Just a quick point of clarification for what was an EPIC day of protest in Kansas City and across the nation that resonates deeply through the world of social and mainstream media but nowhere else.


After the fact they're trying to rebrand this thing as a rally but IT WAS ADVERTISED AS A MARCH . . . I guess you could say that these broads "marched" down to the site but most of them took SUVs after waiting for the streetcar for far too long.

This might seem like a minor point BUT it's just as important as the great size debate over President Trump inauguration photos which is not only sophomoric but also underestimates stereotypical issues of length and girth over effectiveness of the message delivered.

Like or not, arguing against "America First" is a losing proposition for most opponents. And so other distractions must be manufactured in much the same way that pro-choice abortion advocates kinda swagger-jacked this celebration of resistance to alleged misogyny . . . Given that baby killing gatherings never really generate this kind of interest in the Heartland and as more people overall oppose the horrific and obscene mass murder that is the vacuum suction abortion procedure.

And all of this inspires tonight's playlist that kinda concerns the ongoing battle of the sexes now exploited for political benefit as identity politics continues to rule the American discourse.

As always, thanks for reading this week and have a safe and fun Saturday night . . .


  1. More of a waddle, not really a march.

  2. I want one of those pussy hats.

  3. More like loitering.

  4. Instead of a Pussy Hat, they should've each worn a Monica Lewinsky-style blue dress with a cum stain on the front.

  5. Bet they all had hot sauce in their pusses, er, uh, purses.

  6. many of the "marchers" were deeply concerned that their Obamacare free drive-thru abortion mills are threatened.

  7. Michelle O slathers her face in the same anal bleach cream White girls use on their buttholes.

  8. Waldo Warrior1/21/17, 9:19 PM

    Another broken promise from these women. They are surprised they lost? They shouldn't be.

  9. Well, I can imagine, after all this strident sanctimony from Feminists and the "Gentler Sex", many of you young men, might be thinking of proposing to your girlfriend.

    Here are some thoughts cabbaged together from "Fred".

    "Is there any practical advantage to Marriage At ALL?

    For you, I mean. For her, the advantages are considerable, and the drawbacks few. Your salary will allow her an upscale house, something more important to her than to you, which on the odds she will get in the divorce. Marriage locks-in child support. Since men die younger, she will get to pick your bones. For her, it is a good deal.

    For you, no. Marriage has one purpose only, which is to get her legal hooks into you. Do not forget that American women, under the evanescent ivory skin, are eternally adolescent spoiled brats, feminine as a wrestler's jockstrap and primed, as soon as life's inevitable shocks come, to blame men for their unhappinesses. That means you.

    Do not dismiss the foregoing as clever cynicism. Nobody goes into marriage expecting divorce, but it comes very frequently, and she really does get the house and the children. In divorces, men lose. Your child support will be based on what the judge thinks you should earn—this is called “imputed income”—so that, if you are a stock broker, you cannot decide that you would rather work on a fishing boat in the Caribbean. If the judge thinks you may be a flight risk, she can confiscate your passport. Your wife’s lawyer may advise her to accuse you of sexually molesting the children. (So help me, this happens. In a divorce, the man wants to get out, the wife to get even.) You may be denied visitation.

    In the eyes of the court, the children are her property, to be done with as she chooses. She may remarry with an Air Force colonel she met in a meat bar, and be stationed in Okinawa. So much for your kids.

    She can ruin you at any moment. Can and, not unlikely, will. When the moment comes, you will be astonished at how much she knows about divorce law, how vicious she can be. In marriage, you are betting your future on the flip of a loaded coin.

    The sensible conclusion is that you are better off single, building a career or whatever you want in life, and dating such flowers as drift by.

    One reads today that young men have turned to pornography and masturbation instead of having a normal, healthy interest in women—“normal,” and “healthy” according to women. This is debatable. A man who sits home choking his chicken does not have to put up with irrational behavior, unreasonable demands, PMS, nutty mood swings, “relaltionship” talk, or unending expense. Masturbation seldom involves separation. Even an American judge is unlikely to award child support for imputed children. Porn offers more variety that the average girlfriend. In terms of cost and benefit, flogging the bishop can make much more sense.

    If you look at marriage analytically, you see that it is designed entirely to benefit her, not you. It is a raw deal. In return for bad sex, you tie yourself to a rapidly aging, plumping member of a sex that doesn’t like you, has little in common with you, and will control every aspect of your life until the breakup. Ask yourself, “Do I really like talking to her as much to guys, or am I attracted only to her pearly skin, her ruby lips, and other short-term investments?” Or, “If she were male, would I think she was interesting?”

