Local author and activist Garrett Griffin has championed a powerful petition to purportedly provide more safety at future Kansas City protests and, as of this writing, 2,105 people have signed their names in support.

While 2nd Amendment activists might not appreciate the added regulation . . .


At the last encounter, this division was basically enforced but here's a more formalized effort to make the separation part of policy as armed militia at peaceful protests continue to raise concern in Kansas City and across the nation.

Real talk . . . If the situations were reversed and armed leftists showed up with guns at Conservative events, the outcry would be equal and/or greater than this ongoing advocacy.

Read more . . .

KCPD: Keep the Militia on a Leash

On the weekend of August 19, 2017, leftist activists organized two events in Kansas City, Missouri: a rally against prisoner abuse and a march against white supremacy. Though successful, these rallies were stalked by men dressed in camouflage and armed with knives, handguns, and rifles -- members of a right-wing "militia" group called the "Three Percenters."

These men were inspired by the "militia" that protected the neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Confederates in Charlottesville, Virginia, the week before. They were not present to protect the Kansas Citians gathering for justice for prisoners and people of color, as they absurdly implied in the press and to passersby. They came to intimidate, no doubt with some hope a protester would break a window or step out of line in some fashion so they could murder said protester and call it justified. The Three Percenters circled the protesters during speeches and then followed them on their march.

The Kansas City Police Department allowed this. It could have kept these counter-protesters behind a police line, cornered off away from the crowd, as it did during a June 10, 2017 protest/counter-protest. But instead the "militia" was allowed to stalk the crowd. Videos even surfaced of a disturbingly friendly police-"militia" relationship, in which one Three Percenter says the KCPD asked them to come and another tells police they'd "keep you in the loop" concerning any altercations (highlighting what they were there for, to take matters into their own hands, the police a mere afterthought).

Because the Three Percenters were there to intimidate, because weaponry readied against unarmed protesters is both unnecessary and enormously increases the risk of altercations, violence, or death, because protesters felt unsafe, and because (as with a car mowing down protesters) it is only a matter of time before a "militia" kills a protester for no reason, we demand the following:

1. During future events, "militias" and other counter-protesters will be kept at a safe distance behind a police line. The police will not allow them to leave their area, circle the crowd, enter the crowd, follow the crowd, or harass or terrorize or intimidate the crowd in any way.

2. The KCPD will immediately release a public statement declaring the above is official policy and will be followed to the letter.

You decide . . .


  1. Don't really by the argument that they were there to protect the libs protesting. They were brandishing weapons as a threat and they wouldn't like it one bit.

    Welcome to the world of thug politics on many sides.

  2. KCPD can't even fight crime,
    much less a armed militia.
    Dumb and a waste of police resources.
    Who's in charge of the circus.

  3. That doesn't go far enough. We want the names of anyone caring military weapons on the Street

    1. If you insist, look up the name of every Urban young black male in the high school yearbooks and you've got your names

  4. The just buy the same facial recognition software that they use to ID liberal protesters at their events.

  5. we demand the immediate repeal of the 2nd amendment and the imposition of a socialist state with ruling classes based on a reverse paper bag test

  6. Kim Wong Shitface in Noeth Korea reads this blog. I would be careful or he may try to stack more phone books and get high enough so he can touch his toes. This will allow him to merciless unleash another hurricane...

  7. This is hilarious.

    So several heavily armed militia attend an event, no one dies or is even injured, and we need to hammer down on these guys because some liberal cunts feel "intimidated".

    But blacks in this city wreak havoc everyday, with a death tally this year at 100 so far.

    A couple hundred blacks attend an event in Westport, and predictably someone dies. This time it was someone actually trying to better this world, not your typical thug. And still no one steps forward to help.

    A black thug, with a history of racially motivated threats, SLAUGHTERS five innocent (and productive) member's of society and the LIBS fall allover themselves trying to explain it away as a mental health problem.

    I noticed a thread on TKC yesterday discussing whether Lying Slie's legacy will be that of the murder mayor. Lots of people trying to say he is not responsible for the homicides, no way he can personally control it. Bet those are the same people who broke their arms patting him on the back a few years when he was gladly taking credit for the slight drop in the homicide rate along with that fucking cunt Darrylicios.

    This city is a total joke, and it is the fault of the liberal pussies residing in its borders.

    So yeah, keep focusing on the people who haven't done a damn thing wrong, and are just exercising their Constitutional rights.

