Dead mall site redevelopment inspires a great deal of anger from these residents who recently took time out to yell at one another.


Fox4: "More than 100 people crammed into a room that was overflowing and without a working air conditioner at the Neighborhood Resource Center off State Avenue. Frustration, anger and some confusion among the crowd was evident, as countless community members voiced their opinion about what should and should not be built at the old mall site.

"A moderator posed the question: “What’s your dream or vision for the old Indian Springs Mall location?”

"Their ideas for the once thriving hot spot that’s now an empty 60-acre lot ran the gamut – from a grocery store, to restaurants, hotels and a sports complex or community center. But few responses aligned with the proposed plans by chosen developer Lane4 Property Group, which wants to spend $25 million to build a “tech-flex” office space and industrial development on one-third of the lot."

Developing . . .


  1. "...countless community members voiced their opinion...." That is some really poor writing. Maybe they were "countless" because the math-phobic reporter never learned his/her numbers above five (or perhaps because their leader was a Duke not a Count?). And, apparently all the speakers had but one opinion that they shared with each other.

  2. Grammar bitch

  3. Highest and best use would be a corn field. Only use that will not require massive taxpayer subsidies.

  4. Just fast forward to the part where the developer asks for 10s of millions of tax payer paid incentives to build on the lot. Save everyone some time.

  5. And the coverup by Rockhurst High School continues. Where is the post I left about what happened with the suicides at Rockhurst this week?

  6. I love this when they hold a meeting asking the public for their input. Ha ha ha ha ha.

  7. 9:06, the person who wrote the excerpt, and to an even greater extent the person who approved it, are paid to communicate by spoken and written language. They should be a lot better at it than this shows them to be.

  8. That mall was ruined by urban youth and over breeding single mommas.

  9. No air conditioning huh? Boy the stench of the negroes must have been toxic.

    Because negroes smell horrible see.

  10. Give Cerner another six months in crimesville and they will be ready to move.

  11. Build a huge ass putt putt golf course.


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