  39. Lets not overlook our favorite mister controversial writer and media star: Craig Glazer. He is the most entertaining man in town.

  40. Tracy Thomas for best writer, activist and speaker of truth to power.

  41. I vote for Dan Tarwater and Dennis Waits. They're leading the fight to stand up to Frank White and for that they deserve a lot of credit for trying to save Jackson County.

  42. Politician of the year: Mayor Sly James, he has given us a new airport and kept our momentum going.

    Journalist of the year: Our KCMO twitter page. Keeps us informed and upt to day!

    Athlete of the year: Got to go with Peters, he has courage and his play has been fantastic!

    You may try to deny these facts but they are the reality of KC moving forward without you!

  43. Lots of crackpots on this forum but actually some good suggestions. You guys are silly.

  44. Thanks cum Rape Guy.

    1. I vote for Sly, Jolie and Cindy in no particular order.

  45. I liked the best restaurants list that you linked earlier.

    This kind of stuff I think is just made to get people angry.

    Better to try to unite people during the holidays!

  46. Go4KC with the shit coming out of his mouth, ears and nose. Rammed by Sly and the heavies.

  47. Tony's refusal to recognize and address the negro issue makes him an ignorant fool, not any kind of wonder hero.

    I mean look at what Tony ignores about negroes :

    The inability to make progress

    The sky-high crime rates

    The dumbing down of schools to accommodate the moon crickets

    The inability to restrain base impulses

    The "sperm donor" aspect of the male

    The high birth rates

    The inability to understand simple, abstract concepts

    The destruction of once thriving first-class White cities

    The tendency of the moon crickets to not put as much value on a human life

    The fact that Africa is a basket case

    Their inassimilability

    The fact that they are 80% of the murder victims and 77% of the suspects in KC.

    Ignore these facts at your peril.

    And Tony goes on living in Magical Negro Dreamland


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