Quick glimpse at more consequences of man-made global climate change that shifting weather patterns whilst "Conservatives" argue the benefit of killing the planet rather than focusing on building new green industry and technology. Take a peek: The first snowless February in KC since 1892? Looks like it'll happen
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weather happens. look at history.
ReplyDeleteFrack everything east of the Kingdom City MO and the US will be a so much better place, nobody will give two shits about the temperature.
ReplyDeleteMy Republican politicians assure me nothing is up and their financial interests in energy companies is no conflict of interest. It was 99° in Oklahoma about 10 days ago, completely normal. I won't listen to scientists but farmers I know say something is going on now too so I guess I have to stop listening to them as well. Hell, even those damn snowflakes at the Norfolk Naval Station are preparing for rising sea levels, I always knew they were tree-huggers there in the military. Now I see those hippies on Wall Street are going to build a massive sea wall around lower Manhattan to protect from rising sea levels. Fuckers must own stock in a concrete company or something.
ReplyDelete8:48 = Liar
ReplyDeleteWeather idiots.
ReplyDeleteIt snowed in Kansas City, Kansas Sunday morning.
Try looking out of the window.
Idiot libtards like pushing their so-called man-made weather change agenda while ignoring the fact that this planet was once covered with ice and thawed without any help from man. Get over it snowflakes, climate change happens without man's influence.
ReplyDelete9:41 disprove the "lies." Offer up your own evidence to the contrary. I won't hold my breath. Ignorant people normally can't be reached. I bet you haven't read a non-fiction book in decades.
ReplyDelete6:31 Make that bet big talker. Wait, Obama or Hillary's books don't count? How about Roosevelt or Bush or Johnson? Maybe Thatcher or Wilson. Churchill? Eisinhower? Shut the fuck up and get in your cube dipshit.
ReplyDelete6:05 AM is the typical low information Trump-dumpster. He use words like "libtards" because he has heard it before from other people and it must be some kind of insult. He has not had an original thought ever and likely has failed one or more grades in his "academic career" He has zero idea what climate change is. He has just heard his role models like daddy Drumpf deny it, so if them boys "say it aint so..well danggum..I don't believe it either".
ReplyDeleteBurp...fart...sniff..libtards!...grunt...belch...sniff..Hildabeast!..gurggle...yawn...Aint so such thing as climate change you libtards!...burp..fart...sniff.
ReplyDeleteThis was caused by the unfinished pipeline and Indians doing their sun dance. Never fear though; As soon as we spend a billion dollars on tax payer money we will study how to keep ice from melting. Then the libtards are going to have an iceberg declared a national historic site and move one to Kansas City. Of course we will rename our locale, "Antartica of the Plains".
ReplyDeleteShit....belch..whine....cry....phooey cakes! ....moan.... Trumpster haters will solve climate change with carbon credits ...it's a fact that if it wasn't for Al Gore you wouldn't have an internet to pick on us poor shitflakes....turd drop..where is my spoon...gotta recycle.....puke....pee...gurgle