    Oh, and by the way, pretty sure the police already know who they are since you have to have a CCW permit readily available to present in order to open carry in KCMO. I think the liberal pussies in this city would be very surprised to find out how may KCPD officers identify more with the militia than their cry baby asses.

    1. There were also 20-30 CCW permit holders carrying concealed as back up to the militia

  8. Meanwhile the criminals and shooters gleefully run amuck while the police protect snowflakes at the Nichols Fountain.

  9. And the ANTIFA crews dressed up in the ISIS outfits?

    Oh they are good guys? Protecting the suburban and rural bred snowflakes?

  10. 7:19, nobody was carrying military weapons. Is it hard to stay so uninformed in the Information Age?

  11. I think seeing so much diversity in one place is great!

  12. The KCPD likes having the militia armed and present. It helps keep the cunt protesters in line.

  13. Best case scenario? The protester stock the militia. The militia rightfully responds by killing 30-40 protester.

  14. I say let's get a petition that reads something like this......

    1. During future events, "antifa isis protesters" and any other lib, progressive, snowflake protesters will be kept at a safe distance behind a police line. The police will not allow them to leave their area, circle the crowd, enter the crowd, follow the crowd, or harass or terrorize or intimidate the crowd in any way.

    2. The KCPD will immediately release a public statement declaring the above is official policy and will be followed to the letter.

  15. The butt hurt protesters are upset they didn't martyr a young innocent and missed out on a chance to rape, pillage and plunder the plaza. Make no mistake they were ready to burn down as many plaza buildings as they could.

  16. Sniif Sniff ... my safe space has been violated.

  17. I wonder if all those beaded militiamen are sucking each others cocks?

    Or are their BIG guns some kind of Freudian substitute for having little dicks?

    1. Why are you obsessed about cocks ?

    2. 8:53, your pussyhat is still too tight, causing your delusional thoughts. Plus, you're in that Barry BathHouse in a bent over or kneeling position so frequently that you're totally confused most of the time and can't tell your ass from that pussyboi hole in your face.

  18. 7:47 NAILS it.

    I wonder if he is that legal eagle in Raytown?


  19. Liberal turds are scaredy cats.
    Afraid of real men with beards.

  20. This is not a progressive issue. CCO has not been involved in any grass roots organizing since they popped up during Occupy Kansas City. Sign the petition if you like but CCO represents City Hall.

  21. Does the Kansas City Atheist Coaltion have ANYTHING to say about this?

    Will they take a position on any of these Gawd Damned Issues whatsoever?


    What about Bulk Mail? Can they tell us their position on that, at least?

  22. So... the petitioner prefers LEOs with qualified immunity to a militia that is held legally accountable for its actions? Did they teach these people anything in school?

  23. 2 thousand names is not even close to what the majority of the people probably think or feel in this town.

    I bet if this so called militia were to have been at a certain bar a couple of Sunday nights ago that police officer might be alive today.

  24. Petition signers want to deny rights to those whose views they don't like. Nothing prevents them from showing up with firearms.

  25. Mary Sandcheeze and her radical leftist pals need to go live in Venezuela and enjoy the fruits of their communist agenda.

    En route, visit Cuba and enjoy a political system where thousands of people have been jailed and murdered for daring to speak against the Castros.

    Trash the U.S. Constitution and live in hell.

  26. Jesus fucking christ were any laws broken. From what I've seen they were the peaceful protesters.

  27. I was on the plaza that morning with my children and family. The militia were a little scary but they didn't say a thing or interrupt anyone. The other people were screaming and using profanity. They blocked traffic and cars to wait while they protested. We left the Plaza because we were going to eat but my children were scared of the "peaceful" protesters. Those "peaceful" protestors have been responsible for Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington DC and many others. To be honest, if they were threatened by the military looking guys, I am glad. If the left has a right to interrupt my family and make us leave the militia has a right to do the same to them.

  28. Let's see KCPD official policy will be determined by petition

  29. Then there is pesky little thing called the Constitution. With the scum atifa beating people with clubs and ball bats, you will see more people coming out armed. There will be blood. I don't see any petitions for the antifa to be separated.Just more leftist hypocracy.

  30. If the militia were at the Plaza to keep the peace, why don't they patrol black neighborhoods? Surely that's a place that needs peacekeepers.

