We've noted growing frustration among the law enforcement community and among some neighborhood leaders but now Kansas City's most prolific anti-crime activist is addressing local law enforcement leadership in no uncertain terms.
To wit . . .
Here's the KC Crimefighter in his own words . . .
Alonzo Washington: "The city is a war zone! A new police chief is needed to solve the weekly carnage there!"
Alonzo Washington notes the current crisis on local streets . . .
Alonzo Washington:"Chief Forte is a empty suit as a law enforcement leader! His faith based policing is sending Blacks 2 Heaven & Hell with murders! He sucks!"
Again, remember that Mr. Washington has risen to national prominence with help from community denizens providing tips throughout the metro and his critique should be considered carefully given that Mr. Washington has earned a higher profile than the Chief over his career worked to help solve a number of high-profile cases.
Like it or not, these notes from the KC Crimefighter represent a significant change in the support for this town's top cop.
Developing . . .
Look at the results and Washington DEFINITELY has a point. The numbers don't lie and the numbers show a lot more people dying on the Chief's watch this year.
ReplyDeleteYou're right! People are dying to watch the Chief's! I can't wait for the season to start!
DeleteThat Alonzo dude needs to get some chillin at the shit hole Diebels on the Plaza & smoke some weed !!!! Maybe that's what Will ,shut his pie hole up ! !
ReplyDeleteRight on the money. It's time for Forte' to go.
ReplyDeleteHow about they just stop shooting each other.
ReplyDeletePolice Departments are ad hoc organizations who arrive after crimes are committed. There is no "Minority Report" science fiction machine available to determine which feral, low life thug is going to murder rape and rob on any particular day.
ReplyDeleteExpecting the Police Dept. to correct and control your out of control thug kids, running the streets, with stolen ordnance and criminal intent, is shifting the blame, for the rampantly metastasizing African American criminality from the parents to "Society". In other words, "We din do nuffin, expecially raise dem kids."
The African American, Hip/Hop/Holocaust continues unabated as the MSM, our politicians, the Entertainment Industry and Education System lionizes and glorifies thugs like Michael Brown, Freddie Grey etc. etc. etc.
The cops can only show up to question people after the murder in neighborhoods where there is "No Snitchin" and cops are lucky to get out alive, or get out without being sued, or jailed for doing their jobs.
Be sure and vote Democrat. The slaughter will continue to be as sickening as the lies that enable it.
Bellum Ipsum Alet.
Man, chuck, I still can't get over it. The Germans machine gunned your grandfather and the Japs could have killed your dad. And the Viet Cong didn't try hard enough apparently.
DeleteAll three failed.
And as a result we're stuck listening to your blather.
Also, it's "Dindu Nuffins." If you're going to be a racist idiot at LEAST express yourself correctly, Colonel.
DeleteMurder is not something police prevent. That is something that city government must address by focusing on quality of life issues in communities facing high levels of violence. Chief Forté is attempting to morph the police from reactionary authority figures who respond with force into positive community icons who provide guidance and reassurance with their presence.
ReplyDeleteFor folks who want 20th century "broken windows" policing tactics where we tow cars with expired tags and lock up disproportionate amounts of black folks, that may reduce crime but it doesnt build communities up and it fosters tension and mistrust between law enforcement and POCs.
Chief Forté will weather his critics, but he could really use support from folks like Alonzo Washington.
Bro killings will continue until the numbers of bro is. 1. Because if 2 get together a killing is inevitable See you in Chicago
ReplyDeleteHe's done a lot of good things you'll never read about or hear about.
ReplyDeleteListening do tell me.
DeleteOfficers on patrol have stopped self-initiated activity and working problem locations for 2 reasons.
ReplyDelete#1 HE HAS RAPED EVERY PATROL DIVISION OF OFFICERS! When there are only 8-12 Officers working, they don't want to put themselves in possibly dangerous situations and NO Officers available to help.
#2 Who wants to work for a Chief who calls you racist??? What he doesn't realize is that MANY black Officers are disgusted with him for the same reasons.
Couldn't agree more. Forte has run the department into the ground and below.
Delete......WOW....the love fest between Tony Blow-me and porch monkey with the borrowed Harold Penner suit continues. Next we can expect Brian Stalder, ESQUIRE to host a fried chicken and polk salad picnic at the Alonzo/Forte fun run.
ReplyDeleteYou stupid fucks are getting a good dose of what "Black Lives Matter" is all about. Killing anything in range of that stolen 9. Enjoy your brief life in Killa City.
Bunch of hateful bitches. Luckily ya'll live out in a trailer and not KC.
DeleteChuckles answer to the problem. Vote for a nut-job loonie. Donald Trump.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. Chuckles, we know Caddyshack was your life lived on the big screen. Shameful when a gopher is smarter than you.
Put the blame where it belongs: on black people who refuse to parent and teach their kids right from wrong. Those same kids then start having kids when they are 15 and repeat cycle in the hood. You are talking about an entire race of people who eschew education and work, simple as that. They think their way of life is normal and see nothing wrong with it. And if they do see something wrong with it they aren't willing to put in the work to change it. Sitting home, smoking weed, collecting welfare is much easier than actually trying to improve your lot in life. Black people literally have zero expectations of their kids. Years ago I worked at a bar. One of the black guys in the kitchen got his 16 year old son and job washing dishes. The kid walked out early in his first shift. When I asked his dad about it here said his kid just wanted to run the streets. He wasn't even mad. Did not give a fuck his son quit less than two hours into his first job. That folks, about sums up black people.
