Weekly Newspaper Pivot: Pitch Plays Labor Advocate Against Missouri GOP Hegemony

The local alt. publication has adopted the Democratic Party talking point line for the most part in their "reporting" that hasn't been very much fun in weeks . . . Missouri Republicans are on the verge of gutting employee protections


  1. Let the whining about now our job will interfere with our social life and we won't be able to bring our dog to work begin.

  2. The Pitch is replacing the Star as the Fishwrap of Record for KC.

  3. GREAT news that Gov Greitens will be cracking down hard on Democrat greedy weasel trial lawyers.

    Demosleazeball Nixon supported these scammers -- while they line their pockets, the business they scam loses money, and has to increase prices for the rest of us.

    BTW..hmm.."The Pitch" is still in business? who knew..

  4. The pitch has certainly done a lot keeping those in the smut trade employed. Check out their back page advertising.

  5. ^^^^ NO, I don't want herpes!


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