The former Kansas City newsman considers faith and the future:
What Kansas Citians must ask when hate crimes occur, he said, is "what does the day after look like? And the day after? And the day after? What will this city look like in 2025 and 2040 and 2050?" The goal, he said, "is to create a vision of a world where everybody feels like they have a place."
The community's challenge after Olathe: 2-28-17
What Kansas Citians must ask when hate crimes occur, he said, is "what does the day after look like? And the day after? And the day after? What will this city look like in 2025 and 2040 and 2050?" The goal, he said, "is to create a vision of a world where everybody feels like they have a place."
The community's challenge after Olathe: 2-28-17
The Kansas City Atheist Coalition does not like talk about faith.
ReplyDeletePlease do not offend them.
Because, after all, they are all about, well...nothing.
Thank you for your attention.
"It was odd that eight whole years just before the recent two months, that hope and change thingy didn't happen".
ReplyDeleteThere, fixed it for ya.
Lets not be trying to stuff ten pounbds of shit into a five pound bag here. There was a murder. They happen all the time. Move the fuck on and stop trying to milk this shit from every angle already.
ReplyDeletethis was an unavoidable statistical anomaly, thank god.
ReplyDeletebut shit happens.
A white supremacist system is not a statistical anomaly. The reality here is a racist war is going on and the racist are winning
ReplyDelete11:51, let me know when there are racial preference systems in place for whites. Then maybe your post will have merit.
ReplyDeleteThis idiot was a typical alt-right, fox news consuming, Trumpkin. They are all poorly educated, alcholic, white-trash. This guy saw some people who were obviously smarter, better educated, wealthier, and more popular then he was. He did the one thing simps like him have done for ages when confronted with painful realities...lash out with violence.
ReplyDeleteOr he was drunk. But hey, when all you have is ideology...
Delete^^^^ This moron makes up his truth with no facts needed - must be a libtard protester.
ReplyDelete12:34 ^^ A Trumpkin, huh?
ReplyDeleteSo, that makes the Boston kettlebomb bros, the deadly duo rampaging in San Bernardino, and that Pulse club killer -- BARRYbuds. No, make that OBAMassholes.