Dee is one of the MOST PROMINENT AND KICK-ASS metro Conservative writers in this blog post she offers a POWERFUL PERSONAL TESTIMONY offering her take on this election. Maybe one of the best Kansas City metro blog posts of the week. Checkit: Why I Can't/Won't Vote for Donald Trump!


  1. She needs to be asking, "with a field of knuckledraggers like Cruz, Rubio, Ben Carson, Fiorina, it's why is anyone surprised we have Trump?"

    Thank there failures of the GOP to field a normal candidate and not these kooky freakshow people. This is the president. Not a circus ringmaster we're electing. But we have a sideshow narcissist, Trump, and the bearded lady, Hillary.

    Had the Republicans fielded even a remotely competent candidate they'd be mopping the floor with Hillary. But instead, we have the GOP party elites to thank for a Clinton victory.

  2. "I've debated this with many people. Fellow Republicans cry about how horrible and corrupt Hillary is (I know that better than anybody), how the Supreme Court is at stake (we have no clue who Trump would put on the court, he has no track record whatsoever) and how voting 3rd party is throwing my vote away (I've argued this so many times with others, but in this case my conscience triumphs)."

    Virtue signaling, faux, open borders RINO votes "conscience"?

    Bullshit. Narcissistic, bandwagoning sanctimony from a garden variety wet by every rain and blown by every media wind lover of "talking points" vis a vis real time facts.

    You're ok, if Eric Holder is on the Supreme Court, because you voted your "conscience". You're ok, if the Constitution is replaced by ever increasing pen and phone proclamations and fiats from Rome on the Potomac, because of your affected, emotional and pernicious lack of support lines up with your identity de jour and coincidental leftist cant.

    " This election is not a "binary choice" as Trump backers claim."

    Really? Anyone with above room temp IQ knows that the last election with even a long shot prayer of defeating the two party Republican and Democrat candidates was the fucking Bull Moose Party, whose candidate was a popular former president.

    So yes, it is, IS a "binary choice" even if you click your formerly RED slippers together and vote blue.

  3. So true conservatives don't support the candidate voted for by the majority if Republicans? If they don't do what she wants they can not possibly be conservatives or Republicans? This woman is a libtard calling herself a conservative. At his worst Trump could still pass a government background check and qualify for a security clearance, but she thinks Hilliary, of officially documented questionable integrity, should be president? While trying to define what she thinks a conservative is she complains about the guy selected by a majority of the very party she seems to think she is qualified to define??? What a Baffoon.

    1. The "true majority" never voted for Trump. Less than 10% of the votes went to Trump. Most conceeded the race long before even half the primaries were over.

  4. Establishment republicans privately want a Clinton victory. The reasoning is simple: a trump presidency causes some, perhaps several, republicans to bolt the party and join with the LP or the CP. a Clinton victory, on the other hand, solidifies republicans into an anti-Hillary block. In the end, it's better to lose and regroup in a position of strength than to win and watch support scatter into the wind.

  5. All the more reason Trump supporters should leave and form a third party that represents their beliefs. Of course that would be the majority of Republicans, but it would beat a party destroyed by leaders who choose to dictate their wishes rather than support the majority wishes.

  6. Every time I hear from these republicans who make sure we all know they won't vote for trump, it reminds me of those idiot Hollywood actors who parade around on a red carpet as if to say, "I'm better than you little people, but keep giving me your money you peasants ".

  7. Bill was and Hillary will be effectively Republican.


    " At his worst Trump could still pass a government background check and qualify for a security clearance... ."

    Are you sure about that?

    "...Hilliary (sic), of officially documented questionable integrity... ."

    No argument there, but Trump has his integrity issues as well.

  8. I'm a moderate Republican. A RINO. I always vote for Republican Presidential candidates but have also voted for McCaskill and Cleaver, and other local Democrats.

    I liked Rand Paul and John Kasich for distinctly different reasons but they didn't win. Donald Trump was my second to last choice slightly ahead of Ted Cruz, but he is the GOP nominee and the alternative is Hillary Clinton, a criminal who cheated to win the DNC nomination, and who has very aggressive policy with Russia, so there is no contest. #NeverHillary

    1. Thanks for confirming the Crazy inside you Stadler; I figured it out a long time ago and it's nice to see it confirmed.