    Do we men, all think that these "Marching Women", strident, imperious, entitled and angry might be our, or ANYONE'S soul mate?

    Ya think any fuckin guy, period, would want a phone number from these self absorbed monsters?

    Think about it. They are in the streets, screaming at a guy they really don't understand, or, even know.

    They will return home, to scream at their husbands (If those husbands havn't used this fortunate lacuna to rent a fuckin truck and move out.) or, if unmarried, to get their hooks into you, so sometime soon they can scream AT YOU!!!!

    1. yeah, here's hoping the hefty, lefty, angry and ugly women who make hell on earth for the poor men who married them and the children they bore, will soon burst into flames and leave only ashes to be blown about by an uncaring, unforgiving wind gone and forgotten, bitches

  10. I was still getting over the statement of vacuum abortions. Vacuum devices are used in most surgical procedures. Then I read the last statement where a dude describes women in general as bitches. Many people are not part of White Qaeda and most women don't have abortions at Planned Parenthood.

  11. planned parenthood hates black people1/21/17, 10:09 PM

    ^^^^^^ anonymous at 10 pm, you may be right. Most women probably dont kill their unborn at planned parenthood, just the poor women, the black women, the hispanic women. This is why PP clinics are always in minority neighborhoods. Try a little research on the founder of Planned Parenthood. She was a devout left wing racist who wanted to control and limit the number of inferior blacks. Her words, not mine.

  12. The founder of the American Medical Association held the same views. White Supremacist views not mine.

  13. Trump. More terrifying then any horror known to man.

    Lol relax snowflakes.

  14. Not everyone was afraid of Hitler and not everyone is afraid of Trump. Considering we've seen more demonstrations from a presidential election in US History, it's quite clear that millions of Americans are not afraid of Trump.

  15. Did all this start because our new President doesn't want our tax money to pay for Planned Parenthood? The fake angry aging Hollywood women in tears today are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Why don't they pony-up for the cause?

  16. It's because the American Legislative Exchange Committee is in the is in the State Capitol Building of every State in the US and has been for the past 20 plus years. Keep in mind all this legislation was written in the 1970's.

  17. Byron Funkhouser1/21/17, 10:53 PM

    Arguing Against "America First".

    Saying that your policies put "America First" is not the same as your policies actually putting America first. Protective tariffs only hurt the ones you love, & slogans are only slogans.

    Tony is Mansplaining why he thinks women should not have reproductive freedom, by dishonestly focusing on an extreme measure that is only used to save the mother's life, though that doesn't matter to men who want to tell women what to do with their bodies. They don't care if you were raped by your father, you will have this unwanted child against your wishes. The Men Have Spoken!

    "Broads"?! Really?! That's another example of how it's 1950 where you live, & 2017 where I live.

    The world wide protest against the inauguration of an American President is unprecedented. I use the word precisely: unprecedented. They did celebrate in Russia, which is good, right? They've been such a strong alley in our efforts to protect weaker countries from their stronger neighbors.

    How do you Mansplain away that, Tony!

  18. Democrat women have the right to "choose" to have their baby's brains sucked out of it's head --whenever they "choose" -- on demand! -- and have the taxpayers foot the bill!!

    waay easier than having to bother with yucky condoms and all that.

  19. There is no medical evidence to back what you're saying. Randall Terry wrote this propaganda and became urban legend.

  20. Kansas City gives its lazy best. I guess at least they showed up. I wish so many showed up to vote against the current crop of self-important thugs at the City, County and Federal Courthouse. Maybe if they had, there'd be no need to rally at least in Kansas City. I'm embarrassed to be a Kansas City woman. I'll just say I'm from a small town nearby. Nobody is fact checking anyway.

  21. I don't know if CCO hit their 4000 mark for attendance. But there is a tally from city to city and it's clear there were cities the size of KC that had numbers 5 times what the local Democrats could muster.

  22. Whoever wrote the comment @ 9:33.

    I salute you. It's always nice to see someone talk straight without holding back.

    That is truly speaking truth to power.

    And I like the cut of your jib!

  23. Funkhouser yet again demonstrating a total lack of critical thinking. Just more regurgitation of tired old, disproven leftist talking points. Yawn.

  24. 9:32, it's called "the Party line." Those who follow it are often rewarded with benefits that the general population don't get. Those who deviate from it go to the Gulag, if they're lucky.


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