This morning our blog community was somewhat surprised to learn . . .

"Erin Little is leaving KMBC She just announced on this morning's show that this is her last broadcast. She's leaving after 15 years on KMBC. She said that people would still see her around town, but didn't say what the next job would be . . ."

Given that she has spent most of her TV career birthing rugrats . . . I'm guessing her new media adventures might have something to do with midwifery . . . Or maybe one of those horrible daytime shows that housewives are forced to watch and giggle during.

You decide . . .


  1. ^^^^Somebody already did because she is pregnant. SMH

  2. Well, you have to admit she played Sarah, Brian and the management at KMBC like fiddles. As soon as her hubby got transfered back to KC Brian jusmped right in to save her and giver her old job back. She kept taking mandated leave through it all and was accommodated like no other in town. When she got her wish (assuming a boat load of brats is her wish) she walked away. I can not believe KMBC didn't cook up some lame excuse to fire her, but she survived, apparently.

    1. You said it. They let so many good people go and kept her. It was painful to watch her with PINK & White as primary colors. Looks like they hired her daughter as a replacement. Husband called her Scarein' Glad she's gone. But already switched to channel 5. Love Lisa Teachman.

    2. When will people learn all weather anchors are picked on their looks not what they know about weather!!!

  3. Tony, you have been living in your mother's basement for just as long as Erin has been having babies. Stop being a jealous bitch!

  4. Woo Hoo, imagine that an actual WHITE woman who is an educated, professional, working parent and spouse, having MORE THAN TWO KIDDOS!!

    Good on Erin, and may each of her kiddos have as many kiddos.

  5. I can't watch Channel 9 because apparently them and Direct TV are in a passing match. Shockingly, my bill hasn't gone down despite getting less service.

  6. Good luck to her and to her family. Now if Channel 9 could figure out a way to dispense with Donna Pittman local news would be better served.

  7. I find it disgusting to read horrible comments about one of my family members. The article itself is sickening, but then to read vulgar nastiness makes my stomach turn. I hope all of you find manners and class.

    1. Aw do you feel left out?
      Don't worry.
      I'll let you suck my dick to

    2. shame on you

    3. shame on you

  8. 10:42 Sorry Lassie

  9. Reality sucks don't it 10:42.

  10. Never watched her.

  11. She may as well stay home with kids since she has so many. White or black, many educated women like to keep families small as it makes life easier...

  12. Women can't win. If you get pregnant and quit, some criticize. If you get pregnant and keep working some criticize. And if you terminate a pregnancy you are really in for it as far as being judged by some. Hypocritical folks out there. Bc should be free in this world so that other folks can quit worrying about judging women. No way do all these folks who criticize believe in abstinence, so they really should shut up.

  13. Are there any more school districts in the area that need a spokesperson? Isn't that where all former news & weather people go to?

  14. 10:42: You are in the WRONG fucking place!

  15. 1:56 ...and don't you ever forget it!

  16. Katie Horney1/2/17, 3:42 PM

    Erin Little is moving to KCTV as chief meteorologist.

  17. 1:32- So many, for who? Sure, selfish or lowlife ALL 'BOUT ME hags can't or won't usually reap true rewards from half-assin' the mom gig. Instead they keep relatives, teachers, therapists, cops, lawyers, clergy, wardens, and varieties of others as surrogates doing cray-cray mommy's dirty work. One kid is TOO MANY for some witches.
    It's a beautiful blessing when decent parents plan for and perform well, lifelong, in THE MOST HONORABLE OF RELATIONSHIPS.

  18. @1:56 shows some real wisdom. That is the best comment in this trash pile.

  19. ^^^^^ Mommy dearest!

  20. After all those kids fucking her is like1/2/17, 9:45 PM

    like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.

  21. I was checking the KMBC web site tonight and noticed that not only has Erin Little's name been removed from the weather team listing, but so has Jennifer McDermed. Hmmmmmmm!

  22. Comments about women here are disgusting. It is baffling why some people can't act like a human being in regard to another person, just because she is female. No way do men put up with this crap from women.

  23. Limiting the number of children you have is very important for individuals as well as society as a whole. Having a large brood may help if you live on a farm and need some farmhands, but most of us aren't in that situation. Having children is great but limiting the number you have only makes sense.

  24. Riiiiight, Brangelina @ 10:23. Oh, yeah, those richies got mansions, limos, prep schools, and vacay spots to fill. So, let's have the increasingly rare, healthy white baby adoptions affordable only to the elites who want them.

    I'm betting your scold of crowd control is aimed at U.S. workadays and welfare classes. No worries, the cool Hollywoodies and LBGTQWERTYs can kid shop over in Shitcanistan or Gottalottatots all they want.

  25. KMBC TV SUCKS as well as KCTV5's News anymore as well as their entire news crew and management !!

    Hell, they change News Anchors and Reporters so fast anymore at those stations, the community doesn't even know who their watching anymore, unlike the way it used to be, 15 to 30 years ago in KC.

    Back in the days of good ol' Dan Henry

    Mike Thompson

    Ann Peterson


    the stations back in the good ol' days, when properly Managed, used to only hire locals who were originally from this KC area and actually had a connection & involvement in the area.

    The last 10 years, those stations have become like musical frickin' chairs, constantly "importing" in, Newsy type idiots from other states as their mouth pieces with nothing to say but what the teleprompter sayz' in front of them !!

    No longer does KC News stations have any local Talent originally from this area , their all mostly "Imported" in like Refugee Terrorists to blow smoke up Kansas Citians asses,, until they move on to another city, another station

    and in comes yet another "Imported" in replacement for the KC News Stations from who the hell knows where

    Management at those stations are showing their True colors now, as to just how poor their management staff actually SUCKS !!!!!

    Never watch KCTV 5 anymore, their worthless

    KMBC TV 9 is just as badd and inept ,,,

    they both Suck Big Time !!!!

  26. Poor Joel Nichols gets forced out by an
    ambitious boopty... Now ambitious boopty gone.
    I know he wasn't the nicest guy at car dealership service centers
    but I still feel for him on this.

  27. Fuck Women. They should have never been given the vote. Fucking hormonal bitches.

  28. 12:15 You are pretty much right. One of the big problems is not always on air talent, but rather creative talent and productions. 99 percent of the local live production looks like a fucking college class project produced by kids who are completely impotent when it comes to professional broadcasting standards.

    KCTV has gotten so lame that they now have "news" interviews with paid sponsors having the interview lead right into a spot for the product that was being "objectively" reviewed. Sarah whats-her-face at KMBC is trying to flood the airwaves with low budget youthful diaper shitting kids that range from a weather dude who looks like Alfalfa to a black news anchor who is almost old enough to wipe his own ass. KSHB can not figure out if they are going to be the diversity leader or a broadcast outlet and every damn one of the local stations seem to think the FCC gave them all those extra digital channels so they could schedule more commercials and infomercials.

    The sad thing is that in spite of high definition digital quality becoming reality the professionalism that went into programming decades ago just beats the living shit out of this boring local yokel crap that is shoved down our throats today. Thank God there is a History Channel.

  29. TV stations around here go through "personalities" like Tony goes through dollar store doritos.

  30. Erin is hot!! That is all.

  31. Can't watch channel 9 weather anymore.... Jennifer just isn't weather person material... she needs to find another profession. Don't mean to be snide.. just not ready for the
    Big time


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