    1. Wrong. S'lie bud Jameson sez here on TKC, the police and marriage counsellors need to work Killa City's violent crime problems.

      And,hey,big guy, why don't YOU get right in the black neighborhoods and show us how that patrolling goes?!

    2. Nobody cares about the black neighborhoods


  31. If these protesters block you in your car and touch you or your car in any way, or spew treats at you, you have the right to mow them down with your car.
    Learn your rights and fight back.

  32. Byron Funkhouser9/3/17, 11:55 AM

    10:16, wrongo.

    You don't have the right to kill people who touch your car.

    The militia is a demonstratio of white privilege.

  33. Real talk . . . If the situations were reversed and armed leftists showed up with guns at Conservative events, the outcry would be equal and/or greater than this ongoing advocacy.

    Real talk.... they can't be trusted with ball bats let alone a gun, thank god they're afraid of guns or they would shoot themselves and everybody else on sight.

    Byron, "The militia is a demonstratio of white privilege" Just shut the hell up.

  34. Byron, you have the "Virginia Minutemen Militia". worry about your own part of the world and we will worry about killa city

  35. All of this is leading to the demise of the Democratic party. Rational adults are reevaluating their support of the Democrats thanks to the violent leftist children who call themselves Democrats. A line in the grass must be drawn.

  36. Garret Griffin is a Bernie-supporting Marxist.Check out "Griffin's Political Writings" on Facebook--he never quite says publicly that he is, in fact, a Communist, but very few do.Just another Leftist cunt who writes Politically Correct, conformist history which basically says, "Whites are evil racists and have always been evil racists".Much Ado.

  37. Byron said "white privilege" - everyone take a drink.

  38. I'd be happy too 2:43!!! In fact, I won't stop until I pass out! Lol!

  39. With Byron being the subject of the Drinking Game, most participants will be comatose in half a day.

  40. Suggested isolation areas for the puny penis pity-party:

    1) in a circle away from others. That way when they do start shooting, they just take out themselves.

    2) the zoo (self-explanatory)

    3) the WalMart parling lot they were born in

    4) the loonie bin

    5) ship the wanna-be warrior/patriot/heroes off to the Middle East to fight ISIS. Lets see how well their self-directed pamphlet survivalist gets before they contact their mothers asking for French Vanilla Creamer, wool socks, Budweiser and Duck Dynasty episodes.

  41. Leave it to a bunch of fucking liberal urbanites to live in the dream world where you can "petition" someone else out of their constitutional rights. Dream On crybabies... You keep practicing anarchy, can expect to be met with all force the law allows- firearms, accelerated motor vehicles etc. since the government no longer does hundred horse cavalry charges through the middle of riotous crowds, I guess we'll just have to make do with what we have.

  42. Can't get hurt at a protest if you're at work.

    1. Black people don't work so I guess they're safe.

      Unless they live somewhere.

  43. 4:57

    That is exactly what the wealthy are counting on - too be so occupied benefitting them one doesn't have the chance to say 'something is wrong here and I am going to start acting otherwise'


  44. Fuck you libtards. Those legal to carry may and if you don't like it stay away.

  45. Suggested isolation areas for the hipster hooligan pity-party:

    1) Away from horses. That way they won't try to punch them or have sex with them.

    2) The Starbucks where they work.

    3) Mommy & Daddy's basement where they live.

    4) The loonie bin

    5) Ship the Social Justice Warriors off to the Middle East to fight ISIS. Let's see how well their Rules for Radicals handbook works, before they contact their Mommy to ask for Whole Foods arugula, flannel shirts, lattes, and Portlandia episodes.

  46. No one needs to go to the middle east and fight anyone.

    Leave them alone and they'll be fine without us.

    We dont need to go over there fighting so a few rich people can exploit them (and the rest boondoggled into that form of "patriotism")

  47. No one needs to go to the middle east and fight anyone.

    Leave them alone and they'll be fine without us.

    We dont need to go over there fighting so a few rich people can exploit them (and the rest boondoggled into that form of "patriotism")

  48. It's a good day for. Fear

  49. If this was a group of blacks armed walking the streets these klansman in blue would've found a reason to ID all of em

  50. The blacks, comprised of many felons, both drive the streets and pack illegal firearms on a daily basis. Given that black folk don't have a fucking clue what ID is it would do no good to ID them. It wont be the Klan that rises up against the thug boons. ...and it wont be much longer until it happens either...


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