    2. You'd vote for Trump because you think Hillary is dishonest, but you support Cleaver? You're not a moderate. You're a retard.

  9. @12:46 claiming moral equivalency between Trump and Hillary is like claiming football equivalency between the New England Patriots and a little league football team.

  10. ^^^^Totally agree. Trump is truly a sleezbag who has stiffed creditors, screwed over his employees and investors, employed undocumented workers while promising to deport all of them, used undue influence to have individual homes declared blighted in order to build casinos that later went bust, etc. And then there's his personal life. No comparison whatever. He just what this country needs to prove it's too stupid to deserve democracy.

  11. 158
    Totally agree with you, but I'm voting trump simply because I don't trust someone whose entire life has been to get to the White House
    Plus, never trust anyone who becomes a multi millionaire without actually producing anything to make that kind of money

  12. ^^^^^^Do we really know Trump is a multimillionaire (or a billionaire)? All we have is his word for it, and we all know people who overstate their worth.

  13. If Trump stiffed anyone it is because a shitload of Washington made it perfectly legal. If you know anything about business then you know you do what is best for the business. If you don't then you will loose your business. No apologies are required.

    Even the smallest weasel in corporate America will screw his best friend if doing so will keep him in favor. Bitching about Trump doing what is best for his business is just fucking dumb. I guarantee you will screw your buddies too if it is about keeping your family healthy and solvent. Welcome to the human race.

  14. @1:58 welcome to the blog, Baghdad Bob.

  15. The Vince Foster case is curious and you wonder if emails on Weiners wife will reopen his case... and how is Vince Foster and Hillary relevant again? Vote Republican so we can get Hillary to jail faster.

  16. 3:11: So Trump is less egregious than

    As for the latest FBI "announcement," what have they announced? That they're looking at a laptop. What does the laptop contain? Not even the Shadow knows at this point. My suspicion is it will turn out to be much ado about less than nothing.

    I could not help but be amused by Newt Gingrich's performance on Megyn Kelly's show--making the media feel guilty about reporting on--gasp!--sex. Why, when they found the little blue dress while investigating Whitewater, Gingrich and his cronies all piled on, knowing if something could be reduced to sex, the public would be interested. Funny thing, though, it turned out Clinton survived. Gingrich, who was fooling around with the soon-to-be third Mrs. G (while still married to #2) did not. Live by the sex scandal, die by the sex scandal.

    Is history about to repeat itself? Tune in a week from Tuesday.

  17. 8:05 you should get a job writing talking points for the HRC campaign with such world class spin.

  18. I seriously doubt Newt was ever capable of having actual sex...EWWW!!

  19. Great post Dee. I am glad to see that there are some conservative out there who really believe in their morals and principles.

  20. pussy grab vs hillary10/30/16, 8:37 PM

    Hillary cost Soldiers their lives, then lied about it.
    Hillary sold our uranium to the soviets.
    Hillary jeopardized national security, then lied about it.
    Hillary is pro 3rd trimester abortion. Stabbing a baby at the base of its skull is totes cool with Hillary.
    Hillary heads a charity that brings in millions from foreign sources. The operating costs exceed charitable donations by at least 80 pct.

    Trump with all of his shady deals and pussy grabbing, doesnt come close to Hillary in criminality or moral bankruptcy.

  21. We've got to put on hip boots to wade through your sanctimony, 8:36.


  22. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why one Donald J. Trump is going to not just be defeated but he will be roundly, soundly defeated, trounced, really, electorally, in this election on November 8.

    And thank God.

  23. The Republican Party is destroyed. We can thank the Koch Brother's for funding the Tea Party and ushering in the likes of Sarah Palin who gave us the road to Donald Trump. We are witnessing a point in history like the early 1980's after Ronald Reagan crushed Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party was in shambles. The Rust Belt died and the factories were shipping equipment overseas because they caused to much pollution over here. Then came the face of Bill Clinton looking like David Bowie on his late 7O's Tour "Return Of The Thin White Duke". That's all, just wanted to talk about Bill Clinton's great hair in 1992.

  24. Uh, not quite the way it happened. Reagan won in 1980, but the Democrats weren't in shambles; they retained control of Congress until 1994. And the greatest acceleration of factories shipping jobs overseas was after NAFTA passed in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton.


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