Despite his historic win, arguments against Prez-Elect Trump persist and this story has a leg up among the rest . . .

Here's a local take on the cheeky controversy and a question of dignity for women paid to show off their thigh meat in a variety of questionable circumstances.

Take a peek:

Mary Sanchez: Rockettes balk at dancing for our smarmy POTUS-to-be

Money line . . .

"The Rockettes drama may seem trivial compared with the other items of the news cycle. Yet this may turn out to be an object lesson about preserving our core democratic values in the face of power. The office of the presidency is due respect, but we must also demand respect for everyone the incoming president maligned to get elected: women, minorities, the disabled, immigrants. Maybe it takes a chorus line to remind us.

"Trump’s disgusting behavior and attitudes toward women are beyond disputable — his own words indict him. Need a reminder? Here are three: his demeaning talk of grabbing women’s private parts, his gross verbal assaults on female newscasters and entertainers who challenged him and his bragging about walking in on undressed teenaged beauty contestants.

"His behavior is the very pattern and practice of sexism. No sane human resources director would countenance compelling a female employee to work for such a man. And yet the Rockettes are expected to dance . . ."

More links from both sides of the issue . . .

Vanity Fair: Rockette Revelation Adds to Trump's Troubling Inauguration Woes

US Magazine: Rockette on Trump Inauguration: I'd 'Lose My Job Over This'

Hollywood Reporter: MSG Says Rockettes Make Choice to Perform at Trump Inauguration

Daily Mail: Rockette says no minorities have signed up to perform at Trump's inauguration and claims dancing for president will cause women 'trauma'

Independent: Donald Trump's team plays down need for celebrities at his inauguration: 'This is not Woodstock'

You decide . . .


  1. Is this a nontroversy or an outrageous outrage?. More drivel from a bitter DNC stooge.

  2. Talk about FAKE news! So far one Rockett member has unofficially expressed her disagreement on social media. What not one of these libtard FAKE ass joke journalists are reporting is that the troupe actually discussed the issue and the ladies unanimously agreed to support the decision to perform during the inauguration festivities before the Rocketts were ever scheduled.

    How pathetic that you left wing nutballs continue to fuel Trump negativity with facts you either dream up or with half truths. Is becoming a discredited liar the hallmark of a good Democrat?

    Mary Snatcheeze and her number one Latino fan need to get a fucking life and get over it. You and your fucking drama queen cry baby pals lost!!!

  3. What Sanchez and other print "journalists" have yet to realize is that when they try to compete with social media about silly mostly made-up "outrages", they lose big time.
    Just like Hillary was clueless and lost when she tried to run a 1990's campaign against a reality television star.
    It's like going to a gun fight with a legal pad.
    It's hard to imagine that the Star can become any less informative, relevant, or even interesting, but hangers-on like Sanchez seem to work at it every day.
    Surely her retirement package is working its way through the system.

  4. These broads have been throwing their trademark legs in the air forever and now they expect to be taken seriously? Get to dancin' and STFU.

  5. Everytime the Rockettes perform for men, it is "the very pattern and practice of sexism". Unless Sanchez has an unhealthy appreciation of female high kicks...

  6. ^^^^^^^

    Typical alt-right reactions; the troupe is union-led, which means the dancers have a say in where and for whom they appear.

    Given the fact Trump has outted himself as an unreconstructed sexual predator, the Rockettes are well within their rights to refuse him.

    Hell, over half the voting public refused him - why should the dancers be any different?

    1. Ahem. You are aware of Mr. Clinton's serial abuse of women? Not just making remarks about it. And enabled by his curmudgeonly wife, who the nation overwhelmingly rejected despite the entire media culture being in her corner!

      Enjoy your highly selective outrage! :)

  7. 8:08 What you fail to state is that of that entire Rocketts line only 13 dancers are full time union members. ALL others are considered part time or on contract. How strange that the union does not refuse to perform with the scabs. Sounds to me the Rocketts have more smoke and mirrors than Trump could ever match.

    This whole bullshit drama is just another tiny meaningless snippet the libtards have amplified in order to promote their dumb ass anti Trump program. The cry babies need to either get with the program and contribute something positive or get the fuck out of the way before American has had enough of thier bullshit.

  8. Hillary 2020!

  9. i guess i was mistaken in thinking that they let her go.

    probably a result of flipping the paper so fast and never reading yokel opinions or fake news padding.

    wasn't an out-of-towner supposed to be making editorials serious?

  10. There's more Rocketts willing and signed up for slots available, reported by J. Dolan (director of Madison Square Garden Ent.) on 12/23/16.

    The reason given for that one snowflake's refusal to perform was that no guarantee was made of a backstage party having stains squirted onto blue dresses, cigar sex play, and shrilly screams of "bimbo eruptions" from complicit spouses looking on! Hahahaha!!!

  11. no "minority" Rockettes? so much the better ..

    "Make the Rockettes Great Again"

  12. 8:08 and Sanchez are all triggered about Trump's locker room banter. But they overlook Hillary laughing about her real-world acquittal of a child rapist. And taking the lead role in attacking the accusers of her sexual predator husband. And telling jokes about "Colored People's Time". And calling a former KKK leader her "mentor".

  13. Hey Dirty Sanchez, blow me.......

    el Polar Bear

  14. Real news is when the fire department refuses to respond to the White House. Now that is a problem that might deserve a little of this drama.

  15. Fuck the Rockettes! This is nothing but a dancing wall of assholes, pretending to be something special. No, "ladies", kindly go fuck yourselves and just dissolve into the woodwork. Cunts.


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