ReplyDeleteBlozo don't even live on the Missouri side of town so what is he bitching about. Just another MEME from a welfare scam artist.
ReplyDeleteMr Bryan Esq apparently you didn't read the study that the "Broken Window Theory" actually works. Police enforce the laws and ordinance of the city they work. With the short staffing that this department is currently enduring in the patrol division. Not one patrol officer has the time needed to handle the situations they respond to. the officers are in greater danger and the public is in greater danger. There is no time to do community policing, there is no time for the officers to be social workers. The Chief hasn't got a clue on how to police the community. Homicides continue to increase, crime continues to increase, and response times increase. Removing the CIO's from their positions at the patrol stations is nothing more that a slap to the face of all the community groups in the city. Now there is no point of contact to assist in solving a problem.
ReplyDeleteHit the nail on the head.
DeleteBroken windows policies work in racist societies where white folks gentrify and discriminate against POCs, so we have to try something else.
DeleteTell that to Forte. He supports Broken Window. Guess that makes him a racist.
DeleteOnce again, I cannot disagree with Washington. 100%, I agree. I never like ascendancy to authority for the mere fact of skin color. He had better have some competency to back it up and this dud (Forte) simply does not. Let's be honest. The only reason Forte was given the job was his willingness to kiss John Miles ass and his commitment to displace residents at 2600 Prospect to Brooklyn. The better Black candidate was Masters. Yet, here we are. Violence at an all time high, most people are no longer people of faith, so poverty pimpin' aint what it used to be. Only the extremely stupid and low class are involved in that.
ReplyDeleteSo, we've gone from scapegoating the mayor to scapegoating the chief? You keep looking for local solutions to a national problem. The real problem is the national culture including the macho-ism of the men, which includes their love affair with guns & the increasingly violent nature of misogyny, the war on people of color (if you want to blame someone, blame Trump for making it worse), the war on the poor, the loss of manufacturing jobs (blame the investors who demand a profit at any & all costs), etc. You rant over a football player not standing for the national anthem & give contracts to overseas labor because they haven't yet fought for fair wages. Cheap consumer goods is more important to you than local jobs. You train young men for war & glorify war, & when they come home you make sure they can have as many guns as they want & then you bitch about the violence.
ReplyDeleteBut, let's blame the mayor & the chief because that's easy.
What kind of useless hullshit are you trying to sell? Not one of these murders were conducted by the hands of a veteran. They are nothing but useless dropouts. They have been provided free cash, free phones, free chances over and over again.
DeleteThey aren't killers because of jobs, they are killers because they like to kill. Forte lost this city the day he sold himself to the ministers. They have even less idea how to police than his over inflated staff does.
Talk is cheap. Observe the flat line stupidity of those willfully, impercipient slugs who parrot the Liberal Line while stepping over bodies still bleeding out, to scream about Police Violence.
ReplyDeleteHence, the Ferguson Effect.
Here is just one, one of the thousands of incidents that cops have to deal with every day, while you while Lib Pussies are sitting in your cubicle pretending to work while you watch The View. Here, you dumb fucks, is what is really going on in the streets where blacks live and operate outside of the Rule Of Law, thanks to your, incessant and unrelenting denial of the facts.
Here is your truth Liberals. The T.R.U.T.H.
ReplyDeleteTalk is all you have.
And we pay this guy overtime for what? Bad results?
ReplyDeleteThis is Killa City.
ReplyDeleteJust getting warmed up.
Bryan must live in a make believe world
ReplyDeleteEveryone wants Forte removed.
He has turned his back on the Police and the neighborhoods.
Neighborhood leaders fought hard for Community Policing , now he wants to end it and go back to the way it was.
Forte is,simply the wrong man for the job
"lock up disproportionate amounts of black folks" because a disproportionate amounts of black folks are committing the crime.
ReplyDeleteI shudder to think how bad the situation would be without Roe v. Wade. Like it or not, crime plummeted in 1991, exactly 18 years after the Roe decision. The best thing we can do for all poor communities, whether black, white or Hispanic, is to provide sex education and promote long-term birth control for at-risk females. Stop the teenage pregnancies, stop the cycle of poverty, drugs and violence.
ReplyDeleteMiscegenation created the light complexion among AA The blue eyed soul brother was king of the jungle IQ were increased and allowed a few to join the human race
ReplyDeleteHey Stadler. Move your ass down to 37th and Paseo and preach to us then.
ReplyDeleteI could be wrong but pretty sure 37th & Paseo is Squier Park. I love that neighborhood. I'd be happy to live anywhere on Paseo Boulevard but I've already invested in two properties in Northeast. I hope the city will do more to encourage private investment in more of the neighborhoods you've never visited. You're irrational fear is what hold us back.
DeleteBuild a wall around KC. Its too late to save it
ReplyDelete"racist societies" name a non - racist society and where it is located.
ReplyDeleteTouche. My point is that we don't support or enact racist policies just because Giuliani successfully gentrified NYC.
DeleteWrong, broken window policies work in all neighborhoods, and were practiced in NYC in neighborhoods of all economic levels. BTW,"gentrified" does not necessarily mean "white." Successful blacks want to live in better, safer neighborhoods just as much as successful whites, successful Asians, etc.
ReplyDeleteHey Bryan! Wake up! Forte supports Broken Window. Does that make him a racist?